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1 MKT201 – Buyer Behavior Chapter 3 Supplementary Examples
2 Converse
3 Converse Chuck Taylor Shoes 1908 年, 美国人摩尔 · 匡威于麻省春田市创办了篮球鞋的专业制造厂,Converse All Star 于是就诞生了。 1917 年匡威公司正式推出了 “ALL STAR” 帆布鞋, 以其狂放不羁的设计, 风靡全球一炮而红。 1923 年以具有运动天赋和口才的篮球明星查克 · 泰勒 (Chuck Taylor) 的亲笔签名成为匡威着名商标。集复古、流行、环保于一身的 “ALL STAR” 帆布鞋, 是美国文化的精神象征, 以其随心所欲, 自由自在没有约 束的穿着形态, 更成为追求自我时尚的青年人的忠实排挡。 Converse 以其迷人的外表和创新环保的理念, 在全球销量已经超过 7 亿 双。 7 亿双是一个什么概念 ? 它意味着全世界 12% 的人拥有过 Converse 鞋 ; 意味着 3 个美国这么多的人穿过 Converse 经典休闲鞋。
4 Converse Chuck Taylor Shoes 匡威 (Converse) 公司推出的 All Star 系列篮球鞋, 带动了整个鞋业界 的革命。 Converse All Star 篮球鞋与新兴的篮球运动一度风行全美乃 至全世界, 在过去的一个世纪中, 我们俯拾可见匡威 (Converse) 为篮球 运动投入心力的痕迹, 它已和麦当劳、可口可乐、哈雷机车等一样成为 美国文化精神的象征。 匡威 Converse All Star Chuck Taylor 是所有帆布休闲鞋的潮流领导 。 All Star 的帆布, 一直采用码重密度最足、质地最佳的帆布, 双边条, 原 生橡胶加细网布, 经久耐用, 在推陈出新的同时强调自然材质和环保理念, 被誉为鞋中的 “ 劳斯莱斯 ” 。 自 1992 年正式登陆中国大陆以来, 匡威 (Converse) 这个永远的超级巨 星, 正以进化论中蜕变的优势风靡整个中国。
5 Short-term Memory Test How many pictures can you remember? Miller’s magic number
6 Short-term Memory Test The Magic Number 7 ±2: Miller in 1956 ("The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two: Some Limits on Our Capacity for Processing Information") In 1956, George Miller's study identified that the amount of information which can be remembered on one exposure is between five and nine items, depending on the information. This range is conveniently the number seven, which has long held 'an interest' for people. Applying a range of +two or -two, the number seven became known as Miller's Magic Number Seven (7±2). This is the number of items which is thought can be held in short term memory at any one time.
7 Short-term Memory Test Applications - Chunking Chunking is a term which has been developed to use the limits of the human short term memory. Chunking refers to a strategy for making more efficient use of short-term memory by recoding information. In addition to its short term usage, Herbert Simon has used the term chunk to indicate long-term memory structures that can be used as units of perception and meaning, and chunking as the learning mechanisms leading to the acquisition of these chunks. A chunk can then be defined as "a collection of elements having strong associations with one another, but weak associations with elements within other chunks" (Gobet et al., 2001, p. 236).
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