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New Directions for Treatment in ALS

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1 New Directions for Treatment in ALS
Robert G. Miller, M.D. Forbes Norris MDA/ALS Research Center California Pacific Medical Center San Francisco, CA May 6, 2006



4 Treatment Strategies Anti-glutamate Riluzole Gabapentin Topiramate

5 Riluzole AAN Practice Advisory - Neurology 1997
Approved in Canada 2000 (U.S., Europe 1996) National Institute for Clinical Effectiveness (NICE) systematic review 4 trials approved in U.K. (2001) Cochrane Review mos survival benefit Registry Data (UK, IR, Italy, Holland, UW) -- 4 to 16mos increased survival

6 Implications for Practice
Proven efficacy - modest effect size Generally safe and well tolerated Expensive ($10,000 US/yr) Provides hope - none before Education - adjustment/perception

7 Treatment Strategies Anti-oxidants Vitamin E - 2 large trials negative
Creatine - 3 negative trials Edaravone (small phase 2) Manganese-porphyrin (phase I) CoQ10

8 Treatment Strategies Neurotrophic factors (subcutaneous)
CNTF BDNF GDNF IGF-1 (Repeat study is on-going) Novel delivery techniques

9 Anti-inflammatory Immunosuppressive agents - negative trials (cytoxan, XRT, Plasma Exchange) COX-2 inhibitors Celecoxib - large trial negative in 2004 Anti-microglial agents Minocycline - enrollment complete

10 Treatment Strategies Anti-apoptotic agents Preserve cAMP and cGMP
Indinavir (small phase II) - negative TCH 346 (Novartis) Minocycline Methyl-cobalamin Preserve cAMP and cGMP Pentoxyfilline (ExonHit) Astrocyte modulator Ono-2506 (Ono) Protein kinase C inhibitor Tamoxifen Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (small phase I)

IGF-I (NIH– GLALS, USA) -- enrolled Minocycline (NIH– WALS/Columbia, USA) -- enrolled CoQ10 (NIH– Columbia, USA) – enrolled Stage I (120 pts) Manganese-porphyrin (Aeolus, USA) – phase I, in progress Arimoclomol (NEALS) --enrolling Ceftriaxone (NIH funded) – phase II study (high throughput screening)--launch mid 2006 Respiratory and nutritional treatment in ALS (NIH– Univ of Kentucky, USA) --- phase II study (in progress) Multi Drug Combination Trial - summer 2006 (ALSA, CUMC)

12 Ceftriaxone clinical trial in patients with ALS
NINDS funded Phase I- III 60 subjects – PK and safety study 600 subjects – efficacy study FDA Requirement for additional animal toxicology Enrollment planned for summer 2006 Northeast ALS Consortium (NEALS) 46 centers US and Canada

13 Coenzyme Q10 Encouraging results in Parkinsonism
Stage 1 – compare 1800 & 2700mg/day Stage 2 – compare best dose to placebo Phase II, 20 sites, 10 months NIH funding, PI-Petra Kaufman, Columbia Univ.

14 Manganoporphyrin Novel antioxidant (AEOLUS)
38% increase survival in SOD1 mouse Phase I, subcutaneous injections Single doses well tolerated Multi-dose study underway

15 IGF-1 Growth factor nourishing muscle, nerve
Positive study in US, 1997 Negative study in Europe (Mayo, Eric Sorensen, M.D.) NIH funding 24 months, muscle strength

16 Combination Drug Trial
2 arms (60 patients each), 6 months, selection trial Minocycline 200/d, creatine 20/d vs. celecoxib 800/d, creatine 20/d Safety with riluzole Design Phase III trial PI Paul Gordon, Columbia

17 New Treatment Strategies

18 Stem Cell Therapy Appel S, et al. A small clinical trial with allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell (from HLA-matched siblings) transplantation in 6 patients. (Reported at the 15th International ALS/MND Symposium, Philadelphia, Nov 2004) 2 died, 1 progressed, 1 experienced a slowing of progression, and 1 had an unexpectedly stable course. 17% to 25% of total DNA in CNS was donor-derived, although only 1% was donor-derived DNA in the motor cortex. Unusually high numbers of CD68+ cells were found in the CNS, suggesting a neuroinflammation induced by chemokine signaling.

19 Stem Cell Therapy (cont'd)
Mazzini L, et al. Stem cell therapy in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a methodological approach in humans. (Amyotroph Lateral Scler Other Motor Neuron Disord. 2003;4:158-61) No preliminary studies in rodents or primates. 9 patients direct injections of their own BM mesenchymal cells into the spinal cord. Claimed to note“stabilization” but eventually a few patients died without autopsy.

20 Gene Therapy

21 Retrograde Viral Delivery of IGF-1 Prolongs Survival in a Mouse ALS Model (Brian K. et al. Science 2003; 301: )

22 Exercise in ALS Little evidence, conflicting advice
RCT (n=25) - slower decline ALSFRS, Ashworth at 3 mos, trend at 6 mos Transgenic SOD1 mice treadmill 10 wks vs no exercise - prolonged survival Worse high intensity exercise Drory 2001, Kirkinezos 2003, Mahoney, 2004

23 Exercise and Insulin-like Growth Factor-1
Comparison of exercise (0,2,6,12hr/day) and gene therapy (AAV-IGF-1) in ALS mouse Prolonged survival (30-40d) and functionality with exercise (6,12h) and also with IGF-1 Remarkable synergistic effect with both exercise and IGF-1 on survival (83 days!) and functionality Emerging evidence about exercise in ALS Kaspar, May 2005

24 Summary and Conclusions
Unprecedented number of clinical trials in ALS at one time Marked diversity in technology and targeting different disease mechanisms. We will have more clinical trials in ALS in the next few years. Partnerships between NIH, ALSA, MDA and corporate sector are forming New national ALS research group formed We need to improve patient access issues and the efficiency of clinical trials.

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