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for the BaBar and Belle Collaborations Miami 2008 Topical Conference on Elementary Physics, Astrophysics, and Cosmology Fort Lauderdale, FL, Dec 16-21, 2008 Bruce A. Schumm Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics University of California, Santa Cruz BaBar
Miami 2008: b s(d) Transition Rates 2 Bruce Schumm Effective Neutral Currents: General Motivation b s Penguins SUSY parameter space implications b s “Inclusive” approach B X S “Semi-Inclusive” approach b d Penguins and |V td /V ts | Motivation B → (ρ,ω) “Exclusive” approach B → X d “Semi-Inclusive” approach Status of |V td /V ts | Conclusions
BaBar Miami 2008: b s(d) Transition Rates 3 Bruce Schumm so new physics can enter at leading order: The SM b s(d) transition is high order (two weak plus one EM vertex) … + photon off any charged leg Although rare (~ 5x10 -4 for s and ~10 -5 for d ), the isolated high-energy photon is a powerful signature. V tb V t(s,d)
BaBar Miami 2008: b s(d) Transition Rates 4 Bruce Schumm Effective Neutral Currents: General Motivation b s SUSY parameter space implications Inclusive approach Other approaches b d and |V td /V ts | Motivation B → (ρ,ω) (“Standard” Approach) B → X d (“Semi-Inclusive” Approach) Status of |V td /V ts | Conclusions
BaBar Miami 2008: b s(d) Transition Rates 5 Bruce Schumm Direct searches (LEP) B s constraints MSSM Constraints b s has a significant impact on the tan -m A plane…
BaBar Miami 2008: b s(d) Transition Rates 6 Bruce Schumm Fate of “Snowmass” MSSM study points … on some of our favorite scenarios …
BaBar Miami 2008: b s(d) Transition Rates 7 Bruce Schumm C.F. BergerC.F. Berger, J.S. Gainer, J.L. Hewett, T.G. Rizzo,J.S. GainerJ.L. HewettT.G. Rizzo “Supersymmetry Without Prejudice”, arXiv:0812.0980v1 [hep-ph]arXiv:0812.0980v1 Explore 10 7 points over 19- dimensional parameter space of CP-conserving MSSM b s most effective constraint (72% of models surviving prior constraints are eliminated; better than direct searches for SUSY partners) … and just in general.
BaBar Miami 2008: b s(d) Transition Rates 8 Bruce Schumm On-Peak Data Off-Peak Data (~10% of Sample) (4S) resonance is ~1 nb at peak, competing with a “continuum” background of ~3 nb The (4S) resonance is the lightest resonance that decays into “open Beauty” ( or )
BaBar Miami 2008: b s(d) Transition Rates 9 Bruce Schumm 700 fb -1 440 fb -1
BaBar Miami 2008: b s(d) Transition Rates 10 Bruce Schumm qq + ττ BB XSγXSγ Most exacting approach (“Inclusive”) is aggressive: Use only high-energy as signature Suppress continuum with event shapes, requirement of a high-energy lepton. Estimate remaining contribution by scaling off- peak data. Challenge: background from 0 ( ) decays (plus some fakes) in B decays
BaBar Miami 2008: b s(d) Transition Rates 11 Bruce Schumm To remove 0 ( ) background: Veto event if you find the 2 nd photon (~45% efficient for 0 ( ) fakes) Estimate and subtract out cases for which 2 nd photon is missed (S/B ~ 1/1) Requires knowledge of second photon efficiency to < 1%; measure using, e.g., 0 s from e + e - ; + - 0 Becoming limiting experimental uncertainty No s signal here; provides test of 0 subtraction BELLE: (3.37 0.43)x10 -4 arXiv:0804.1580 605 fb -1 BaBar: (3.92 0.56)x10 -4 PRL97,171803 82 fb -1 NOTE: Measurements scaled to E cms = 1.6 GeV
BaBar Miami 2008: b s(d) Transition Rates 12 Bruce Schumm This “Semi-Inclusive” approaches employs a fit to the mass distribution, for which backgrounds tend to be self-calibrating… Reconstruct a total of 38 exclusive b s final states that comprise about 55% of the total width Fit to reconstructed mass of exclusive final state to determine signal yield
BaBar Miami 2008: b s(d) Transition Rates 13 Bruce Schumm But need to rely on models to correct for the 45% of states that are not measured (depends on mass M(X s ) that photon recoils against). Mass Recoiling Against RESULT BF(B s ) = (3.49 0.57)x10 -4 PRD72:052004 82 fb -1 analyzed is less than 10% of world sample Has systematics independent of those of inclusive approach
BaBar Miami 2008: b s(d) Transition Rates 14 Bruce Schumm Experimental accuracy commensurate with theoretical control, but work continue on both ends Inclusive Semi-Inclusive Inclusive A. Limosani, Melbourne Most of BaBar data set still unanalyzed
BaBar Miami 2008: b s(d) Transition Rates 15 Bruce Schumm Effective Neutral Currents: General Motivation b s SUSY parameter space implications Inclusive approach Other approaches b d and |V td /V ts | Motivation B → (ρ,ω) (“Standard” Approach) B → X d (“Semi-Inclusive” Approach) Status of |V td /V ts | Conclusions
BaBar Miami 2008: b s(d) Transition Rates 16 Bruce Schumm (d) V t(s,d) Note: In both cases, hadronic uncertainties minimized by comparing to corresponding V ts process (B s mixing, b s ) Observable is | V td / V ts | B Mixing Radiative Penguins Two independent diagrams provide sensitivity to CKM parameter V td
BaBar Miami 2008: b s(d) Transition Rates 17 Bruce Schumm ICHEP ’08 B Mixing Results [Farrington(CDF), Moulik(D0), averaged by DeLodovico(BaBar)]: How do penguins fit into the picture? Mixing: x d = m B / B ~ 1 m B ~ B Penguins: Br(b d ) ~ 10 -5 d ~ 10 -5 B “These [b d ] vertices are CKM-suppressed in the standard model, but new physics contributions may not follow the CKM pattern in flavor- changing-neutral-current transitions and hence new physics effects may become more easily discernible in B X d + (and its charge conjugate) than in the corresponding CKM-allowed vertices b s and b sg” Furthermore (Ali, Asatrian, Greub, Phys. Lett B 429, 87): With |V td /V ts | precisely constrained by mixing, b d is a compelling testbed for new physics. SM effects suppressed by 10 -5 relative to mixing
BaBar Miami 2008: b s(d) Transition Rates 18 Bruce Schumm “Traditional” Approach: measure exclusive rate Br(B ( ) ); normalize with Br(B K * ) (and ) Values of 2 and R are state ( +, 0, ) dependent and are available from Ali, Parkhomenko, arXiv:hep-ph/0610149 Ball, Zwicky, J. High. Energy Phys. 0604, 046 (2006); Ball, Jones, Zwicky, Phys. Rev. D 75 054004 (2007) at approximately 8% overall accuracy. Annihilation Diagram
BaBar Miami 2008: b s(d) Transition Rates 19 Bruce Schumm Belle: New result this Spring 351 fb -1 (2006) 598 fb -1 (April 2008) BaBar: New result this Summer 316 fb -1 (April 2007) 423 fb -1 (July 2008) Challenge: BRs are small (<10 -6 ); backgrounds are high continuumNeural Net with event shape, B tagging information, … B → K* ; K * K Require excellent particle ID B → ( Veto if found such that M ~ M ( , )
BaBar Miami 2008: b s(d) Transition Rates 20 Bruce Schumm Remaining separation achieved by two-dimensional fit to the largely independent kinematic variables “Energy-substituted mass”; since E beam ~ M B, largely a measurement of momentum balance * In e + e - CMS frame E B = E beam for properly reconstructed candidate; total energy measurement Example: BaBar B 0 0 “self-calibrating” continuum background subtraction efficiencies (~5-15%) estimated with control samples Signal Continuum b s Feedthrough
BaBar Miami 2008: b s(d) Transition Rates 21 Bruce Schumm ModeBaBar ’07 (x10 -7 )BaBar ’08 (x10 -7 ) + + 0 0 ModeBelle ’06 (x10 -7 )Belle ’08 (x10 -7 ) + + 0 0 BELLE: 598 fb -1 BaBar: 423 fb -1 Phys.Rev.D78:112001,2008 Phys.Rev.Lett.101:111801,2008, Erratum-ibid.101:129904,2008
BaBar Miami 2008: b s(d) Transition Rates 22 Bruce Schumm BELLE: assuming the world-average Combining, for exclusive radiative decay overall: BaBar: yielding Assuming startic quark model, SU(3) F symmetry, can combine to get “isospin-averaged” BF, and then |V td /V ts |:
BaBar Miami 2008: b s(d) Transition Rates 23 Bruce Schumm |V td /V ts | 2 related to (b d )/ (b s ) with ~1% theoretical uncertainty [ Ali, Asatrian, Greub, Phys. Lett. B 429, 87 (1998) ] However, must correct for unmeasured regions: Higher-multiplicity final states Higher-mass hadronic component (i.e. M Xd > 1.8 GeV/c 2 ) “New” Approach (BaBar): Reconstruct seven exclusive final states X d in range 0.6 GeV/c 2 < M Xd < 1.8 GeV/c 2
BaBar Miami 2008: b s(d) Transition Rates 24 Bruce Schumm ( , ,K * ) 1.0 < M had < 1.81.8 < M had XSXS XdXd MEASURED UNMEASURED and X d analyses X d analysis only M had (M Xd ) # 0 # bodies
BaBar Miami 2008: b s(d) Transition Rates 25 Bruce Schumm Fit in high-mass X d region (first time measured): Yields and partial branching fractions: High-mass b X d Continuum background X s , MisID background B A B AR PRELIMINARY
BaBar Miami 2008: b s(d) Transition Rates 26 Bruce Schumm Dominant systematic error for 1.0 < M X < 1.8 GeV/c 2 Most difficult for B X d (not constrained by data) Can improve with statistics (internal constraints) Errors: Statistical Experimental Systematic Try several models: M X given by “ KN Model ” Kagan & Neubert, Phys. Rev. D 58, 094012 (1998), with phase-space fragmentation As above, but with 50% replaced by mix of resonances Fix to measured b s fragmentation Primary experimental result B A B AR PRELIMINARY
BaBar Miami 2008: b s(d) Transition Rates 27 Bruce Schumm arXiv:0807.4975 [hep-ex]; submitted to PRL Precise (~1%) expression for |Vtd/Vts| [Ali, Asatrian, Greub] is based on ratio of full widths (b d )/ (b s ) Measured region 0.6 < M X < 1.8 is ~50% of width Extrapolate to full mass region via “KN Model”; KN calculation suggests negligible difference and uncertainty in extrapolation of the ratio (because m s,m d << 1.8 GeV/c 2 ?) Ali Asatrian Greub Expt. Theory B A B AR PRELIMINARY
BaBar Miami 2008: b s(d) Transition Rates 28 Bruce Schumm No evidence for non-Standard Model contribution to the decay width. * PRELIMINARY *
BaBar Miami 2008: b s(d) Transition Rates 29 Bruce Schumm Radiative measurements of |V td /V ts | are becoming precise: | V td /V ts | rad = 0.203 0.020 Semi-inclusive approach works, and is independent of exclusive approach, with small theoretical uncertainty Agreement with SM (as constrained by B mixing) is good In principle, the severe SM suppression of this radiative process (x10 -6 of B mixing) should make it very sensitive to new physics contributions. Have we fully thought through the meaning of this constraint? B s continues to be leading constraint on MSSM parameter space More data exists (~80% of BaBar sample) to improve measurement, but “inclusive” approach starting to be limited by difficult systematics “Semi-inclusive” approach has systematics independent of inclusive approach; very little of existing sample has been analyzed in this way.
BaBar Miami 2008: b s(d) Transition Rates 30 Bruce Schumm Backup Slides
BaBar Miami 2008: b s(d) Transition Rates 31 Bruce Schumm Assuming SU 3 (F) symmetry [B(B 0 ) ~ B(B )] and (approximately true by static quark model) we can write from which it follows Can combine +, 0, results to derive |V td /V ts | from
BaBar Miami 2008: b s(d) Transition Rates 32 Bruce Schumm
BaBar Miami 2008: b s(d) Transition Rates 33 Bruce Schumm
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