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Presentation on theme: "200 pt 300 pt 400 pt 500 pt 100 pt 200 pt 300 pt 400 pt 500 pt 100 pt 200 pt 300 pt 400 pt 500 pt 100 pt 200 pt 300 pt 400 pt 500 pt 100 pt 200 pt 300."— Presentation transcript:

1 200 pt 300 pt 400 pt 500 pt 100 pt 200 pt 300 pt 400 pt 500 pt 100 pt 200 pt 300 pt 400 pt 500 pt 100 pt 200 pt 300 pt 400 pt 500 pt 100 pt 200 pt 300 pt 400 pt Double Jeopardy 100 pt HealthGeologyWaterMore waterAtmosphere

2 Chemical contaminants found in the polluted waters in lake Apopka effected the development of alligators.

3 What is a endocrine disruptor?

4 Ultraviolet light exposure effects a cell in this way.

5 What is causes DNA to mutate or causes cancer?

6 A reason lead poisoning has decrease since the late 1970’s.

7 What is banning of lead paint or no more leaded gasoline?

8 DDT’s level increases as it moves up the food chain.

9 What is biomagnification?

10 She wrote Silent Spring.

11 Who is Rachel Carson?

12 The large supercontinent that existed 225 mya.

13 What is Pangeae?

14 A spreading center where plates diverge.

15 What is a ridge?

16 Volcanic eruptions, underwater landslides, earthquakes, and meteor impact in the ocean can trigger this destructive force.

17 What is a tsunami?

18 A mineral used in capacitors and electronic devices like your cell phone.

19 What is Tantalite?

20 Portions of ore leftover after the minerals have been extracted.

21 What are tailings?

22 Groundwater stored within porous, sponge-like formations of rock, sand or gravel.

23 What is an aquifer?

24 The Army Corp of Engineers constructs these to control floods.

25 What is a dike or levee?

26 The Colorado River exits into this Gulf.

27 What is the California Gulf?

28 Landscaping using plants adapted to arid conditions.

29 What is xeriscaping ?

30 The most destructive bottom fishing method.

31 What is bottom trawling?

32 Fishing is prohibited in Hanauma Bay. It is classified as this.

33 What is a MPA, marine reserve, marine life conservation district?

34 Toxic algae that grows in large amounts and can cause illness and death in animals further up the food chain.

35 What is a Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB)?

36 A process of desalination that evaporates seawater, condenses and collects it.

37 What is distillation? seawater evaporation freshwater Solar energy

38 Organisms living near hydrothermal vents rely on this primary producer for food or symbiosis.

39 What is chemosynthetic bacteria or archaebacteria?

40 The most productive oceanic ecosystem.

41 What are coral reefs?

42 The air we breath is found at this atmospheric layer

43 What is the troposphere?

44 Two molecules that contribute to acid rain.

45 What is NOx (nitrous oxide) and SO 4 (sulfur dioxide)?

46 A chemical that contributed to the ozone hole over the Antarctic.

47 What is Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC’s)?

48 Sunlight reacting with a mix of atmospheric chemicals cause this brownish haze to form.

49 What is photochemical smog?

50 A large concentration of marine debris in the North Pacific Ocean.

51 What is the Great Pacific Garbage Patch ?

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