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MCMLA 2005: Going Green A Sustainable Approach to Conference Planning MCMLA 2005: Going Green A Sustainable Approach to Conference Planning.

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Presentation on theme: "MCMLA 2005: Going Green A Sustainable Approach to Conference Planning MCMLA 2005: Going Green A Sustainable Approach to Conference Planning."— Presentation transcript:

1 MCMLA 2005: Going Green A Sustainable Approach to Conference Planning MCMLA 2005: Going Green A Sustainable Approach to Conference Planning

2 Opening the Walls of a Funnel Rethink what has ALWAYS been done!

3 Why Green?  Align the conference with our lifestyle and values.  Conserve materials, reduce waste, and save money.  A fun and different approach to conference planning.  Why not!

4 Areas to be “Greened”  Conference facility, lodging, and reception location  Catering and dine-arounds  Exhibitors and vendors  Hospitality  Presenters and CE courses  Transportation  Conference promotion and registration

5 Prior to Conference  Gain support from the conference planning committee.  Prepare an environmental policy for the conference to set our priorities.  Communicate, educate, and market our policy to planning committee members and attendees.  Develop green checklists for vendors, caterers, etc. Conduct interviews.

6 During Conference  Promote green priorities.  Monitor the success of the priorities. Are attendees using the recycling bins? Are presenters reducing the number of handouts they distribute?

7 Post Conference  Document and evaluate challenges and successes.  Quantify results when possible – recycling collected, waste generated, money saved or spent, etc.  Survey participants to obtain comments, suggestions, etc.  Celebrate! Encourage others by promoting achievements to MCMLA and SLC Green Team.

8 Great Resources  How to Hold a Green Meeting  Blue Green Meetings /Communications.cfm /Communications.cfm  How Green Are Your Meetings?  It’s Easy Being Green! A Guide to Planning and Conducting Environmentally Aware Meetings and Events. From the EPA; PDF available online.

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