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To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper Lee SETTING OF THE NOVEL Southern United States 1930’s –Great Depression –Prejudice and legal segregation –Ignorance.

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2 To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper Lee

3 SETTING OF THE NOVEL Southern United States 1930’s –Great Depression –Prejudice and legal segregation –Ignorance

4 1930’s - Great Depression began when the stock market crashed in October, 1929 Businesses failed, factories closed –People were out of work –Even people with money suffered because nothing was being produced for sale. Poor people lost their homes, were forced to “live off the land.” Why does Atticus accept goods and services from the people he represents?

5 Racial prejudice was alive & well. Although slavery had ended in 1864, old ideas were slow to change.

6 Racial separation (segregation)

7 Social separation

8 Rober Frost “mending wall”mending wall How does this poem’s theme relate to the theme of the relationship between: Ms. Maude Atkinson and the community The Radleys and the community

9 The Radleys Poor, uneducated white people who lived on “relief “ – lowest social class, even below the poor blacks – prejudiced against black people –felt the need to “put down” blacks in order to elevate themselves

10 Prejudice in the novel Race Gender Handicaps Rich/Poor Age Religion

11 Characters Atticus Finch - an attorney whose wife has died, leaving him to raise their two children: -Jem – 10-year-old boy -Scout – (Jean Louise), 6-year-old girl Ms. Maude Atkinson - next door neighbor who is the mother figure and teacher of life to the children. Tom Robinson – a black man accused of raping white girl; he is defended at trial by Atticus The Radley’s - Physically cut off from the community Boo Radley - misunderstood and troubled is the unlikely hero

12 Point of View First person –S–Story is told by Scout, a 10-year-old girl –U–Unreliable narrator

13 Reading the Novel Setting - Where does the novel take places? Point of View – First person, unreliable narrator, who are her influences, how does she process the information she receives Themes - social morality (good v evil), do fences build good neighbors?

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