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Faraday’s Law  produces an induced current Lenz’s Law: Induced current is in a direction so as to produce a B opposing the change in magnetic flux, 

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Presentation on theme: "Faraday’s Law  produces an induced current Lenz’s Law: Induced current is in a direction so as to produce a B opposing the change in magnetic flux, "— Presentation transcript:

1 Faraday’s Law  produces an induced current Lenz’s Law: Induced current is in a direction so as to produce a B opposing the change in magnetic flux,  B, that creates it (to conserve energy)




5 Group Problems 1.A long straight vertical wire has a 5A current flowing upwards. A small loop, 2mm x 2mm, lies 1m from the wire lying in a plane with the wire (with its normal perpendicular to that common plane). a)What is the B field at the loop? b)What is the magnetic flux through the loop? c)If at t = 0, the loop is moved from its initial position to a distance of 5m from the wire at t = 2s, without any change in its orientation, find the averaged induced emf in the loop during this time. d)If the loop has a 10 ohm resistance, what is the average induced current in the loop during this time? After this time, when the loop is at 5m from the wire?

6 Second Group Problem Suppose that in the circuit above the thick rod has a length of 20 cm and a resistance of 500 ohms and is free to move (without friction) along the track of thin wire (with ~0 resistance), completing a loop circuit. If there is a uniform 2 T B field everywhere into the page, and the rod is pulled to the right at a speed of 5 m/s a)Find the rate of change of the magnetic flux through the circuit. b)Find the induced current in the circuit and its direction through the rod.

7 Basis of an electric generator

8 Microphone (or speaker)

9 Reading Magnetic Tape

10 SQUID noise 10 -4 10 -5 10 -6 10 -7 10 -8 10 -9 10 -10 10 -11 10 -12 10 -13 10 -14 10 -15 B field (T) Earth’s field Urban B noise heart eye brain car at 50 m screwdriver at arms length transistor at 1 m

11 Magneto-encephalography MEG false color recording (left) of brain response to hearing pure tone, (center) superimposed on MRI cross-section of the brain. Right is the mapping of the MEG signal used to generate the false color recording. Gradiometer with two coils that cancel out distant spatially constant B fields. Note the direction of the induced current flow in the two coils – do you see how it works?

12 A SQUID detector, several cm on a side, made using thin film technology.

13 Magnetic moment for NMR

14 NMR block diagram RF Source DetectorRecorder NS sample

15 (bottom) Single proton NMR scan of a sample of the female sex hormone, progesterone; (top, with reduced amplitude) the sum of 500 scans showing the vast improvement in the signal-to-noise ratio

16 (a) The direct FT NMR signal from acetaldehyde, CH3CHO and (b) a portion of its spectrum, obtained by taking the Fourier Transform of (a). Note the methyl quartet structure for the OH proton.

17 An MRI machine used for whole-body medical imaging. (Courtesy GE Medical Systems)

18 (left) Field gradient established by gradient coil; (right) signal detected if there were only 3 equivalent “proton centers” in the patient’s head (shown in red) – note that only two peaks are seen because of the variation in resonance position along the field gradient, one with twice the integrated intensity of the other.


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