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Ideas for future training strategies Poul Degnbol Institute for Fisheries Management and Coastal Community Development.

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1 Ideas for future training strategies Poul Degnbol Institute for Fisheries Management and Coastal Community Development

2 A future training strategy must build on a vision of future fisheries management, and must produce those capstone skills which within that vision will enable the gatekeepers to attend to the day-to-day requirements of micromanagement while maintaining a strategic and innovative perspective


4 Training strategy must Be relevant to specific management system (scientific centralised, pluralistic, rights based etc) In that context, provide a coherent mix including both disciplinary and human KASA Target all groups involved in the management process (pros, stakeholders, technical staff) Support both implementation and innovation/strategy development

5 Training for participation ?

6 Participation requires Mutual respect Participation also in normative and cognitive aspects –respect and integrate objectives –respect and use knowledge, Openness - two-way basis for dialogue –Communicate ’with’ – not ’to’ –Critical ability vis a vis other disciplines/roles/cultures –Reflectivity - critical assessment of own role

7 Attitude blocks to participation - the need for reflectivity Header at poster produced for the annual conference in the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, Oslo 2001: ”100 years of excellence in marine science” Header on theme page in major Norwegian newspaper (’Aftenposten’) on occasion of the conference: ”100 years of advice without effect” Ivory tower attitude versus anti-intellectualism

8 Participation requires cont’d Understanding of fisheries management as based on a decision making process – including all the complexities of multiple objectives/interests/perceptions/cultures/disciplina ry backgrounds/personalities being played out and mediated within the management institution Understanding of implementation modalities

9 Can general ’human skills’ be taught ? Or can we develop these systematically on-job? Can specific understanding of other partners and the decision making process be taught ? Develop systematically on-job ? Can we combine taking care of running business while attending to needs to innovate/develop creative and rewarding environment ? Can some learning be shared among partners in the management process? Can we utilise that individual and institutional learning are interdependent and synergistic?

10 Training modalities Outside job: Courses (mainly university-) for (mainly) agency staff, internships Within job: Internships and rotations Within process: Internalise training in the management process

11 Management as learning process Fisheries management must be a learning process to be adaptive- learning is an important aspect of successful management Learning may take place unconsciously and unstructured but may more efficiently be developed as a conscious and structured process Process learning includes both development of the process and of the individuals participating

12 Process learning modalities Ongoing evaluation of outcomes –Participatory planning & evaluation (example: LFA implementation) –Add research component on to the management process – feed results back into the process (example: co- management research project) Ongoing evaluation of process –Follow-up on process assisted by observer/facilitator Limited by political sensitivities og process Stake holder groups separately? –Research add-on

13 Process learning modalities cont’d Case study production –Document process and outcomes –Basis for courses –Role play (decision process) –Simulation games (technical evaluation) –Web library –Contents / format standard ? Process as basis for individual learning out of context – use of own case in course or thesis work

14 Incentives and outcomes Universities: access to management processes - primary data for research Stake holder groups including agencies: systematic learning – relevant issues and disciplines from specific context Individuals: participation in innovative, critical and reflective environment Management process: development of human skills in stake holders, basis for mutual respect and conflict resolution, adaptivity


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