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1 TOWARD PREDICTING VLF TRIGGERING MURI Workshop 3 March 2008 E. Mishin and A. Gibby Boston College ISR Stanford University STAR Lab
2 OUTLINE Experimental constraints Significance of plasmaspheric hiss: Step-like electron distribution Results of ongoing study OBJECTIVE: Specify VLF triggering conditions APPROACH Compare the occurrence of VLF triggering from the Siple transmitter with the magnetic activity and natural VLF emissions
3 Perturbed plasmasphere contains density irregularities Substorms/storms inject ~10-keV electrons into the plasmasphere Energetic electrons remain trapped inside the PP for many hours Necessary conditions for VLF triggering: Background (unstable) population of >10-keV electrons Field-aligned plasmaspheric density enhancements (ducts) substorm aftermath too vague condition to be useful for predictions
4 Hiss Chorus : Natural triggering events (B road B and E D iscrete E) R: Rising chorus emission growing from the top of the hiss band GEOTAIL [Nunn et al., 1997 ] R F 85 dB/s Nunn et al.’ simulation results The distribution function observed in situ yields only 10 dB/s Theory failure? DF and amplification must be considered in detail
5 Step-like DF: Significance of plasmaspheric hiss after Trakhtengerts + [ 1985-2003] The “temperature” anisotropy Eq. pitch-angle energy The maximum frequency of hiss moderately-strong hiss wave-particle interaction leads to diffusion over pitch- angles and precipitation of resonant particles. In a steady-state, a sharp increase (step) forms near the separatrix.
6 Amplification of a ducted VLF wave smooth = (2-6) 0 Broad frequency range dB linear growth rate dB Step-like EDF (ka) 1/3 = 10-20 A wavelet on the top of the hiss band, f /f max =1+ (ka) -2/3, gains most Loss-cone “temperature” anisotropy [dB] = 4.3
7 Triggering from the Siple VLF transmitter Database: June 1986 campaign (at dawn) Auroral and RC indices “Operator’s records” APPROACH Compare the occurrence of VLF triggering from Siple with (1) previous magnetic activity and (2) the current background VLF noise
8 Triggering from Siple (cont’d) Dst = -(30-40) nT June 1986
9 Triggering from Siple (cont’d) + f Siple * f av hiss chorus pow.line. whistler o nat. trigg. x sferics
10 SUMMARY Most favorable conditions for VLF triggering in the morning sector seem to be satisfied after weak/moderate substorms. The triggering occurred when broad-band hiss emissions were present and the pump frequency was above the top of the hiss band. Consistent with theory, which is based on the second-order resonance and accounts for the step-like background electron distribution formed due to interaction with broad-band hiss.
11 Formation of a step-like DF is the Heaviside step function I ┴ = m· is the 1 st adiabatic invariant W = m· = is the kinetic energy bounce period diffusion time
12 Schematic of VLF triggering Propagating toward the equator, ducted pump signals gain energy from background energetic electrons, being amplified by 20-40 dB. Near the magnetic equator, phase - trapping of resonant electrons by the amplified pump wave results in the formation of a phase-coherent, quasi-monoenergetic electron beam. The beam generates narrow-band VLF emissions with falling or rising frequency. Their sweep rates (~1 kHz/s) satisfy the (generalized) second-order resonance (beam-wave phase coherence ). SIPLE receiver notably, Helliwell +STAR team, Sudan, Nunn, Karpman+, Omura, Matsumoto, Trakhtengerts+ L=4.2
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