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Team E54: Greg Jacobs Dan Koza Ellen Marra Ian Obermiller.

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Presentation on theme: "Team E54: Greg Jacobs Dan Koza Ellen Marra Ian Obermiller."— Presentation transcript:

1 Team E54: Greg Jacobs Dan Koza Ellen Marra Ian Obermiller

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3 3 History of Sustain  Sustain is a social networking application that helps you keep in touch with your contacts – stores interests for you and your contacts – downloads relevant stories that you can share to start up a conversation  Sustain was developed by our sponsor, Niraj Swami, for the Android platform

4 4 Objective The objective of this project was to develop and release a beta version of the Sustain application for the iPhone by May 2009, using only the sponsor-provided equipment and 32 human- hours per week.

5 5 Customer Needs Sustain…  Allows the user to find and share relevant stories faster than simply searching  Time to get new stories less than 30 seconds  Is convenient  Is easy to learn and use  Is aesthetically pleasing  Is stable and does not crash

6 6 Evaluation of the Prototype  94% of users found Sustain more efficient than their current method of sharing news  89% of users found Sustain aesthetically pleasing  78% of users understand how to use Sustain  Sustain is 5x faster at sharing stories than Google News  Sustain obtains new stories in less than 4 seconds

7 7 Application Flow Diagram

8 8 Economic Analysis ActivityQuantityCost Person-hours of work completed1,080 hours at $25/hour$27,000 iPhone Developer License1$100 iPod Touch1$229 MacBook laptop1$999 iMac desktop2 at $1,199/each$2,398 Total:$30,726

9 9 Live Demo

10 10 Questions?

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