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Pervasive Computing Framework development Kartik Vishwanath Arvind S. Gautam Rahul Gupta Sachin Singh.

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Presentation on theme: "Pervasive Computing Framework development Kartik Vishwanath Arvind S. Gautam Rahul Gupta Sachin Singh."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pervasive Computing Framework development Kartik Vishwanath Arvind S. Gautam Rahul Gupta Sachin Singh

2 What is a Pervasive Computing Framework ? Framework for developing “Smart” environments Framework for integrating devices and services into a cohesive unit. Framework for providing services based on user context.

3 Limitations of Existing Frameworks Pervasive computing systems developed till date are ad-hoc. The autonomous systems are isolated and have no interaction. No concept of global pervasiveness

4 Our Goals To create a generic, adaptable framework for pervasive computing To create a global framework i.e. Autonomous systems are not isolated Abstract devices as services and perform dynamic composition of these based on user context.

5 AS Head Unit 1 (Service) Unit 3 Device 1 Device 2 Device 3 Unit 2


7 Our Solution Event Based autonomous system (AS) AS defined by a set of policies User identified by profile User Profile + AS policies = Services available to a user

8 …………….Our Solution Devices abstracted by services Semantic Services use user context to resolve atomic services AS Policies can restrict use of certain services Two layers of services  Atomic Services  Semantic Services

9 Event Coordinator Service Coordinator Events Semantic Service 1 Semantic Service 2 Atomic Service 1 Atomic Service 2 Atomic Service 3 Atomic Service 4 Atomic Service 5 Device 1 Device 2 Device 3 Device 4Device 5 Device 6 User Context Model AS Policy

10 The Current Scenario The Hospital environment can be modeled into the system. Various devices (MRI machines etc.) must be abstracted The Knowledge Base developed by the KM group can drive Semantic Services

11 Study of Various Technologies One.World – A framework that facilitates building of applications for pervasive computing.  Developed by New York University 

12 One.World Architecture

13 Components of One.World The design has the following components Virtual machine  Support ad hoc composition of services Tuples (self-describing data)  Simplify sharing Environments  Act like address spaces, including protection  Store persistent data  Facilitate composition, check pointing, migration Events  Make change explicit to the application

14 What we can use from One.World? Concept of dynamic and distributed resource discovery servers compared to JINI that has static discovery servers. Mechanisms for checkpointing and storing application state. Mechanism of Event passing.

15 Temporal Reasoning Rule-based reasoner for processing and reasoning about temporal information given in XSD encoding. Functions of reasoner like…  Parsing instants of time in XSD representation  Constructs for manipulating default time zone used in process of normalizing non-UTC time to UTC time.  Constructs for comparing temporal order (before, after, and equals) for time instants.  Built inference support for high-level temporal reasoning.  Constructs for comparing time instants and time intervals.

16 An Ontology of Time

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