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“The Big Bang”- The Life Cycle of the Sun. Space Science Target Audience California Middle School Teachers Event: California Science Teacher Conference,

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Presentation on theme: "“The Big Bang”- The Life Cycle of the Sun. Space Science Target Audience California Middle School Teachers Event: California Science Teacher Conference,"— Presentation transcript:

1 “The Big Bang”- The Life Cycle of the Sun

2 Space Science Target Audience California Middle School Teachers Event: California Science Teacher Conference, October 24 th 2010 Target goals: Interaction of solar wind on Earth’s systems specifically human technology.

3 California Science Standards 4b: Students know that the Sun is one of many stars in the Milky Way galaxy and that stars may differ in size, temperature, and color. 4d: Students know that stars are the source of light for all bright objects in outer space and that the Moon and planets shine by reflected sunlight, not by their own light. …By carefully analyzing the spectrum of light from stars…stars are composed primarily of hydrogen, …smaller amounts of helium, and other chemical elements. (Science Framework for California Public Schools, 2004).

4 Inquiry for Space Science How do we get students involved with space science? How do we get students to master the concepts of space science without misconceptions? Well …………. Here are some ideas of engaging and involving activities to assist in mastering the concepts.

5 How Does the Sun Affect the Earth? Mysterious Events Lesson 1.1 For students to take ownership make sure the write out questions from each news flash. They may be similar. After all the news flashes are read have the students talk about their questions. I discuss what is testable and what could be answered by research and we make 2 different groups. Place questions on wall.

6 Lesson 1.2 Scale Model of the Sun-Earth System 1.Give the Pre-Unit Questionnaire. This is can be used as a KWL. Go over some thoughts about what we do know already about space? Ex: The sun is a star. Discuss why the sun is important to us. Discuss why the sun looks so much larger and brighter than other stars. Use models to explain relative size and distance. ( some examples in handouts)

7 1.2 Scale model of the Sun-Earth System Is there something wrong with this picture? Discuss with small groups. Share out. Ask again to students How far is earth from the sun? Review question wall

8 Other lessons that are important but for time Lesson 1.3 – Energy of sun Lesson 1.4 – A stormy Sun Lesson 1.5 – The Balloon-Rocket Mission Lesson 1.6 Investigating Ultra violet shields Lesson 1.7 – Concluding the Ultraviolet-Shields Investigation. Lesson 1.8 – Living with a stormy sun

9 Projects for students Traveling around the solar system Podcast that students will create after you complete some of the lessons from the gems book and examine some of the missions. A sound ( sorry no pictures) of a podcast by an 8 th grade students from Curtiss Middle School

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