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UCIST University Consortium on Instructional Shake Tables Shirley J. Dyke Washington University in St. Louis March 23, 2000.

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Presentation on theme: "UCIST University Consortium on Instructional Shake Tables Shirley J. Dyke Washington University in St. Louis March 23, 2000."— Presentation transcript:

1 UCIST University Consortium on Instructional Shake Tables Shirley J. Dyke Washington University in St. Louis March 23, 2000

2 UCIST Project Description Acquire bench-scale shake tables for undergraduate experiments Involves 23 universities from the three national earthquake centers (PEER, MCEER, MAE) Each university has purchased a shake table and is developing an experiment

3 Goals and Objectives Develop a series of experiments to incorporate into undergraduate CE curriculum Improve students understanding of the dynamic nature of structures Provide exposure to non-engineering students about the potential consequences of earthquakes

4 Project Activities Classroom Experiments Videos on Experiments Undergraduate and School Children Competitions CD-ROM of Experiments and Videos Undergraduate Research Projects Outreach Activities Primary Secondary

5 Instructional Earthquake Simulator

6 Classroom Activities CE 146: Intro to Civil Engrg CE 336: Structural Materials Lab

7 Outreach Activities

8 Research Projects

9 Instructional Shake Table INCLUDES Shake Table 2 story building 3 accelerometers Computer Real-time control/data acquisition board Function generator

10 Timeline Fall 1999 Develop Specs Funding Obtained CD-ROM Assembled Spring 2001 Prototype Testing Spring 2000 Deliver Shake Tables Summer 2000 Fall 2000 Develop Experiments

11 Sample Experiments Demonstration of Lateral-Torsional Coupling in Buildings Seismic Response of Building Frames Demonstration of Non-Structural Seismic Hazards in the Home Dynamic Behavior of Simple Soil-Structure Systems Web-Controlled Shake Table K-12 Outreach Activities in Earthquake Engineering Demonstration Experiment of Sloshing Fluid Damper and Tuned Mass Damper

12 Project Evaluation Evaluation is planned through the web site Each faculty/student involved will complete annual on-line surveys Web page statistics will provide external impact measures (domains, countries)

13 Web Server Statistics

14 Web Server Statistics (Countries)

15 Future Directions Finalize example experiment Build a tutorial program for getting started using the shake tables On-line surveys for web site visitors

16 For more information:

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