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Auto Trammer Status Report Alex Rust & Nate Lamie.

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Presentation on theme: "Auto Trammer Status Report Alex Rust & Nate Lamie."— Presentation transcript:

1 Auto Trammer Status Report Alex Rust & Nate Lamie

2 11/19/02Alex Rust & Nate Lamie History Sweeping or tramming a milling machine is a time consuming process.

3 11/19/02Alex Rust & Nate Lamie Problem Statement A faster, easier process that sweeps the milling machine.

4 11/19/02Alex Rust & Nate Lamie Solutions Using a dial indicator Hiring a person to perform this task Using standard bubble levels Using lasers and sensors  Using motors and electronics

5 11/19/02Alex Rust & Nate Lamie What does it look like?

6 11/19/02Alex Rust & Nate Lamie System Overview Controller X display Y display On/OffCalibrate Sensor 1 Sensor 2 Buttons Motor Y Motor X

7 11/19/02Alex Rust & Nate Lamie Recent Tests Calculations of needed precision Precision of tilt sensor Tilt sensor precision Can we use the one we have Torque required of motors Choice of motor Tilt sensor orientation testing

8 11/19/02Alex Rust & Nate Lamie Research Types of sensors Electrolytic, inclinometer, accelerometer Motors Stepping, Linear, drivers included Prices

9 11/19/02Alex Rust & Nate Lamie Future Risks Mounting of equipment Magnets, bolts, or straps Adequate precision Repeatability tests Position of sensors Orientation Gearing of motors Torque, speed, and position

10 11/19/02Alex Rust & Nate Lamie Budget Total$200 - $500 Tilt sensor$45 each (donated) Motorsw/drivers$99 - $250 each Micro-controllerdonated Misc. Electronics$150 (donated)

11 11/19/02Alex Rust & Nate Lamie Schedule 1Problem statement6Motor to mill bracket 2Status report7Preliminary software 3Tilt sensors tests8Secondary testing 4Final tests9 5Torque test10Final presentation

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