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Statistical pattern recognition and machine learning Jen-Chang Liu, Spring, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Statistical pattern recognition and machine learning Jen-Chang Liu, Spring, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Statistical pattern recognition and machine learning Jen-Chang Liu, Spring, 2008

2 Class goal Techniques for advanced machine perception Familiar with probabilistic methods (probability distributions, estimations, Bayesian inference, graphical model) Basic pattern recognition methods (dimension reduction, PCA, clustering … )

3 Textbook Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Chris Bishop Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning Reference: Introduction to machine learning, Ethem Alpaydin Introduction to machine learning

4 Resources Course websites CMU, machine learning, Carlos Guestrin CMU, machine learning CMU, Advanced Machine Perception, Alexei (Alyosha) Efros CMU, Advanced Machine PerceptionAlexei (Alyosha) Efros NCNU moodle (

5 Grading Students are expected to: attend the lectures, and participate in class discussions present one or a cluster of research papers do several projects

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