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Measuring & Reducing Statistical Burden - A case study from Ireland Steve MacFeely Director of Business Statistics & Innovation Central Statistics Office,

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Presentation on theme: "Measuring & Reducing Statistical Burden - A case study from Ireland Steve MacFeely Director of Business Statistics & Innovation Central Statistics Office,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Measuring & Reducing Statistical Burden - A case study from Ireland Steve MacFeely Director of Business Statistics & Innovation Central Statistics Office, Ireland

2 Outline of Presentation 1. Context & history 2. Building a statistical system 3. Measuring Burden – 2 approaches 4. Reducing Burden 5. Tackling Perception 6. Blockages & Risks 7. Lessons (so far...)

3 CSO – 5 High Level Goals 1. Improvement in the scope, quality and timeliness of our statistics 2. Minimising the burden on survey respondents 3. Increasing the use of administrative data for statistical purposes 4. Achieving greater efficiencies using best practices 5. Raising public awareness and use of statistics

4 Demand for statistics Data Requirements Domestic International

5 Building a statistical system NSB Strategy for Statistics 2003 – 2008 - coherent whole-system approach - harness all the potential of existing data sources - support evidence-based policy making Statistical Potential of Administrative Records (SPAR) - 2003 Person & Social - 2005 Enterprise & Environmental - 2008 Taxation - 20?? Local Government? 2003 Government decision – Data/Statistics Strategy - determine departments data needs (and likely sources) - determine skills required to analyse data

6 Measuring Burden – Approach 1 (CSO) Concepts:Questionnaire based Time taken Actual Compliance 2004 – Pilot burden measurement 2008 – 1 st Report on Response Burden placed on Irish Businesses by CSO enquiries, 2007 2009 – Burden question to all enterprise questionnaires 2010 – 1 st comprehensive Response Burden Barometer (web only)

7 Measuring Burden – Approach 2 (Standard Cost Model) Concepts:Interview based Full compliance Business As Usual 2010 – Standard Cost Model Report: Measurement of administrative burden imposed on Irish businesses by Central Statistics Office inquiries

8 Approaches 1 & 2 – Summary of key results In 2008 over 67% of businesses in Ireland did not receive any inquiries from CSO 20% of businesses in 2008 only received a single questionnaire from CSO Less than 5% of enterprises received more than 10 forms In 2008 CSO imposed an overall burden on businesses of €10.8 million CSO inquiries account for less than 1% of total administrative burden Between 2007 and 2008 Net burden fell by 7% Forecast Net reduction in burden of approximately 19% between 2007 and 2011

9 Reducing Burden - Actions Internal - Reduce sample sizes - Re-engineer questionnaires/small business forms - Terminate surveys - Data matching - Re-organisation of business statistics (product to process) - LSS Process mapping review - Create Administrative Data Centre - Create Large Cases Unit External - Joint Surveys - Formal MOUs - Increased use of administrative data - Automatic data extraction

10 Results – Change in NET burden

11 Perception 2006 – HM Government (UK) ONS accounts for 0.3% of total administrative burden 2009 – Stoiber Group European Commission High Level Group of Independent Stakeholders on Administrative Burdens Statistics accounts for €629m or 0.5% of total administrative burden 2010 – CSO Statistics accounts for €10.8m or 0.5% of total administrative burden

12 Actions to mitigate perception Response Burden Barometer Statistics Seminars Papers & articles Business & Trade Association Conferences Statistics Liaison Groups High Level Group on Burden Reduction

13 Blockages to progress Poor statistical infrastructure: - Unique Business Identifiers - Postal/Spatial codes - Harmonised Accounting taxonomy - Interdepartmental Business Register Difficulty accessing to “new” data: - Data Protection issues (legal interpretation) - Coordinated v’s Unilateral approach

14 Risks Dependence on administrative data holders Data Protection legislation Ability to control staff profile No change in perception Financial crisis Other official or private sector surveys/publications cease

15 Lessons (so far...) Statistical Infrastructure needed Strategic, coordinated approach necessary - Nationally - Internationally Limit to real burden reduction Transfer of burden (from enterprises to NSIs) Results validated (but surprising – contrary to perception) Unintended consequences - estimating burden is risky Statistics have a high irritation factor Communication crucial

16 Contact details Steve MacFeely Director of Business Statistics & Innovation Central Statistics Office Skehard Road Cork Ireland Tel (direct): 00-353-21-453 5303 Mobile: 00-353-87-2290 273 John Hayes Statistician – Administrative Data Central Statistics Office Skehard Road Cork Ireland Tel (direct): 00-353-453 5082

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