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Prof. John Nestor ECE Department Lafayette College Easton, Pennsylvania 18042 ECE 426 - VLSI System Design Lecture 2 - Verilog Review January 29, 2003
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 22 Where we are... Today: Verilog Review Verilog, Event-Driven Simulation, and Delays
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 23 Announcements Class in AEC 400 until further notice TA Position Available in ECE 323 Lab- See Dr. Rich Reading Wolf: 8.1-8.3 Breaking news: Smaller chip companies combine efforts on new processes EE Times 1/13: AMD, IBM to collaborate on 65nm, 45nm EE Times 1/20: Motorola, Philips & STMicroelectronics collaborating on 90nm & 65nm development Intel continues to go it alone (EE Times 1/20)
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 24 Major Topics this Semester Advanced Verilog Verilog Review Event-Driven Simulation Delays Coding Styles for Synthesis and Large Designs Behavioral Modeling Testbenches and Verification More about Chip Design Group Design Project: Simplified Ethernet Design and Verification (WimpNet ‘03)
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 25 Review - ASIC Design Flow Synthesize Blocks / Timing Analysis Timing OK? Place & Route / Timing Analysis Timing OK? N N Y Y DONE START Physical DesignLogic Synthesis HDL InNetlist Out Layout Out (GDSII or CIF)
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 26 Verilog Review Basic Module Syntax Combinational Logic Parameters Module Instantiation Sequential Logic Finite State Machines
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 27 Verilog Background Designed as a language for event-driven simulation Synthesis added as an “afterthought Only a subset can be synthesized Synthesis tools try to match simulation behavior So far, we’ve focused on the synthesis subset Structural Descriptions - module instantiations Behavioral Descriptions assign - continuous assignments always blocks
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 28 Verilog module construct Key building block of language declaration - specifies a module interface Input & output ports connections to outside world “black box” model - no details about internals body - specifies contents of "black box" behavior - what it does structure - how it's built from other "black boxes"
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 29 Verilog Module Declaration Describes the external interface of a single module Name Ports - inputs and outputs General Syntax: module modulename ( port1, port2,... ); port1 direction declaration; port2 direction declaration; reg declarations; wire declarations; module body - “parallel” statements endmodule // note no semicolon (;) here!
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 210 Verilog Body Declaration - “Parallel” Statements Parallel statements describe concurrent behavior (i.e., statements which “execute” in parallel) Types of Parallel Statements: assign - used to specify simple combinational logic always - used to specify repeating behavior for combinational or sequential logic initial - used to specify startup behavior (not supported in synthesis - but useful in simulation!) module instantiation - used for structure … and other features useful only in simulation
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 211 Verilog Data Types nets - describe “wire” connections general purpose: wire special purpose: supply0, supply1, tri0, tri1, triand, trior, trireg, wand, wor registers - variables (assigned values by procedural statement) reg - basic binary values integer - binary word (≥32 bits - machine dependent) real - floating point (not supported by synthesis) time - simulation time (not supported in synthesis) realtime - simulation time (not supported in synthesis)
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 212 Verilog Logic Values Each wire or register type can take on 4 values: 0 - Standard binary “FALSE” 1 - Standard binary “TRUE” X - UNKNOWN Z - High Impedance During simulation, all variables originally X Complication: x & z sometimes used as “wildcards” (e.g. casex, casez )
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 213 More about Data Types Vectors - Multiple-Bit Signals (net or register) wire [31:0] sum; reg [7:0] avg; Arrays - used for memories reg [7:0] memory [0:255]; Strings - vector sized to hold ASCII constant “a string” word size memory size 64-bit vector
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 214 Data Types and Module Ports Input ports must always be a wire (net) Output ports can be wire or reg always @(a or b) x = a ^ b; assign y = ~a; xor(z,b,c) (instantiation) a b c x y z wire reg wire
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 215 Comb. Modeling with assign Used for simple logic functions module fulladder(a, b, cin, sum, cout); input a, b, cin; output sum, cout; assign sum = a ^ b ^ cin; assign cout = a & b | a & cin | b & cin; endmodule
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 216 Combinational Modeling with always Motivation assign statements are fine for simple functions More complex functions require procedural modeling Basic syntax: always (sensitivity-list) statement or always (sensitivity-list) begin statement-sequence end Signal list - change activates block Procedural statement ( =, if/else, etc.) Compound Statement - sequence of statements
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 217 Combinational Modeling with always Example: 4-input mux behavioral model module mux4(d0, d1, d2, d3, s, y); input d0, d1, d2, d3; input [1:0] s; output y; reg y; always @(d0 or d1 or d2 or d3 or s) case (s) 2'd0 : y = d0; 2'd1 : y = d1; 2'd2 : y = d2; 2'd3 : y = d3; default : y = 1'bx; endcase Endmodule Blocking assignments (immediate update)
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 218 Review Questions: What are these pitfalls? Latch Inference Missing inputs on sensitivity list
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 219 Modeling with Hierarchy Create instances of submodules Example: Create a 4-input Mux using mux2 module Original mux2 module: module mux2(d0, d1, s, y); input[3:0]d0, d1; inputs; output [3:0]y; assign y = s ? d1 : d0; endmodule
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 220 Modeling with Hierarchy Create instances of submodules Example: Create a 4-input Mux using mux2 module module mux4(d0, d1, d2, d3, s, y); input[3:0]d0, d1, d2, d3; input[1:0]s; output [3:0]y; wire[3:0]low, high; mux2 lowmux(d0, d1, s[0], low); mux2 highmux(d2, d3, s[0], high); mux2 finalmux(low, high, s[1], y); endmodule Instance NamesConnections
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 221 Parameterized Modules Parameters - define values that can change Declaration: module mod1(in1, in2, out1, out2); parameter N=default-value; input [N-1 : 0] in1, in2; output [N-1 : 0] out1; … endmodule Instantiation: wire [7:0] w, x, y; wire z; mod1 #(8) my_mod1(w,x,y,z); Defines Parameter N Uses Parameter NSets Parameter N for instance my_mod1 Sizes must match instantiated value!
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 222 Parameterized Modules: Example N-bit 2-1 multiplexer (parameterized bitwidth) module mux2( sel, a, b, y ); parameter bitwidth=32; input sel; input [bitwidth-1:0] a, b; output [bitwidth-1:0] y; assign y = sel ? b : a; endmodule Instantiations mux2 #(16) my16bit_mux(s, a,b, c); mux2 #(5) my5bit_mux(s, d, e, f); mux2 #(32) my32bit_mux(s, g, h, i); mux2 myDefault32bit_mux(s, j, k, l); Defines Parameter bitwidth (default value: 32 ) Uses Parameter bitwidth to set input, output size
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 223 Symbolic Constants with Parameters Idea: use parameter to name “special constants” parameter RED_ALERT = 2’b11; parameter YELLOW_ALERT = 2’b01; parameter GREEN_ALERT = 2’b00; Don’t change in module instances Do this to make your code more understandable For others reading your code For yourself reading your code after some time has passed
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 224 Sequential Design in Verilog - Basic Constructs Describe edge-triggered behavior using: always block with“edge event” always @(posedge clock-signal) always @(negedge clock-signal) Nonblocking assignments ( <= ) @always(posedge clock-signal) begin output1 <= expression1;... output2 <= expression2;... end Registered Outputs for positive edge-trigger for negative edge-trigger Non-Blocking Assignments (deferred update)
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 225 always @(inputlist) or assign always@(posedge clock) Combining Sequential and Combinational Outputs General circuit - both registered and comb. outputs Approach: multiple always blocks or assign statements
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 226 Registered Output Combinational Output Example: Adding carry to 4-bit Counter module counter(clk, Q, carry); input clk; output [3:0] Q; output carry; reg [3:0] Q; // a signal that is assigned a value assign carry = (Q == 4'b1111); always @( posedge clk ) begin Q <= Q + 1; end endmodule
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 227 Review Question: What Happens Here? module counter(clk, Q, carry); input clk; output [3:0] Q; output carry; reg [3:0] Q; // a signal that is assigned a value reg carry; always @( posedge clk ) begin carry <= (Q == 4'b1111); Q <= Q + 1; end endmodule
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 228 State Machine Design Traditional Approach: Create State Diagram Create State Transition Table Assign State Codes Write Excitation Equations & Minimize HDL-Based State Machine Design Create State Diagram (optional) Write HDL description of state machine Synthesize
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 229 Coding FSMs in Verilog - “Explicit” Style Clocked always block - state register Combinational always block - next state logic output logic
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 230 Coding FSMs in Verilog - Code Skeleton Part 1 - Declarations module fsm(inputs, outputs); input...; reg...; parameter [NBITS-1:0] S0 = 2'b00; S1 = 2'b01; S2 = 2b'10; S3 = 2b'11; reg [NBITS-1 :0] CURRENT_STATE; reg [NBITS-1 :0] NEXT_STATE; State Codes State Variable
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 231 Coding FSMs in Verilog - Code Skeleton Part 2 - State Register, Logic Specification always @(posedge clk) begin CURRENT_STATE <= NEXT_STATE; end always @(CURRENT_STATE or xin) begin case (CURRENT_STATE) S0:... determine NEXT_STATE, outputs S1 :... determine NEXT_STATE, outputs end case end // always endmodule
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 232 Verilog and Event-Driven Simulation Key idea: model circuit operation as sequence of events that take place at specific times Input events - when input changes Output events - response to input events (only generated when output changes) A B C A B C delay=4 input event output event
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 233 Event-Driven Simulation Example: Modeling and AND Gate Input events: changes on A, B input net Output events: changes on C output net after delay A B C A B C t=5 A=1 t=17 B=1 t=33 B=0 t=29 C=1 delay=12 t=45 C=0 Input Events Output Events
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 234 Event-Driven Simulation Output events from AND = input events for OR Simulation time “jumps” from event to event A B C A B C delay=3 D E delay=4 D E
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 235 Notes about Event-Driven Simulation Why use event-driven simulation? Because it's fast Only model when signals change Loss of accuracy: assumes ideal logical behavior What are the alternatives? Circuit simulation (e.g. PSpice) Numerical model of continuous behavior More accurate, but slower Cycle-Level Compiled code simulation Model behavior in each clock cycle Faster, but doesn’t model dlay
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 236 Event-Driven Simulation (cont'd) Processing Events - Data Structures Event - specifies time event will occur net where signal will change new value of net Event Queue - data structure that sorts events by time front of queue - earliest event back of queue - latest event also called a timing wheel
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 237 Event-Driven Simulation - Algorithm Processing Events - Simulation Algorithm initialization: set all nets & regs to ‘x’ while (event queue not empty) { current_event = "earliest" event in queue; current_time = current_event.time; = current_event.value; for (each module input connected to net) { evaluate(module) if output of module changes { create new event to represent output change add new event to queue } } }
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 238 Verilog Simulation Model assign statement executes when event changes any input produces output event when output values changes always block executes when event changes variable in sensitivity list produces output events when outputs change assign y = ~a; always @(a or b) x = a ^ b;
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 239 Coming Up Delay Modeling in Verilog Other Verilog Features tasks & functions system tasks Verilog coding styles Behavioral Modeling Testbenches and Verification
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 240 Outline - Introduction to Verilog Goals of HDL-Based Design Verilog Background A First Example Module and Port Declarations Modeling with Continuous Assignments Some Language Details Modeling with Hierarchy Modeling with always blocks (combinational logic) Demonstration: Using Verilogger Discuss Project 1 Summary
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 241 HDL Overview What is an HDL? A language for simulation - “event driven” model of execution synthesis - generates designs that match simulated behavior for a subset of the language Common HDLs: Verilog HDL VHDL - VHSIC (Very High-Speed IC) HDL SystemC - C++ with class libraries to support System-Level Design and Hardware Design
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 242 Verilog Simulators On Windows Machines: Synapticad Verilogger (formerly veriwell) Available on PCs in DSP & Electronics Labs OR download from class website OR borrow CD To run: Programs->Synapticad/Verilogger Pro On the Sun Workstation: Synopsys vcs / virsim vcs -RI On Windows NT Machines: Cadence Verilog Installed, but haven’t used yet
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 243 Verilog module construct Key building block of language declaration - specifies a module interface Input & output ports connections to outside world “black box” model - no details about internals body - specifies contents of "black box" behavior - what it does structure - how it's built from other "black boxes"
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 244 A First Example Full Adder: module fulladder(a, b, cin, sum, cout); input a, b, cin; output sum, cout; assign sum = a ^ b ^ cin; assign cout = a & b | a & cin | b & cin; endmodule Ports Port Declarations Semicolon NO Semicolon Continuous Assignment Statements
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 245 Comments about the First Example Verilog describes a circuit as a set of modules Each module has input and output ports Single bit Multiple bit - array syntax Each port can take on a digital value (0, 1, X, Z) during simulation Three main ways to specify module internals Continuous assignment statements - assign Concurrent statements - always Submodule instantiation (hierarchy)
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 246 Bitwise Operators Basic bitwise operators: identical to C/C++/Java module inv(a, y); input[3:0]a; output [3:0]y; assign y = ~a; endmodule Unary Operator: NOT 4-bit Ports
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 247 Reduction Operators Apply a single logic function to multiple-bit inputs module and8(a, y); input[7:0]a; output y; assign y = &a; endmodule Reduction Operator: AND
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 248 Conditional Operators Like C/C++/Java Conditional Operator module mux2(d0, d1, s, y); input[3:0]d0, d1; inputs; output [3:0]y; assign y = s ? d1 : d0; // if s=1, y=d1, else y=d0 endmodule Comment
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 249 More Operators Equivalent to C/C++/Java Operators Arithmetic: + - * / & Comparison: == != >= Shifting: > Example: module adder(a, b, y); input[31:0]a, b; output[31:0]y; assign y = a + b; endmodule Small expressions can create big hardware!
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 250 Bit Manipulation: Concatenation { } is the concatenation operator module adder(a, b, y, cout); input[31:0]a, b; output[31:0]y; output cout; assign {cout,y} = a + b; endmodule Concatenation (33 bits)
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 251 Bit Manipulation: Replication { n {pattern} } replicates a pattern n times module signextend(a, y); input[15:0]a; output [31:0]y; assign y = {16{a[15]}, a[15:0]}; endmodule Copies sign bit 16 times Lower 16 Bits
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 252 Internal Signals Declared using the wire keyword module fulladder(a, b, cin, s, cout); inputa, b, cin; output s, cout; wireprop, gen; assign prop = a ^ b; assign gen = a | b; assign s = prop ^ cin; assign cout = gen | (cin & prop); endmodule
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 253 Some Language Details Syntax - See Quick Reference Card Major elements of language: Lexical Elements (“tokens” and “token separators”) Data Types and Values Operators and Precedence Syntax of module declarations
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 254 Verilog Lexical Elements Whitespace - ignored except as token separators blank spaces tabs newlines Comments Single-line comments // Multi-line comments /* … */ Operators- unary, binary, ternary Unary a = ~b; Binary a = b && c; Ternary a = (b < c) ? b : c;
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 255 Verilog Numbers Sized numbers: ' - decimal number specifying number of bits - base of number decimal 'd or 'D hex 'h or 'H binary ‘b or ‘B - consecutive digits normal digits 0, 1, …, 9 (if appropriate for base) hex digitsa, b, c, d, e, f x "unknown" digit z "high-impedance" digit Examples 4’b111112’h7af16’d255
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 256 Verilog Numbers (cont'd) Unsized numbers Decimal numbers appearing as constants (236, 5, 15, etc.) Bitwidth is simulator-dependent (usually 32 bits) Negative numbers sized numbers: '-' before size -8'd127 -3'b111 unsized numbers: '-' before first digit -233 As in VHDL, underline '_' can be used as a "spacer 12'b00010_1010_011 is same as 12'b000101010011
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 257 Verilog Strings Anything in quotes is a string: "This is a string" "a / b" Strings must be on a single line Treated as a sequence of 1-byte ASCII values Special characters - C-like (\)
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 258 Verilog Identifiers Starting character: alphabetic or '_' Following characters: alpha, numeric, or '_' Examples: george_paul "Escaped" identifiers: start with backslash follow with any non-whitespace ASCII end with whitespace character Examples: \212net\**xyzzy**\$foo Special notes: Identifiers are case sensitive Identifiers may not be reserved words
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 259 Verilog Reserved Words alwaysandassignbeginbufbufif0bufif1 case casexcasezcmos deassigndefaultdefparamdisableedge elseendendcaseendfunctionendmodule endprimitiveendspecifyendtableendtaskeventfor forceforeverforkfunctionhighz0highz1ififnone initialinoutinputintegerjoinlargemacromodule mediummodulenandnegedgenmosnor not notif0notiforoutputparameterpmos posedgeprimitivepull0pull1pulldownpulluprcmos realrealtimeregreleaserepeatrnmosrpmosrtran rtranif0rtranif1scalaredsmallspecifyspecparamstrong0 strong1supply0supply1tabletasktimetrantranif0 tranif1tritri0tri1triandtriortriregvectored waitwandweak0weak1whilewireworxnor xor
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 260 Verilog Data Types Nets - connections between modules input, output ports wires - internal signals Other types: wand, wor, trior, trireg (ignore for now) Advanced Data Types (more later) Vectors - multiple bit wires, registers, etc. reg - Variables that are assigned values Arrays and Memories Parameters
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 261 Operators and Precedence Override with parentheses () when needed
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 262 Verilog Module Declaration Describes the external interface of a single module Name Ports - inputs and outputs General Syntax: module modulename ( port1, port2,... ); port1 direction declaration; port2 direction declaration; reg declarations; module body - “parallel” statements endmodule // note no semicolon (;) here!
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 263 Verilog Body Declaration - “Parallel” Statements Parallel statements describe concurrent behavior (i.e., statements which “execute” in parallel) Types of Parallel Statements: assign - used to specify simple combinational logic always - used to specify repeating behavior for combinational or sequential logic initial - used to specify startup behavior (not supported in synthesis) module instantiation - used for structure … and other features we’ll talk about later
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 264 Combinational Modeling with always Motivation assign statements are fine for simple functions More complex functions require procedural modeling Basic syntax: always (sensitivity-list) statement or always (sensitivity-list) begin statement-sequence end Signal list - change activates block Procedural statement ( =, if/else, etc.) Compound Statement - sequence of statements
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 265 Combinational Modeling with always Example: 4-input mux behavioral model module mux4(d0, d1, d2, d3, s, y); input d0, d1, d2, d3; input [1:0] s; output y; reg y; always @(d0 or d1 or d2 or d3 or s) case (s) 2'd0 : y = d0; 2'd1 : y = d1; 2'd2 : y = d2; 2'd3 : y = d3; default : y = 1'bx; endcase endmodule
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 266 Modeling with Hierarchy Create instances of submodules Example: Create a 4-input Mux using mux2 module Original mux2 module: module mux2(d0, d1, s, y); input[3:0]d0, d1; inputs; output [3:0]y; assign y = s ? d1 : d0; endmodule
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 267 Modeling with Hierarchy Create instances of submodules Example: Create a 4-input Mux using mux2 module module mux4(d0, d1, d2, d3, s, y); input[3:0]d0, d1, d2, d3; input[1:0]s; output [3:0]y; wire[3:0]low, high; mux2 lowmux(d0, d1, s[0], low); mux2 highmux(d2, d3, s[0], high); mux2 finalmux(low, high, s[1], y); endmodule Instance NamesConnections
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 268 Larger Hierarchy Example Use full adder to create an n-bit adder module add8(a, b, sum, cout); input [7:0] a, b; output [7:0] sum; output cout; wire [7:0] c; // used for carry connections assign c[0]=0; fulladder f0(a[0], b[0], c[0], sum[0], c[1]); fulladder f1(a[1], b[1], c[1], sum[1], c[2]); fulladder f2(a[2], b[2], c[2], sum[2], c[3]); fulladder f3(a[3], b[3], c[3], sum[3], c[4]); fulladder f4(a[4], b[4], c[4], sum[4], c[5]); fulladder f5(a[5], b[5], c[5], sum[5], c[6]); fulladder f6(a[6], b[6], c[6], sum[6], c[7]); fulladder f7(a[7], b[7], c[7], sum[7], cout); endmodule
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 269 Hierarchical Design with Gate Primitives “Built-In” standard logic gates and or not xor nand nor xnor Using Gate Primitives: and g1(y, a, b, c, d); How are the different from operators ( &, |, ~, etc.)? Operators specify function Gate primitives specify structure Output Inputs (variable number)
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 270 Gate Primitives Example 2-1 Multiplexer module mux2s(d0, d1, s, y); wire sbar, y0, y1; not inv1(sbar, s); and and1(y0, d0, sbar); and and2(y1, d1, s); or or1(y, y0, y1); endmodule; Why shouldn’t we use gate primitives? Requires “low-level” implementation decisions It’s usually better to let synthesis tools make these
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 271 Lab 8 - Comb. Design with Verilog Prelab: write out case statement by hand for binary decoder In the lab: Type in and simulate binary decoder using Verilogger FTP to workstations & synthesize using Synopsys tools
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 272 Demonstration: Using Verilogger Starting Verilogger Start->Program Files->Synapticad->Verilogger Pro Key Windows: Project Manager HDL Editor Windows Timing Diagram Window Creating and Simulating a Verilog file Editor->New HDL File Editor->Save HDL File As... Project->Add File to Project Simulate->Build (yellow button) Simulate->Run (green “play” button)
1/29/03ECE 426 - Lecture 273 Using Verilogger Create new project: Project->New Project Create HDL File(s): Editor->New HDL File Run Simulator: Simulate->Run Edit timing diagram to control input stimulus / observe response Timing diagram is represented as a separate verilog file
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