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Fluid Mechanics –For Civil Engineers is all about SMU Storing– Moving– Using ( Incompressible fluids - water) To design and manage these systems we need.

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Presentation on theme: "Fluid Mechanics –For Civil Engineers is all about SMU Storing– Moving– Using ( Incompressible fluids - water) To design and manage these systems we need."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fluid Mechanics –For Civil Engineers is all about SMU Storing– Moving– Using ( Incompressible fluids - water) To design and manage these systems we need to know We need to know The STATE of the Fluid--- Usually for CE PRESSURE p and VELOCITY v The interaction of the fluid with its surroundings (Forces) Most problems in CE 3502 will involve finding --- a pressure, a velocity, or a force (energy-work-power) We use 3 sets of tools to determine the State and Forces

2 2. Understanding Forces in Fluids Surface tension Pressure force drag surface resistance Viscosity Density Specific Weight 1. Knowing Fluid Properties Response to shear stress

3 3. Using Conservation Equations (Mass- Energy-Momentum) What is resistance force ? Conservation of Mass (Volume) Q -- volume flow rate Sum of Qins = sum of Qouts Red=control volume Conservation of Energy (Bernoulli—If losses are neglected) Net External Force = rate of change of momentum Conservation of Momentum Newton's 2 nd Law Review Dynamics -Statics Review vector calculus u(x,t) n Arbitrary fixed porous volume in Steady flow field u Net flow out of volume = = 0 Where are we

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