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CKM03 workshop What I learnt R. Faccini
Beta Lots of importance is given to VV modes Angular analysis could reveal new physics because there are T-odd coefficients (triple products v 1 xv 2v 3 ) which are supposed to be present in absence of two phases with different weak phases Separately for charged and neutral modes Separately for B and B This method allows to test and bound possible other diagrams; New physics Penguins/tree Note: these methods are in addition to CPV in oscillation and direct CPV A. Datta D. London hep-ph/0303159 D. London, N.&R. Sinha hep-ph/0207007
VV modes (cont’d) How : for flavour eigenstates it is just a reparametrization of current analysis For CP eigenstates time-dep analysis with 18 parameters Which modes? General criteria: to expect 0 TP in SM one needs to have all amplitudes with the same phase. This cannot happen if a meson is made of more combinations of quarks (e.g. ). In this case the problem is solved taking higher resonances ( ’)
VV list of modes J/ K* Test of NP. Repeate current analysis with separate B and B amp. D*D*D*D* Upper bound on |T/P| and on | - eff | D*Ds*D*Ds* New physics K*, ’ * NP or tree K*, K*T violation is expected ( ) Complicated mixture (T expected)
Ways to cos2 Angular analysis in J/ K * returns sin( )cos(2 ) Fleisher suggests to use the sign of the strong phase from factorization deFazio showed factorization does not hold in charmonium decays ( c0 K) which means the argument from Fleisher does not hold Kayser method (J/YK0 vs J/YK0) is still theoretically the best but it is not applicable DDK seems to be the only possibility T.E.Browder et al., Phys.Rev.D61:054009,2000
in charmless decays No theo hypothesis whatever Contributions from b u transitions bring a dependence of CPV from Measure directly in direct CP asymmetries & B+ decay rates Measure with CPV in mixing Two cases d u d BB b d c D d BB c A 1 ~ 2 c b dd u u u u BB b s c D A 2 ~ 4 c A 1 ~ 3 c u c u BB b s u A 2 ~ 3 c D sin2 : A 2 doubly cabibbo suppressed sin : A 2 colour suppressed
sin2 in D (*) we do not know We are currently using But: What is the error on this SU(3) symmetry? BaBar is currently quoting 30% … although form factors have only 10% What are the possible contributions from annihilations? Br(DsK) seems to say A~0.1 Emissions We might be better off quoting =14% D tan 2 C BF (B D ) BF (B D s ) fD2fD2 f Ds 2 d c d BB DsDDsD b u s,ds,d
The 18 parameters fit has been discussed as a mean also to observe new physics (5000 fully reco in current data sample) Idea! Use the measured | |(L=1) in D * to estimate | |(D* ) On 100 fb -1 sin ~0.35 sin2 in D * London,Sinha Phys.Rev.Lett.85:1807(2000)
DK : GLW Measure B - D 0 K, B - D 0 K and B - D 0 CP K In 100fb -1: N(B - D 0 CP K)~25 (per eigenstate) but how to get B - D 0 K ? Should investigate lepton D0 decays. Expect 14 events … basically impossible Currently backing up to use R, unknown Gronau,London Phys Lett B253, 483 (1991)
DK: ADS Find B - [f]K - and B + [f]K + where f is a mode where the Br(D 0 f)<<Br(D 0 f) Relevant parameter For instance in 100 fb-1 N([K + -,K3 ,K 0 ]K (*)- )~30 Q~0.5 (expected asymmetry) More modes can be added Backgrounds? D.Atwood,Dunietz,A. Soni hep-ph 9612433
D0K0D0K0 Do the time dependent analysis both for D0 in CP eigenstates or not With the BF measured by Belle in D 0 K s N(K )~30 x 2 (D*0) N(Ks 0)~3 Very important: Kl modes are also very useful (add independent constraints) N(K )~25 BUT A LOT OF BACKGROUND Can we just do the direct CPV if non-CP eigenstates? No, don’t learn anything D. Atwood, A. Soni hep-ph/0206045
DK inclusive approaches Both ADS and D 0 K 0 can be done with inclusive approaches B - [K + X]K - ( 0 for D *0 ) N~800 Q~0.3 (!!! But what about bkgd?How to associate K+ to D0? Lepton tag -> down to 50 events) looks really tough!!! B 0 [K s X]K s N~100 but it will be hard to make t measurements B 0 [K + X]K s N~600 If we do not want to go for partial reco, X can be a list of modes (semi-exclusive approach) It all looks very tough!!! D. Atwood, A. Soni, hep-ph/0304085
D(dalitz)K - A subsample of the previous class is the use of D dalitz plot. If one parametrizes the whole dalitz structure (from inclusive D) one can fit for sin . Proposed mode f=K s In 100 fb-1 we should have ~300 events Soffer,Zupan hep- ph/0303187
DK Direct CP in B - D 0 K - 0 Measures Oscillations in B 0 D 0 K s - Measures sin(2 + Advantages Two amplitudes of same size Disadvantages Need to make sure there are interference regions Need to know dalitz structure
Summary of Charm decays GLW B - D 0 K cannot be measured Exploit R 1,2 and A 1,2. Too Low stat. ADS B - [f]K - : best modes K ,K 0,K3 . Expect ~30 evts in 100fb -1 with expected asymmetry of ~0.5 D (*) 0 K (*)0 CPV in oscillations. ~60evts/100fb -1 Inclusive approaches In ADS it might be possible to use [f]=KX (Nev~60) [high backgrounds] KLKL Bring additional info (D (*)0 K L ?) D(multi)K Exploit D K s s s extract sin : expect ~300 evts in 100/fb DK expect 700 evts/100fb -1 Is there enough interference region? D*D* Few measurements with errors ~0.5 are bound to come VV D * can give sin( )~0.4/100 fb -1 Can be used to get | | for D *
in 2-3 body “ the only hope is not to observe 0 0 and 0 0 “
b d : an idea b d is a measurement that people would really like One idea: Consider the recoil (300K in 100fb -1 ) Select events with a photon consistent with b s and a Ks (N 0 ) or a charged K (N c ) and estimate the pure b s yield (and therefore BF) from Use the sample without kaons to estimate b d properly subtracting b s background To reject Kl one should try ascribing to each Kl (or only those”more likely to be Kl”) the mass of the Kl and see if the consistency with a B decays increases
Miscellanea Tau polarization in B l probes new physics Forward –backwards asymmetry in Kll, X s ll,m ll spectrum … all measurements that should be done!
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