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Amorphous Ornament CNC Fabrication in Contemporary Architecture.

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1 Amorphous Ornament CNC Fabrication in Contemporary Architecture

2 AmorphousOrnament - CNC Fabrication in Contemporary Architecture Final Assignment: AmorphousOrnament

3 AmorphousOrnament - CNC Fabrication in Contemporary Architecture Final Assignment: AmorphousOrnament

4 AmorphousOrnament - CNC Fabrication in Contemporary Architecture Final Assignment: The final project for the AmorphousOrnament course will be to develop an ornamented ceiling system. AmorphousOrnament

5 AmorphousOrnament - CNC Fabrication in Contemporary Architecture Final Assignment: There is a long history of ORNAMENT and ceilings. AmorphousOrnament

6 AmorphousOrnament - CNC Fabrication in Contemporary Architecture Final Assignment: There is a long history of ORNAMENT and ceilings. Ornament was chiefly used to distinguish an object or room, and provide a sense of opulence which could communicate the wealth of the owner. Ornament in the Eighteenth and nineteenth centuries were used in the decoration of churches, Nobel rooms, formal rooms of all kinds. AmorphousOrnament

7 AmorphousOrnament - CNC Fabrication in Contemporary Architecture Final Assignment: There is a long history of ORNAMENT and ceilings. Ornament was chiefly used to distinguish an object or room, and provide a sense of opulence which could communicate the wealth of the owner. Ornament in the Eighteenth and nineteenth centuries were used in the decoration of churches, Nobel rooms, formal rooms of all kinds. Ornamentation reached a pinnacle in its employ during the Rococo period where the competition for social stature was so great that the ornamentation of rooms and objects began to obscure their function and usefulness. During this time rooms were both painted and sculpted in ornamental fashions. AmorphousOrnament

8 AmorphousOrnament - CNC Fabrication in Contemporary Architecture Final Assignment: There is a long history of ORNAMENT and ceilings. Ornament was chiefly used to distinguish an object or room, and provide a sense of opulence which could communicate the wealth of the owner. Ornament in the Eighteenth and nineteenth centuries were used in the decoration of churches, Nobel rooms, formal rooms of all kinds. Ornamentation reached a pinnacle in its employ during the Rococo period where the competition for social stature was so great that the ornamentation of rooms and objects began to obscure their function and usefulness. During this time rooms were both painted and sculpted in ornamental fashions. The use of three dimensional ornament was usually limited to the upper walls and ceilings, as here it was less likely to be damaged, and could be appreciated in the limited light (no electricity) available during this time. AmorphousOrnament

9 AmorphousOrnament - CNC Fabrication in Contemporary Architecture Final Assignment: The use of ornamentation and the up direction has traditionally been associated with the religious beliefs that heaven, god, or goodness is above, and hell, Lucifer, or “baseness” is below. The “above” is also related to light, the sun, warmth, and life. AmorphousOrnament

10 AmorphousOrnament - CNC Fabrication in Contemporary Architecture Final Assignment: When discussing the definition of the work AMORPHOUS the most understandable example is that of a cloud. Clouds have no predefined form, they are constantly in the process of change, and their consistency is a product of the forces that are acting upon them at a multitude of scales. In addition clouds interact with light either from the sky or man made, to reveal their outer form. AmorphousOrnament

11 AmorphousOrnament - CNC Fabrication in Contemporary Architecture Final Assignment: Ornament as a craft has traditionally been developed into 2 categories, Ornament with the intention of an immediate tactile relationship to the viewer, or ornament with only an optic relationship to the viewer. AmorphousOrnament The role of ornament in each case is the same, to beautify, individualize, and characterize the context, however the differences lie in issues of scale, distance to viewer, and as a result in the fineness, quality, and resolution of the ornament. For this project we will be dealing with the OPTICAL properties of ornament.

12 AmorphousOrnament - CNC Fabrication in Contemporary Architecture Final Assignment: DIPLOMWAHLFACH ARBEIT The task for this project is to create a ceiling that is ornamented, and has an amorphous quality somewhat like a cloud. AmorphousOrnament

13 AmorphousOrnament - CNC Fabrication in Contemporary Architecture Final Assignment: DIPLOMWAHLFACH ARBEIT The task for this project is to create a ceiling that is ornamented, and has an amorphous quality somewhat like a cloud. AmorphousOrnament The ceiling should be composed of smaller elements that are distributed over its surface that define a greater geometry at the large scale and individual “motif geometries” at the smaller scales. The overall project will be composed of individual “tiles”, and the subdivision of the area will be a product of the final geometry.

14 AmorphousOrnament - CNC Fabrication in Contemporary Architecture Final Assignment: DIPLOMWAHLFACH ARBEIT The task for this project is to create a ceiling that is ornamented, and has an amorphous quality somewhat like a cloud. AmorphousOrnament The ceiling should be composed of smaller elements that are distributed over its surface that define a greater geometry at the large scale and individual “motif geometries” at the smaller scales. The overall project will be composed of individual “tiles”, and the subdivision of the area will be a product of the final geometry. The overall geometry and the organization of these tiles will be coordinated as a group work, following a series of decisions and parameters as defined by the group.

15 AmorphousOrnament - CNC Fabrication in Contemporary Architecture Final Assignment: DIPLOMWAHLFACH ARBEIT The task for this project is to create a ceiling that is ornamented, and has an amorphous quality somewhat like a cloud. AmorphousOrnament The ceiling should be composed of smaller elements that are distributed over its surface that define a greater geometry at the large scale and individual “motif geometries” at the smaller scales. The overall project will be composed of individual “tiles”, and the subdivision of the area will be a product of the final geometry. The overall geometry and the organization of these tiles will be coordinated as a group work, following a series of decisions and parameters as defined by the group. Each individual tile will then be the work of a single student, however there should be care taken to the edge conditions, the integration of pattern, motif, and ornamentation from one tile to the next.

16 AmorphousOrnament - CNC Fabrication in Contemporary Architecture Final Assignment: DIPLOMWAHLFACH ARBEIT For the work, there exists already a set of fixed parameters for the design. - It must fit into the “conference area” ceiling of room F40.9 - It must accommodate each of the participants LightShade pendant lights. - The design of the surface should take into account the characteristics of the LightShade, and its “Rules of Ornament”. - It will be made from Regisol Foam where each student has a 1mx1m square area at 80 mm thick. - The ornamentation should respond to the given geometry, and must be programmed. AmorphousOrnament

17 AmorphousOrnament - CNC Fabrication in Contemporary Architecture Final Assignment: DIPLOMWAHLFACH ARBEIT Other parameters and design details may be added within the scope of the design, at the discretion of the participants. Examples: - Ventilation, Audio equipment, video equipment,… ect. AmorphousOrnament Ply architects

18 AmorphousOrnament - CNC Fabrication in Contemporary Architecture Final Assignment: DIPLOMWAHLFACH ARBEIT The Deliverables for the project are: The LightShade pendant lamp. A programmed ceiling surface that fits within the overal matrix of the AMORPHOUSORNAMENT. A presentation of the working methodology and results for the final critique. Full documentation of the project, to be compiled in a CD sized booklet A WELL ORGANIZED Data CD of all data collected over the course of the project. The Review Date is FRIDAY Feb 25 – at 10:00 in the morning. AmorphousOrnament

19 AmorphousOrnament - CNC Fabrication in Contemporary Architecture

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