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Mechanical Engineering Ohio University AEP’s Gavin Plant David Bayless 248 Stocker

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1 Mechanical Engineering Ohio University AEP’s Gavin Plant David Bayless 248 Stocker

2 What is Mechanical Engineering? Mechanical Engineering is the profession related to the study and use of machines. Machines range from automobiles to the human body Machines require power (thermodynamics, combustion) Machines pollute (air pollution control) Machines move, so their motion must be understood, both by itself (kinematics) and in the surrounding air (fluids) Machines must be constructed (manufacturing) Machines have to be made from something (materials) Machines make heat that has to be removed (heat transfer and fluid mechanics)

3 What is Mechanical Engineering? Biomechanics Robotics Machine Design CAD/CAM

4 What is Mechanical Engineering? Power Generation Thermodynamics Heat Transfer Fluid Mechanics

5 What is Mechanical Engineering? Air Pollution Control Fluid Mechanics Heat Transfer Thermodynamics Chemistry

6 What is Mechanical Engineering? Aeronautics and Aerospace Fluid Mechanics Machine Design Combustion

7 What is Mechanical Engineering? Manufacturing Robotics Material Science CAD/CAM Design

8 What is Mechanical Engineering? Automotive Engineering Everything!

9 What is Mechanical Engineering? Management

10 What would you study? Calculus and Differential Equations Physics and Chemistry Humanities and Social Science Communication Engineering Fundamentals (Statics, Fluid Mechanics, Dynamics, Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer, Circuits, Materials, Strengths, Kinematics, Controls, Vibrations) Design Technical Electives (Engineering Economics, Combustion, Robotics, Air Pollution Control, Mechatronics)

11 Characteristics of a Mechanical Engineer Capable communicator Willing to do hands-on work Affinity for machines Strong interest in math and science Innovative problem solver

12 Where would you work? Automotive industry Power generation industry ($200 billion) Manufacturing (computers to valves) Aerospace and Defense Robotics Air pollution control Consulting firms Oil industry


14 Mechanical Engineering at Ohio ABET accredited First Engineering Honors Program (allows you to get graduate credit as an undergraduate while you work on an individual project with a faculty member) Outstanding Faculty Great undergraduate students

15 For More Information Student Organizations ASME meets every other Thursday at 5:00pm in Stocker Pi Tau Sigma (M.E. Honor Society) meets every other Tuesday at 4:00pm in Stocker 294 (

16 For More Information World Wide Web Email Office 248 Stocker Center (740) 593 0264 voice (740) 593 0476 fax

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