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C MU U sable P rivacy and S ecurity Laboratory 1 Privacy Policy, Law and Technology Search Engines and Social Networks October.

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Presentation on theme: "C MU U sable P rivacy and S ecurity Laboratory 1 Privacy Policy, Law and Technology Search Engines and Social Networks October."— Presentation transcript:

1 C MU U sable P rivacy and S ecurity Laboratory 1 Privacy Policy, Law and Technology Search Engines and Social Networks October 21, 2008

2 Online Social Networks

3 C MU U sable P rivacy and S ecurity Laboratory 3 graph from

4 C MU U sable P rivacy and S ecurity Laboratory 4 MySpace  Profiles available to the public –No login required to view information  Used for “Social Browsing” –Finding new friends

5 C MU U sable P rivacy and S ecurity Laboratory 5 Privacy Settings

6 C MU U sable P rivacy and S ecurity Laboratory 6 Facebook  Perceived as a “closed community” or “for college students only” –Login required to access profiles  User for “Social Searching” –Finding existing friends, or people met in person

7 C MU U sable P rivacy and S ecurity Laboratory 7 Privacy Scandals  Facebook Mini-Feed/Feed Uproar –Introduced in Fall 2006 –Aggregates all “Friend” profile updates –Aggregates all actions taken on Facebook –Generated Uproar and User Backlash  User base opened to everyone –Added geographical networks –No longer limits email addresses

8 C MU U sable P rivacy and S ecurity Laboratory 8 Pimp My Privacy  New Privacy Features introduced –Enhanced Settings –Specific Mini-Feed information can be removed –Access control granularity increased to the Network Level –Limited Profile introduced

9 C MU U sable P rivacy and S ecurity Laboratory 9

10 C MU U sable P rivacy and S ecurity Laboratory 10

11 C MU U sable P rivacy and S ecurity Laboratory 11

12 C MU U sable P rivacy and S ecurity Laboratory 12

13 C MU U sable P rivacy and S ecurity Laboratory 13 Privacy In Facebook  People are more privacy-protective than default setting


15 C MU U sable P rivacy and S ecurity Laboratory 15 Search engines  Search engine query logs can be very revealing  Provide insights into what people are doing, interested in, thinking about  Can be connected to form longitudinal profile  Difficult to anonymize completely  2006 AOL search log release –http://aolstalker.com –http://aolpycho.com –DEMO

16 16 Why share query logs? Academia has difficulty contributing to web search Untold insights into human behavior exist within logs Source: Andrew Tomkins

17 17 Why not share query logs? Source: Andrew Tomkins

18 18 “Person” attack versus “Trace” attack Trace attack: given a trace, identify the person Person attack: the dual Adversaries in person attack: –“Neighborly” knowledge –Query knowledge –Browser compromise Source: Andrew Tomkins

19 19 Person attack (750K users) Source: Andrew Tomkins

20 C MU U sable P rivacy and S ecurity Laboratory 20 Discussion  What are the privacy risks associated with social networks and search engines?  What are the web sites doing to mitigate these risks?  Is it enough?  Is opting in to having your data collected and/or shared sufficient?

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