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MINI ERLANG ID1218 Lecture 032009-11-02 Christian Schulte Software and Computer Systems School of Information and Communication Technology KTH – Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Sweden
Reminder & Overview L03, 2009-11-02ID1218, Christian Schulte 2
Roadmap: MiniErlang What to compute with MiniErlang expressions and programs What are the results MiniErlang Values What are the instructions for compound value construction and function call How are functions called parameters are passed by substitution considers only matching clauses clauses have patterns (we ignore guards) L03, 2009-11-02ID1218, Christian Schulte 3
Evaluating Values L03, 2009-11-02 4 ID1218, Christian Schulte
MiniErlang Values A MiniErlang value is an integer or a list other values are similar In short notation V := int | [] | [ V 1 | V 2 ] known as BNF notation: discussed later so: values are referred to by V (possibly subscripted) can be: any integer, the empty list, a cons consisting of two values V 1 and V 2 L03, 2009-11-02ID1218, Christian Schulte 5
MiniErlang Expressions A MiniErlang expression is a value, a variable, or a function call E :=int | [] | [ E 1 | E 2 ] |X | F(E 1,…, E n ) expressions referred to by E variables referred to by X function names referred to by F L03, 2009-11-02ID1218, Christian Schulte 6
MiniErlang Machine MiniErlang machine Es ; Vs → Es’ ; Vs’ transforms a pair (separated by ;) of expression stack Es and value stack Vs into a new pair of expression stack Es’ and value stack Vs’ Initial configuration: expression we want to evaluate on expression stack Final configuration: single value as result on value stack L03, 2009-11-02ID1218, Christian Schulte 7
Stacks We write stacks as X 1 … X n Xr top of stack X 1 n-th element X n more elementsXr empty stack Pushing X to stack Xr: X Xr Popping X from stack X Xr:Xr L03, 2009-11-02ID1218, Christian Schulte 8
MiniErlang Execution Idea Simple case: an integer evaluates to itself the result of an integer expression… …is an integer value MiniErlang machine i Er ; Vs → Er ; i Vs if the expression stack has the integer i as top of stack… execution yields: the expression i is popped from the expression stack and pushed on to the value stack same for empty list L03, 2009-11-02ID1218, Christian Schulte 9
MiniErlang Instruction Idea How to evaluate a list expression [ E 1 | E 2 ] first evaluate E 1, to a value V 1, … then evaluate E 2, to a value V 2, … then construct a new value [ V 1 | V 2 ] Use an instruction that says: build a list makes the assumption that values needed are on the value stack execution will pop two values, push a new list value when [ E 1 | E 2 ] is executed, E 1 and E 2 and the instruction CONS are pushed on the expression stack L03, 2009-11-02ID1218, Christian Schulte 10
Evaluating a List Expression Evaluate a list expression [ E 1 | E 2 ] Er ; Vs → E 1 E 2 CONS Er ; Vs Execute a CONS instruction CONS Er ; V 1 V 2 Vs → Er ; [ V 2 | V 1 ] Vs L03, 2009-11-02ID1218, Christian Schulte 11
Example We want to evaluate the expression [1|[]] (that is, just the list [1] ) Start configuration of our machine [1|[]] ; expression stack: [1|[]] empty value stack: What should be the end configuration: ; [1|[]] empty expression stack: result on value stack: [1|[]] L03, 2009-11-02ID1218, Christian Schulte 12
Let’s Do It! [1|[]] ; → … L03, 2009-11-02ID1218, Christian Schulte 13 [ E 1 | E 2 ] Er ; Vs → E 1 E 2 CONS Er ; Vs
Let’s Do It! [1|[]] ; → 1 [] CONS ; → … L03, 2009-11-02ID1218, Christian Schulte 14 i Er ; Vs → Er ; i Vs
Let’s Do It! [1|[]] ; → 1 [] CONS ; → [] CONS ; 1 → … L03, 2009-11-02ID1218, Christian Schulte 15 i Er ; Vs → Er ; i Vs
Let’s Do It! [1|[]] ; → 1 [] CONS ; → [] CONS ; 1 → CONS ; [] 1 → … L03, 2009-11-02ID1218, Christian Schulte 16 CONS Er ; V 1 V 2 Vs → Er ; [ V 2 | V 1 ] Vs
Let’s Do It! [1|[]] ; → 1 [] CONS ; → [] CONS ; 1 → CONS ; [] 1 → ; [1|[]] L03, 2009-11-02ID1218, Christian Schulte 17
Summary MiniErlang values expressions MiniErlang machine operates on expression and value stack evaluates topmost expression on expr stack executes topmost instruction on expr stack Start state: single expr on expr stack Final state: single value on value stack L03, 2009-11-02ID1218, Christian Schulte 18
Executing Functions L03, 2009-11-02 19 ID1218, Christian Schulte
Roadmap How to evaluate arguments before executing function… shuffle arguments on expression stack have a call instruction executing call instruction picks values from value stack How to find the right clause explain matching How to pass parameters replace variables by substitution L03, 2009-11-02ID1218, Christian Schulte 20
Evaluating Function Call Evaluate call expression F(E 1, …, E n ) Er ; Vs → E 1 … E n CALL( F/n ) Er ; Vs L03, 2009-11-02ID1218, Christian Schulte 21
MiniErlang Patterns Somehow: values + variables Or, crisply: P :=int | [] | [ P 1 | P 2 ] | X L03, 2009-11-02ID1218, Christian Schulte 22
Pattern Matching Pattern matching takes a pattern P and a value V and returns true, iff the value matches the pattern If V matches P, a substitution is returned for each variable in the pattern P a matching value Substitutions are applied to expressions replacing variables by the respective values Details come later, just the big picture now L03, 2009-11-02ID1218, Christian Schulte 23
Pattern Matching Examples [X|Xr] matches [2|[1|[]]] substitution { X 2, Xr [1|[]] } [X|[X|Xr]] matches [2|[2|[]]] substitution { X 2, Xr [] } [X|[X|Xr]] does not match [2|[1|[]]] no substitution, of course L03, 2009-11-02ID1218, Christian Schulte 24
Substitution Examples Application of substitution { X 2, Xr [1|[]] } to expression X+len(Xr) yields yields 2+len([1|[]]) We refer to substitutions bys application to expression E bys(E) L03, 2009-11-02ID1218, Christian Schulte 25
Reminder: Call Expression Evaluate call expression F(E 1, …, E n ) Er ; Vs → E 1 … E n CALL( F/n ) Er ; Vs L03, 2009-11-02ID1218, Christian Schulte 26
Executing CALL CALL( F/n ) Er ; V 1 … V n Vs → s(E ) Er ; Vs F(P 1, …, P n ) -> E is the first clause of F/n such that the pattern [ P 1, …, P n ] matches… …the list value [ V n, …, V 1 ] with substitution s L03, 2009-11-02ID1218, Christian Schulte 27
Example Assume we want to evaluate f([1|[]]) where f/1 is defined by the single clause f([X|Xr]) -> [X|f(Xr)]. L03, 2009-11-02ID1218, Christian Schulte 28
Let’s Do It! f([1|[]]) ; → [1|[]] CALL(f/1) ; → 1 [] CONS CALL(f/1) ; → [] CONS CALL(f/1) ; 1 → CONS CALL(f/1) ; [] 1 → CALL(f/1) ; [1|[]] → [1|f([])] ; → … L03, 2009-11-02ID1218, Christian Schulte 29
What Do We Ignore? Runtime errors what if no clause matches Simplistic values No un-nesting No guards simple: just check guards on values No case and if expressions rewrite to additional functions L03, 2009-11-02ID1218, Christian Schulte 30
An Important Fact… The expressions on the expression stack must have an essential property… hmmm… Look to the example again! L03, 2009-11-02ID1218, Christian Schulte 31
Last Call Optimization MiniErlang has last call optimization (LCO) built in remember what to do next on stack do not remember where to return to What effect for recursive programs? L03, 2009-11-02ID1218, Christian Schulte 32
MiniErlang Full Picture L03, 2009-11-02ID1218, Christian Schulte 33
Making MiniErlang More Realistic Substitution replaces variables in clause bodies by values values will be deconstructed and reconstructed over and over again Add single rule that optimizes values an expression that is a value can be directly moved from the expression to the value stack subsumes the rules for integers and the empty list L03, 2009-11-02ID1218, Christian Schulte 34
MiniErlang: Values, Expressions, Instructions MiniErlang values V := int | [] | [ V 1 | V 2 ] MiniErlang expressions E := int | [] | [ E 1 | E 2 ] | X | F(E 1,…, E n ) where X stands for a variable MiniErlang instructions CONS, CALL L03, 2009-11-02ID1218, Christian Schulte 35
MiniErlang: Expressions Evaluate values V Er ; Vs → Er ; V Vs provided V is a value Evaluate list expression [ E 1 | E 2 ] Er ; Vs → E 1 E 2 CONS Er ; Vs Evaluate function call F(E 1, …, E n ) Er ; Vs → E 1 … E n CALL( F/n ) Er ; Vs L03, 2009-11-02ID1218, Christian Schulte 36
MiniErlang: Instructions CONS instruction CONS Er ; V 1 V 2 Vs → Er ; [ V 2 | V 1 ] Vs CALL instruction CALL( F/n ) Er ; V 1 … V n Vs → s(E ) Er ; Vs F(P 1, …, P n ) -> E first clause of F/n such that [ P 1, …, P n ] matches [ V n, …, V 1 ] with substitution s L03, 2009-11-02ID1218, Christian Schulte 37
MiniErlang Pattern Matching Patterns P :=int | [] | [ P 1 | P 2 ] | X match(P,V) s:=try(P,V) if error s or X V 1, X V 2 s withV 1 ≠V 2 then no else s where try( i, i ) = try( [], [] ) = try( [ P 1 | P 2 ], [ V 1 | V 2 ] )= try(P 1,V 1 ) try(P 2,V 2 ) try(X,V) = {X V} otherwise= {error} L03, 2009-11-02ID1218, Christian Schulte 38
Pattern Matching Example match( [A,A|[B|B]],[1,1,[]] ) Uniform list notation match( [A|[A|[B|B]]],[1|[1|[[]|[]]]] ) Evaluate try try( [A|[A|[B|B]]],[1|[1|[[]|[]]]] ) L03, 2009-11-02ID1218, Christian Schulte 39
Evaluating try try( [A|[A|[B|B]]],[1|[1|[[]|[]]]] ) = try( A,1 ) try( [A|[B|B]],[1|[[]|[]]] ) = { A 1 } try( A,1 ) try( [B|B],[[]|[]] ) = { A 1 } { A 1 } try( B,[] ) try( B,[] ) = { A 1 } { B [] } { B [] } = { A 1, B [] } Matches with substitution: { A 1, B [] } L03, 2009-11-02ID1218, Christian Schulte 40
Pattern Matching Example match( [A,A|[B|B]],[1,2,[]] ) Uniform list notation match( [A|[A|[B|B]]],[1|[2|[[]|[]]]] ) Evaluate try try( [A|[A|[B|B]]],[1|[2|[[]|[]]]] ) L03, 2009-11-02ID1218, Christian Schulte 41
Evaluating try try( [A|[A|[B|B]]],[1|[2|[[]|[]]]] ) = try( A,1 ) try( [A|[B|B]],[2|[[]|[]]] ) = { A 1 } try( A,2 ) try( [B|B],[[]|[]] ) = { A 1 } { A 2 } try( B,[] ) try( B,[] ) = { A 1, A 2 } { B [] } { B [] } = { A 1, A 2, B [] } Does not match! L03, 2009-11-02ID1218, Christian Schulte 42
Substitution Defined over structure of expressions s( i ) = i s( [] ) = [] s( [ E 1 | E 2 ] ) = [ s(E 1 ) | s(E 2 ) ] s(F(E 1, …, E n )) = F(s(E 1 ), …, s(E n )) s(X)= if X V s then V else X L03, 2009-11-02ID1218, Christian Schulte 43
Matching and Substitutions If P matches V with substitution s s=match(P,V) then s(P)=V L03, 2009-11-02ID1218, Christian Schulte 44
Substitution Assume s= { A 1, B [] } s( [A|[A|[B|B]]] ) = [ s( A ) | s( [A|[B|B]] ) ] = [1|[ s( A ) | s( [B|B] ) ]] = [1|[1|[ s( B ) | s( B ) ]]] = [1|[1|[[]|[]]]] L03, 2009-11-02ID1218, Christian Schulte 45
Extending MiniErlang Built-in expressions, for example… evaluate addition E 1 + E 2 Er ; Vs → E 1 E 2 ADD Er ; Vs execute ADD instruction ADD Er ; V 1 V 2 Vs → Er ; V 2 + V 1 Vs Comma operator sequence of expressions replace substitution by environment lookup value for variable from environment L03, 2009-11-02ID1218, Christian Schulte 46
What Did We Actually Do? Blueprint of MiniErlang implementation operational semantics capable of explaining how calls are handelled stack machine A real implementation would statically replace (compilation) call and list construction to the respective instructions would replace substitution by environments (registers) …of a stack machine is the JVM! L03, 2009-11-02ID1218, Christian Schulte 47
What Can We Answer Faithful model for runtime measure: number of function calls all remaining operations are constant wrt function calls Faithful model for memory MiniErlang does not use heap memory: value stack stack space: number of entries on either stack space: size of entries on either stack L03, 2009-11-02ID1218, Christian Schulte 48
Homework Hand execute app/2 in MiniErlang! Try all examples L03, 2009-11-02ID1218, Christian Schulte 49
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