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Mu-Recursive Functions
Chapter 13 Mu-Recursive Functions
Recursive Functions Functions that can be computed by at least one computational system, regardless of the implementation & execution of the system. Recursive function theory: i) Start w/ a collection of initial functions, which are computable ii) Combine the initial functions to form more functions which are also computable
Partial Functions & Total Functions
A partial function f : X Y is a relation on X Y such that y1 = y2 whenever (x, y1) f & (x, y2) f. x X is said to be defined in f if y Y such that (x, y) f; o.w., x is undefined in f. If the domain of f is the entire set X, then f is a total function on X. A total function can be a one-to-one, onto, or bijection function.
Primitive Recursive Functions
Are more complex functions than the basic primitive recursive functions, which include i) the successor function S: S(X) = X + 1 ii) the zero function Z: Z(X) = 0 iii) the projection functions Pi(n): Pi(n)(X1, ..., Xn) = Xi, 1 i n. These functions form the foundation of the hierarchy of computable functions. Can be constructed from the basic functions by applications of i) composition: the composition of two computable functions g & h, i.e., f = g h, is a (computable) function (that applies the outputs of h as inputs of g ) ii) primitive recursion
Primitive Recursive Functions
Defn (Primitive Recursion). Let g & h be total functions w/ n & n+2 variables, respectively. The n+1-variable function f is defined by i) f(X1, ..., Xn, 0) = g(X1, ..., Xn) ii) f(X1, ..., Xn, y+1) = h(X1, ..., Xn, y, f (X1, ..., Xn, y)) is said to be obtained from g & h by primitive recursion, where Xi s (1 i n) are called the parameters & y the recursive variable. By definition, f (X1, ..., Xn, y+1) is obtained by the sequence of computations: f (X1, ..., Xn, 0) = g(X1, ..., Xn) f (X1, ..., Xn, 1) = h(X1, ..., Xn, 0, f (X1, ..., Xn, 0)) f (X1, ..., Xn, 2) = h(X1, ..., Xn, 1, f (X1, ..., Xn, 1)) : f (X1, ..., Xn, y+1) = h(X1, ..., Xn, y, f (X1, ..., Xn, y))
Primitive Recursive Function
A function is primitive recursive (P.R.) if it can be obtained from the successor, zero & projection functions by a finite number of applications of composition & primitive recursion. e.g., let add be the function defined by P.R. from g(x) = x & h(x, y, z) = z + 1. Then add(x, 0) = g(x) = x add(x, y+1) = h(x, y, add(x, y)) = add(x, y) + 1 Hence, add is P.R. since g = P1(1) & h = S P3(3)
Primitive Recursive Function
e.g., add(2, 4) = add(2, 3) + 1 = (add(2, 2) + 1) + 1 = ((add(2, 1) + 1) + 1) + 1 = (((add(2, 0) + 1) + 1) + 1) + 1 = = 6 Example Let g & h be the total functions g = z & h = add (P3(3), P1(3)), mult, i.e., , can be defined by primitive recursion from g & h as mult(x, 0) = g(x) = 0 mult(x, y+1) = h(x, y, mult(x, y)) = mult(x, y) + x
Primitive Recursive Function
Example Let fact be the factorial function defined by if y = 0 fact(y) = o.w. fact is p.r. Let h(x, y) = mult (P2(2), SP1(2)) = y (x+1). Then, fact can be defined using p.r. from h by fact(0) = 1 & fact(y+1) = h(y, fact(y)) = fact(y) (y+1) hence, fact(0) = 1, fact(1) = fact(0) 1 = 1 fact(2) = fact(1) 2 = 2, fact(3) = fact(2) 3 = 6 fact(4) = fact(3) 4 = 24, … h, the function used in a p.r. function, can be any function that has previously be shown to be p.r. Õ = y i 1
Table 13.2.1 Primitive Recursive Arithmetic Functions
Description Function Definition Addition add(x, y) add(x, 0) = x x + y add(x, y+1) = add(x, y) + 1 Multiplication mult(x, y) mult(x,0) = 0 x y mult(x, y+1) = mult(x, y) + x Predecessor pred(y) pred(0) = 0 pred(y+1) = y Proper sub(x, y) sub(x, 0) = x Subtraction x - y sub(x, y+1) = pred(sub(x, y)) Exponentation exp(x, y) exp(x, 0) = 1 xy exp(x, y+1) = exp(x, y) x .
TABLE 13.2.2 Primitive Recursive Predicates
Description Predicate Definition Sign sg(x) sg(0) = 0 sg(y + 1) = 1 Sign Complement cosg(x) cosg(0) = 1 cosg(y + 1) = 0 Less than lt(x, y) sg(y - x) Greater than gt(x, y) sg(x - y) Equal to eq(x, y) cosg(lt(x, y) + gt(x, y)) Not equal to ne(x, y) cosg(eq(x, y)) . .
Primitive Recursive Function
Table Primitive Recursive Arithmetic Functions Theorem Every p.r. function is Turing computable Example: Let f be the function defined by x + 1 if x is even x - 1 o.w. a) Give the state transitive diagram of a TM M that computes f b) Show that f is p.r. f(x) = b) oe(x) = add(mult(ev(x), s(x)), mult(cosq(ev(x)), pred(x))) where ev(0) = 1 = s ° z ev(x+1) = h(x, ev(x)) = eq(P2(2)(x, ev(x)), 0) (eq is defined in Table ) q0 q1 q2 q4 q3 B/B R B/1 R B/B L 1/B R 1/1 R a) ev(x) = if x is even o.w.
Primitive Recursive Function
Theorem Let g be a p.r. function & f a total function that is identical to g for all but a finite # of input values. Then f is p.r. Proof: Let f be defined by y1 if x = n1 y2 if x = n2 f(x) = yk if x = nk g(x) o.w. f is p.r. since f can be written as f(x) = eq(x, n1) · y1 + eq(x, n2) · y eq(x, nk) · yk ne(x, n1) · ne(x, n2) · ... · ne(x, nk) · g(x)
Tabular Functions Output values are listed along w/ their corresponding input values, and a single common value is associated w/ all other inputs, i.e., g1(x1, ..., xn) if P1 (x1, ..., xn) f(x1, ..., xn) = gm(x1, ..., xn) if Pm (x1, ..., xn) gm+1(x1, ..., xn) o.w. f is p.r. because f can be expressed in the form f(x1, ..., xn) = g1(x1, ..., xn) · C1 (x1, ..., xn) gm(x1, ..., xn) · Cm (x1, ..., xn) + gm+1(x1,...,xn) · cosq(C1 (x1,..., xn) Cm(x1, ..., xn)) where if Pp(x1, ..., xn) holds o.w. & Cp is called the characteristic function Cp(x1, ..., xn) =
Computable Partial Functions
All primitive recursive functions are total, but not vice versa. Example: The Ackerman’s function is computable & total, but not p.r. A(0, y) = y (*basis*) A(x+1, 0) = A(x, 1) A(x+1, y+1) = A(x, A(x+1, y)) To illustrate, consider A(2,1) = A(1, A(2,0)) = A(1, A(1,1)) & A(1,1) = A(0, A(1, 0)) = A(1,3) = A(0, A(0, 1)) = A(0, A(1,2)) = A(0, 2) = A(0, A(0, A(1,1))) = 3 = A(0, A(0, 3)) = A(0, 4) = 5
Computable Partial Functions
Theorem: There is a computable total function from N to N that is not primitive recursive. Proof. Each p.r. function from N to N can be defined by a finite string of symbols. Thus, we can assign an order to the p.r. functions by arranging their definitions according to their lengths (short strings first) w/ the strings of the same length by alphabetical order, i.e., f1, f2, ..., fn, ... Let f(n) = fn(n) + 1 be a function from N to N. f is total & computable. However, f is not p.r. (If it were, f would have to be fm, for some m N+. But then f(m) would be equal to fm(m), which cannot be true since f(m) = fm(m) + 1.)
Partial Recursive Functions
The class of partial recursive functions is the class of partial functions that can be constructed from the initial (i.e., basic) functions by applying a finite number of compositions, primitive recursions, & minimalizations. minimalization allows us to construct a function f: Nn N from function g: Nn+1 N .. f( ) is the smallest y N, g( , y) = 0 & g( , z) is defined for all z ( N) < y, written f( ) = µy[g( , y) = 0]. e.g., g(0,0) = g(1,0) = g(2,0) = g(3,0) = 2 g(0,1) = g(1,1) = g(2,1) = g(3,1) = 6 g(0,2) = g(1,2) = g(2,2) = undefined g(3,2) = 7 g(0,3) = g(1,3) = g(2,3) = g(3,3) = 2 g(0,4) = g(1,4) = g(2,4) = g(3,4) = 8 g(0,5) = g(1,5) = g(2,5) = g(3,5) = 4 f(0) = f(1) = f(2) is undefined x
Partial Recursive Functions
Example. Let f: N N be defined as f(x) = µy[plus(x, y) = 0]. Thus f(0) = 0, but f(x) is undefined for x > 0 Example. Let div: N2 N be defined as integer portion of x/y, if y 0 undefined, if y = 0 using minimalization, div can be constructed as div(x, y) = µt[((x + 1) - (mult(t, y) + y)) = 0] div(x, y) = .
-Recursive Functions
-recursive functions yield a family of computable partial recursive functions. Defn The family of -recursive functions is defined as: i) The successor, zero, & projection functions are -recursive ii) If h is an n-variable -recursive function & g1, ..., gn are k variable -recursive functions, then f = h ° (g1, ..., gn) is -recursive. iii) If g & h are n & n+2 variable -recursive functions, then f defined from g & h by primitive recursion is -recursive. iv) If p(x1, ..., xn, y) is a total -recursive predicate, then f = z [ p(x1, ..., xn, z)] is -recursive v) Each -recursive function can be obtained from i) by a finite number of applications of the rules in ii), iii) & iv) Theorem Every -recursive function is Turing computable Theorem Every Turing computable function is -recursive
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