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Container Traversal Cmput 115 - Lecture 20 Department of Computing Science University of Alberta ©Duane Szafron 2000 Some code in this lecture is based.

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1 Container Traversal Cmput 115 - Lecture 20 Department of Computing Science University of Alberta ©Duane Szafron 2000 Some code in this lecture is based on code from the book: Java Structures by Duane A. Bailey or the companion structure package Revised 2/23/00

2 ©Duane Szafron 2000 2 About This Lecture In this lecture we will learn about traversing containers. In Java, traversal is commonly done using the Enumeration and Iterator Interfaces.

3 ©Duane Szafron 2000 3 Outline Traversals The Enumeration Interface The Iterator Interface Vector Iterators

4 ©Duane Szafron 2000 4 Container Traversal traversal A traversal is an operation that accesses each element of a container once and performs some operation on the element as it is accessed. Common traversals: –Output all elements in a container. –Create a new container that contains all of the elements of the old one. –Compute the index of the first element of an indexed container that is equal to a key. –Add up the values of all Integer elements in a container.

5 ©Duane Szafron 2000 5 Four Approaches to Traversal There are four common approaches to traversal: –Explicit traversal operations –Cursors –Method Parameters –Iterators

6 ©Duane Szafron 2000 6 Explicit Operations The explicit traversal operations approach provide a different container operation for each traversal, like: outputElements(), findIndex (Object), sumOfElements(), capitalizeElements() One disadvantage of this approach is that similar traversal code is repeated in each traversal operation (e.g., we need code to output and to sum the elements in a container). A second disadvantage is that new traversals may be required after the container class has been finished.

7 ©Duane Szafron 2000 7 Cursor Traversals cursor traversal The cursor traversal approach provide operations that give access to a current element (cursor) and operations that move the cursor, and let the user write the different traversals as needed. Example: cursor = this.head; // partial traversal while ((cursor != null) && (!cursor.value().equals(anObject)) cursor =; The disadvantage of this approach is that the user must write the traversals –The user may make mistakes. –This is duplication of effort for multiple users.

8 ©Duane Szafron 2000 8 A Container with a Cursor 47153 aContainer firstcursor

9 ©Duane Szafron 2000 9 A Container with a Cursor A cursor protocol: –resetCursor() –moveCursor() –cursorAtEnd() –cursorElement() 47153 aContainer cursorfirst

10 ©Duane Szafron 2000 10 Method Parameters - apply method parameters Provide a few basic traversal operations that apply method parameters to the elements. We could add the method applyUsing(Object, Method) to a container class which takes an Object and a method as arguments and applies the method to the Object once for each element of the container with the element as an argument. Vector For example, if Vector provided this method we could print all of the elements in the Vector using: myVector.applyUsing(System.out, println(Object)) We could use the same method to copy the Vector: myVector.applyUsing(newVector, addElement(Object))

11 ©Duane Szafron 2000 11 Method Parameters - find find(Method) We could add the method find(Method) to a container class which takes a method as an argument, applies the method to each element of the container and returns the index for the first application that returns true. For example, if Vector provided this method we could find the index of an Object using: myVector.find(equals(Object)) Unfortunately, Java does not support methods as parameters, but other languages (Pascal, C, C++ and Smalltalk) do.

12 ©Duane Szafron 2000 12 Iterators and Enumerations The Iterator traversal approach is similar to the cursor approach, but a new class of object is provided so that the container class provider hides the cursor. Java introduces two interfaces to support iterator- style traversals: Enumeration and Iterator. The Enumeration Interface supports container traversal in which the order is not deterministic. The Iterator Interface supports ordered traversal of containers.

13 ©Duane Szafron 2000 13 Enumeration Hierarchy In the java.* packages, Enumerator and Iterator are independent Interfaces. In the structure package, Iterator extends Enumerator. The Iterator Interface in the structure package defines different methods than the Iterator Interface in the java.* packages. Enumerator Iterator

14 ©Duane Szafron 2000 14 Creating Enumerations & Iterators The user never creates an Enumeration or Iterator object explicitly. Instead, each container class provides a method that returns an object that implements the Enumeration or Iterator interface. For example, the Collection Interface defines: public Iterator elements(); // post: return an iterator for traversing the // collection

15 ©Duane Szafron 2000 15 Enumeration & Iterator Classes The elements() method is implemented in each class that implements the Collection Interface. The class of the Object returned is hidden from the user of the collection class. The Enumeration or Iterator class is defined inside of the collection class, but is not made public. The Enumeration or Iterator object can only be used by sending it messages defined in the public interface.

16 ©Duane Szafron 2000 16 Structure Interface - Enumerator public interface Enumerator { public boolean hasMoreElements(); // pre: the associated container has not been changed // since the last time this method was invoked // post: returns true iff at least one element of the // associated container has yet to be enumerated. public Object nextElement(); // pre: the associated container has more // unenumerated elements // post: returns an unenumerated element of the // associated container and marks it as enumerated } code based on Bailey pg. 155

17 ©Duane Szafron 2000 17 Enumerator Example public static void main (String[ ] args) { Collection container; Enumeration enumerator; container = new SetList(); container.add(“Fred”); container.add(“Barney”); enumerator = container.elements(); while (enumerator.hasMoreElements()) System.out.println(enumerator.nextElement()); } code based on Bailey pg. 158 Barney Fred

18 ©Duane Szafron 2000 18 Structure Interface - Iterator public interface Iterator extends Enumeration { public Object nextElement (); // pre: the associated container has more // uniterated elements // post: returns the next uniterated element of the // associated container and marks it as iterated public void reset (); // post: Makes the Iterator ready for a new traversal public Object value (); // pre: the associated container has more // uniterated elements // post: Returns the next element to be iterated } code based on Bailey pg. 157

19 ©Duane Szafron 2000 19 Iterator Example public static void main (String[ ] args) { Vector container; Iterator iterator; container = new Vector(); container.addElement(“Fred”); container.addElement(“Barney”); iterator = container.elements(); while (iterator.hasMoreElements()) { System.out.println(iterator.value()); System.out.println(iterator.nextElement()); } code based on Bailey pg. 158 Fred Barney

20 ©Duane Szafron 2000 20 VectorIterator - State and Constructor class VectorIterator implements Iterator { // This class is not a public class // It is implemented inside of the file: that // declares the public class: Vector protected Vector vector; protected int current; public VectorIterator(Vector v) {// not really public // post: intitalizes Vector and resets the traversal this.vector = v; this.reset(); } code based on Bailey pg. 159

21 ©Duane Szafron 2000 21 VectorIterator - Enumeration Interface /* Interface Enumeration Methods */ public boolean hasMoreElements () { // pre: the associated container has not been changed // since the last time this method was invoked // post: returns true iff at least one element of the // associated container has yet to be enumerated. return this.current < this.vector.size(); } public Object nextElement () { // pre: the associated container has more uniterated elements // post: returns the next uniterated element of the // associated container and marks it as iterated return this.vector.elementAt(this.current++); } code based on Bailey pg. 159

22 ©Duane Szafron 2000 22 VectorIterator - Iterator Interface /* Interface Iterator Methods */ public void reset () { // post: Makes the Iterator ready for a new traversal this.current = 0; } public Object value (); // pre: the associated container has more // uniterated elements // post: Returns the next element to be iterated return this.vector.elementAt(this.current); } code based on Bailey pg. 160

23 ©Duane Szafron 2000 23 Class Vector - elements() public Iterator elements () { // post: returns an Iterator for traversing the elements return new VectorIterator (this); } code based on Bailey pg. 158

24 ©Duane Szafron 2000 24 Some Principles from the Textbook 14. Never modify a data structure while an associated Enumeration is live. 15. Assume that values returned by Iterators are read-only. principles from Bailey ch. 8

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