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River Campus Libraries CUIPID Catalog User-Interface Platform for Iterative Development David Lindahl Director of Digital Library Initiatives River Campus.

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Presentation on theme: "River Campus Libraries CUIPID Catalog User-Interface Platform for Iterative Development David Lindahl Director of Digital Library Initiatives River Campus."— Presentation transcript:

1 River Campus Libraries CUIPID Catalog User-Interface Platform for Iterative Development David Lindahl Director of Digital Library Initiatives River Campus Libraries University of Rochester

2 What is CUIPID?  Project of the Digital Initiatives Unit at the University of Rochester Libraries  CUIPID is a technology platform that enables iterative, user-centered design of new catalog user interfaces  Catalog User Interface Platform for Iterative Development  CUIPID is not a replacement for our current catalog  It will help us relate metadata and user needs.

3 CUIPID Roadmap Usability Issues and Opportunities FRBR Model UB Alternative Catalog Stanford XOBIS Influences

4 Users must select a search type.  Example:  Choose “title” if you know exact title, or the beginning of the title  Choose “title keyword” if you know some words in title  Users must select the correct type for optimal or acceptable results Usability Issue

5 Users should not enter initial articles.  Initial articles are “a” “an” and “the”  Certain search types are left-anchored and user must leave off initial articles when these are used

6 Usability Issue Users must undestand what a left-anchored title search is and when it is called for.  Some search types are, some aren’t  Patron is looking for the “Journal of Cell Biology”  Patron selects Journal Title for search type and enters:  “Cell Biology” – fails  “Journal of Cell Biology” - success  “Journal of Cell” - success

7 Usability Issue Many people don’t know how to construct a boolean search

8 Users must use “set limits” to navigate large result sets.  User needs to resubmit search  Too many choices for language, location, etc  Date limits confusing Usability Issue

9 Provide automatic spelling suggestions  Voyager Catalog  Google  RCL Site Search  CUIPID Opportunity

10 Collecting multiple records to print, save, or email is confusing.  Too many buttons and choices  Layout confusing  Doesn’t remember choices between different results pages Usability Issue

11 Opportunity Provide context-sensitive services based on circulation status Examples:  If item is available, provide a stack map  If item is checked-out, provide a recall form  If item is lost, provide an interlibrary loan request form

12 Opportunity Support number searching whether spelled out or numerical

13 Opportunity Provide more useful information with record displays.  Display suggestions of other titles instead of just subject headings  Book cover images, sample pages  Reviews  Recommendations  Donor information

14 Uability Issue Users don’t understand the invisible boundaries of our information islands.  Users search for journal articles in the catalog  Users search for books in site search (our webpage search engine)

15 Opportunity Libraries should hide the technology. Systems  Online Catalog  Website  Databases  Interlibrary Loan Features  Search Engines  Authentication Mechanisms  Requests

16 Opportunity Automatically recognize journal title abbreviations  Interpreting citations with journal title abbreviations is difficult without extensive knowledge or a reference book  This can be accomplished with a web-service that can translate abbreviation to full-title

17 Opportunity Incorporate other content indicies  Course pages  Web pages (subject guides)  Institutional Repositories  Digital content repositories

18 CUIPID Roadmap Usability Issues and Opportunities FRBR Model UB Alternative Catalog Stanford XOBIS Influences

19 FRBR Model  Find out if I will have a whiteboard?


21 CUIPID Roadmap Usability Issues and Opportunities FRBR Model UB Alternative Catalog Stanford XOBIS Influences Videos / DVDs Audio / CDs eJournals Project Timeline SARA Site Search CUIPID 2 CUIPID 1

22 Usability group Design group Three Groups Content group

23 Usability group Design group Skills and Experience Content group Library science Content Content providers User interfaces Users User interface design Visual design Web standards Technology Usability testing methods

24 Usability group Design group Roles & Responsibilities Content group Define key tasks Raise issues Manage project Create design iterations and prototypes Respond to issues and test results Manage issue-response process Select appropriate tests to perform Perform tests Report results Manage key-task process

25  FRBR slides

26 Voyager SQL database Architecture - Voyager MARC Metadata Index User Interface INDEX Examples: - Title index - Author index - Journal index Examples: - Bibliographic Record - Holding Record - Item Record (MARC?) WebVoyage

27 ColdFusion Architecture - Videos Metadata Index User Interface Voyager SQL database MARC INDEX WebVoyage SQL database Videos Cached Queries Find Videos/DVDs

28 ColdFusion Architecture - SARA Metadata Index User Interface Voyager SQL database MARC INDEX WebVoyage SARA Verity Indexes Stored Queries

29 ColdFusion Architecture – CUIPID 1 Metadata Index User Interface Voyager SQL database MARC INDEX WebVoyage CUIPID MARCXML Filesystem Verity Index

30  METS

31 CUIPID  Challenges  Complex interface  Multiple interfaces  Information Literacy  Inflexible vendor UI  UI <> Metadata in MARC

32 SARA Why?  Overcome limitations of commercial metasearch application  Influenced by grouped-search-results page at Amazon.Com  Experiment  ColdFusion as a platform for metasearch  Multiple concurrent Voyager searches

33 SARA What?  ColdFusion application  Concurrent Voyager searches  Demo

34 SARA How?  Cold Fusion executing Verity searches  Cold Fusion executing SQL queries to CDs, DVDs, and eJournal database (copy of Voyager content)  Cold Fusion executing multiple, concurrent http calls to Voyager, parsing and screen scraping for results number

35 CUIPID Why?  Usability issues with WebVoyage  User expectations shaped by popular sites  Goals  Forgiving interface  No knowledge needed  FRBR-like interface  Record enrichment (user reviews, etc)  Hundreds of things we wanted to do…

36 CUIPID What?  Platform for User-Centered-Design of catalog user interfaces  XML copy of library catalog records  “Did you mean” spell checking  Grouping of search results  Maps to stack locations  FRBR future  Unlimited possibilities  Demo

37 Web Server MS SQL ColdFusion CUIPID Voyager Oracle WebVoyage PERL copy Library website user interface How? XML files Verity Index Google.Com D.Y.M. Web Service XML Parser spell check Circulation Status

38 CUIPID  Vision of a new catalog  Take advantage of metadata (videos/DVDs)  Manipulation  Navigation  Behind the scenes processing  Enhanced displays  Usability


40 CUIPID  Version 1 demo

41 CUIPID  Version 2 demo

42 CUIPID  Online Catalog Usability Issues  Comparison to popular sites  Vision of a new catalog (MVD designs)  FRBR  CUIPID  CUIPID 2  XPath

43 CUIPID  XPath

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