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The Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF) Fisheries Department FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS.

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Presentation on theme: "The Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF) Fisheries Department FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF) Fisheries Department FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS

2 Scope of presentation - for Session V. - GEF IW Conference: Overview of CCRF & implementation efforts –World fisheries: context (facts/issues) –The Code of Conduct (CCRF) –CCRF - Implementation –Outlook - suggestion –Barg, FAO

3 World Fisheries For human consumption: fish = 18% of all animal protein consumed World trade of fish: more than US $ 50 billion/year; half by developing countries; more important than tea, coffee Total production: = 117 million tonnes (mt) capture fisheries = 86 mt = 74% (marine = 67 %; inland = 7%) aquaculture = 31 mt = 26% for human consumption = 79% (rest = reduced)

4 World Fisheries: Major Issues Contribution to food security – food supply and human nutrition Poverty alleviation and rural development –livelihoods of small scale fishing & farming communities Sustainable development – conservation and management of resources

5 World Fisheries: Major Issues Over-fishing & excess capacity of fishing effort Environmental effects of fishing: habitat degradation By-catch, discards Environmental impacts ( pollution, habitat degradation ) ON fishery resources: inland waters, also coastal waters

6 The Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (FAO, 1995)

7 The CCRF: Its Origins FAO Committee of Fisheries meeting 1991: call for more responsible practice, better management 1992 Cancún Conference on Responsible Fishing called on FAO to prepare a Code of Conduct Technical Consultations 1992-1995 lead to adoption of CCRF by FAO Conference Member Governments

8 The CCRF: Its Goals sustainable benefits from fisheries in terms of food, employment, trade and economic well-being for people throughout the world provides principles and standards applicable to the conservation, management and development of all fisheries

9 The CCRF: Its Structure Articles of the Code –Art. 1: Nature and scope –Art. 2: Objectives of the Code –Art. 3: Relationship with other International Instruments –Art. 4: Implementation, Monitoring and Updating –Art. 5: Special Requirements of Developing Countries –Art. 6: General Principles

10 The CCRF: Its Structure Articles of the Code –Art. 7: Fisheries management –Art. 8: Fishing Operations –Art. 9: Aquaculture Development –Art. 10: Integration of Fisheries into Coastal Area Management –Art. 11: Post-Harvest Practices and Trade –Art. 12: Fisheries Research

11 CCRF : Actors All members and non-members of FAO, Fishing entities, sub-regional, regional and global organisations, governmental or non-governmental, and All other interested stakeholders concerned with fisheries resources and fish trade

12 CCRF: Implementation FAO Technical Guidelines for Responsible Fisheries

13 CCRF: Implementation Numerous initiatives at national levels –awareness raising, better practice, planning, legislation, Monitoring, reporting and discussions –FAO Committee of Fisheries (COFI) –Regional Fishery Organisations / Fishery Commissions

14 CCRF: Implementation issues Building institutional capacity Coping with social stress and costs Finding optimal transition pathways Selecting optimal mix of measures Mobilising participation Protecting small-scale fisheries Capacity building ; training; human resource development Insufficient technical assistance and financial resources

15 CCRF: Implementation FAO support to Technical & Policy consultations on: –Eco-labelling –Sustainability Indicators –Fisheries Monitoring –Property Rights in Fisheries Management –Seabirds; Sharks; Management of Fishing Capacity. –Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing

16 CCRF: Implementation Major Projects –Sustainable Fisheries Livelihoods Programme Western Africa (UK) –Research & Fisheries Management in Lake Tanganyika (Finland) –Reduction of environmental impact from Tropical Shrimp Trawling (- GEF support) –Sustainable Management of Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem (- GEF support)

17 CCRF: Implementation Major Projects Inter-regional Programme for the Assistance to Developing Countries for the Implementation of the CCRF, components : –Monitoring, Control, and Surveillance (MCS), and Scientific Advice for Fisheries Management (Norway) Components awaiting support: –Compliance Agreement; Statistics; Fishing Operations; Resource Surveys; Policy, Planning and Management; Fleet Restructuring Policies; Post-Harvest Practices & Trade; Support to NGOs

18 CCRF: Implementation International Consensus-building: next major FAO Expert Meetings: –Economic Incentives and Responsible Fisheries (incl. subsidies) –Strategies & Investment Needs for the Transition to Responsible Fisheries in Asia –Management of Shared Stocks –Reduction of Fishing Capacity –Responsible Fisheries in the Marine Ecosystem

19 CCRF: Implementation Enhancing Major Information Resources - Facts, Strategic Advice and Networking for Sustainable World Fisheries: –FAO FISHSTAT PLUS Data Base –UN Atlas of the Oceans –FAO Fisheries Atlas –FAO Fisheries Global Information System (FIGIS) –GLOBEFISH markets and trade –ONEFISH - Internet Portal for Fisheries Research

20 Outlook: CCRF - Call for support The FAO Conference called on States, International Organisations, whether Governmental or Non-Governmental, and all those involved in fisheries to collaborate in the fulfilment and implementation of the CCRF. The FAO Fisheries Department welcomes continued co-operation in support of implementation of the CCRF.

21 Outlook: CCRF - Call for support In Your GEF International Waters Projects, please, THINK OF FISH and FISHERIES INVOLVE “FISH PEOPLE”

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