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CM10134-CM50147 Programming I Basic Programming in Java Marina De Vos.

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Presentation on theme: "CM10134-CM50147 Programming I Basic Programming in Java Marina De Vos."— Presentation transcript:

1 CM10134-CM50147 Programming I Basic Programming in Java Marina De Vos

2 14/10/2004Lecture 1a: Introduction2 Course Contents Introduction to object-oriented programming… …with a strong software engineering foundation… …aimed at producing and maintaining large, high-quality software systems.

3 14/10/2004Lecture 1a: Introduction3 Buzzwords interface javadoc encapsulation coupling cohesion polymorphic method calls inheritance mutator methods collection classes overriding iterators responsibility-driven design aggregation design patterns reuse abstraction

4 14/10/2004Lecture 1a: Introduction4 Goals Sound knowledge of programming principles Sound knowledge of object-orientation Able to critically assess the quality of a (small) software system Able to implement a small software system in Java

5 14/10/2004Lecture 1a: Introduction5 Course Text David J. Barnes & Michael Kölling Objects First with Java A Practical Introduction using BlueJ Pearson Education, 2003 ISBN 0-13-044929-6.

6 14/10/2004Lecture 1a: Introduction6 Additional Book Bruce Eckel Thinking in Java, 3 rd Edition Prentice-Hall, 2002 ISBN 031002872 Free online copy: “”

7 14/10/2004Lecture 1a: Introduction7 Webpage The course webpage is at Please check it regularly. It will be used for announcements and distribution of material for lectures, labs, coursework.

8 14/10/2004Lecture 1a: Introduction8 Mailing lists the general mailing list for this unit. to contact the tutors of this unit and to submit lab sheets in case of illness.

9 14/10/2004Lecture 1a: Introduction9 Course overview (1) Objects and classes Understanding class definitions Object interaction Grouping objects More sophisticated behaviour - libraries Well-behaved objects - testing, maintaining, debugging Designing classes

10 14/10/2004Lecture 1a: Introduction10 Course overview (2) Inheritance Polymorphism Extendable, flexible class structures Handling errors Designing applications

11 14/10/2004Lecture 1a: Introduction11 Passing this Unit Exam Answer three questions on theoretical and practical issues of programming. Coursework Write four medium-sized programs in an object oriented way using the design methods we discussed. In order to be allowed to sit the exam and to do the coursework 7 exercise sheets have to be satisfactory completed.

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