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MED 595 Research in Mathematics Education. What you need for this course. You MUST activate your student email account. The format is The format for the.

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Presentation on theme: "MED 595 Research in Mathematics Education. What you need for this course. You MUST activate your student email account. The format is The format for the."— Presentation transcript:

1 MED 595 Research in Mathematics Education

2 What you need for this course. You MUST activate your student email account. The format is The format for the username is as follows: –first 4 letters of last name plus –first initial plus –middle initial plus –2nd digit of birth month plus –2nd digit of birthday A valid SUNY ID. You need access to the internet. You need to have Microsoft Word or a word processor that will save in word format.

3 Recommended APA Style Manual Microsoft Office

4 Assignments All assignment will be handed in electronically by Friday following the class by 12:00 pm. IT MUST BE IN MICROSOFT WORD FORMAT No late assignments will be accepted. Email to :

5 Materials Many materials will be distributed electronically at:

6 Goals for the Course Familiarize you with the current research on teaching and learning. You develop and understanding of methods of doing research. Get a start on the Masters Project and an understanding of what this entails.

7 The Masters Project The name is misleading. This is not a “Project” in the sense that “Project” has been used in your coursework so far. Every SUNY campus is either a master thesis/project or comprehensive exam campus as a cumulating experience to your masters degree. The experience of the Project is for the students to demonstrate that you can pose and test a question through research and experimentation.

8 What is the difference between a Project and a Thesis? A thesis is researching an original question that would lead to a publication. A project question can be replication of an existing study or with research methods that are not as rigorous. Type of studies can be historical, statistical inference, survey or mathematical.

9 Parts of a Project Chapter 1 - Your Question –What information are you seeking and why is it important? Chapter 2 - Review of Research –What research has been done in regard to your question? Chapter 3 - Your Study Chapter 4 - Your Conclusions and Suggestions for future research

10 What is research? “Research is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration” - Edison/Einstein It is a lot of grunt work. It is a lot of reading and reflecting. A lot of reflecting.

11 Hardest Thing? To come up with a question.

12 Think about how policies and determined by your school? One thing is true. Decisions in education are based upon too little information.

13 What is a question you might ask? Form groups are raise three questions.

14 Assessment 50% Reaction Papers and assignments Each week you will hand in a reaction to an issue in the reading. This must be sent to me by Friday. Either mail or E-mail. 10% Tests 10% Class participation- This is not an attendance grade. 30% Proposal

15 Attendance: Attendance is mandatory. Your final grade will be multiplied by where A is the number of classes you do not attend and N is the number of class meetings.

16 PolicyResearch Documents Opinions

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