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Leon Mualem — NNN07 The NO A Experiment Status Leon Mualem California Institute of Technology (for the NO A collaboration) Workshop on Next Generation.

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Presentation on theme: "Leon Mualem — NNN07 The NO A Experiment Status Leon Mualem California Institute of Technology (for the NO A collaboration) Workshop on Next Generation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leon Mualem — NNN07 The NO A Experiment Status Leon Mualem California Institute of Technology (for the NO A collaboration) Workshop on Next Generation Neutrino and Nucleon Detectors 2007 Hamamatsu, Japan

2 Leon Mualem — NNN07 The NO A Experiment Uses a 15kT detector, NO A Positioned off axis of the Fermilab NuMI beam Run for 6 years Goals: –Observation of the transition   e –Measurement of  13 to factor of ~2 –Measurement of sin 2 (2  23 ) –Determination of mass hierarchy (sign of  m 2 23 )

3 The NOvA Collaboration 25 Institutions, 129 Physicists and Engineers Argonne, Athens, Caltech, College de France, Fermilab, Harvard, Indiana, ITEP- Moscow, Michigan State, Minnesota, Minnesota-Duluth, Munich, Northern Illinois, Ohio State, Rio de Janeiro, South Carolina, Southern Methodist University, Stanford, Stonybrook, Texas, Texas A&M, Tufts, UCLA, Virginia, William and Mary Leon Mualem — NNN07

4 Approximate Schedule Apr 2006: US DOE CD-1 review. Recommends approval Sep 2007: Cooperative Agreement signed Oct 2007: US DOE CD-2/3A review –Baseline, advanced procurement Nov 2008: Prototype Near detector ready Mar 2010: Beneficial Occupancy of the FD building –Outfitting and installation begins Oct 2010: 9 month shutdown for accelerator upgrades Jun 2011: First Superblock Ready (~2.5kT) Aug 2011: 400kW beam commissioning April 2012-Jul 2012: Shutdown for upgrades to 700kW beam commissioning Dec 2012: Far Detector completed Leon Mualem — NNN07

5 Leon Mualem — ICHEP06 Fermilab NuMI Beam

6 Leon Mualem — NNN07 Off-Axis beam features Narrow energy distribution Tuned Energy by selecting off-axis angle –Maximize ν e appearance –Minimize ν μ Higher Intensity at a given energy Suppressed high energy tail –Reduces NC contamination —NUMI-On-axis beam —14mrad off-axis beam (no oscillation)

7 Proton Plans and Possibilities Leon Mualem — NNN07 Project X 2300

8 Leon Mualem — NNN07 Site for Far Detector: Ash River, MN This site is at 810 km from Fermilab, 11.77 km off-axis Farthest available site in the U.S. along the NuMI beam –US 53, St. Louis County Road 129 - all weather access

9 15.4m 70m Leon Mualem — NNN07 NO A Far Detector  15 ktons  15.4m x 15.4m x 70m  1003 liquid scintillator planes, (~80% active)  Scintillator cells 3.8 x 6.0 x 1540 cms  Read out from one side per plane with APDs  Expected average signal at far end of 30pe

10 Leon Mualem — NNN07 The Basic Detector element Liquid Scintillator 5.5% pseudocumene as scintillant Mineral oil and waveshifters (PPO, bis-MSB) PVC cell for primary containment Horizontals:3.87 cm x 6.0 cm x 15.4 m long Verticals: 3.76 cm x 5.7 cm x 15.4 m long Highly reflective, 15% titanium dioxide Looped wavelength shifting fiber to collect light 0.7 mm diameter, double clad, K27 waveshifter Almost perfect mirror, 3.6*light in 1 fiber Avalanche Photodiode 85% quantum efficiency Gain of 100, operate at -15 o C Low noise amplifier

11 Technical Progress IPND extrusions at manufacturer Things are happening Prototype Extrusions have been made Prototype Photodetectors and readout electronics delivered Leon Mualem — NNN07

12 APD Photodetector Hamamatsu Si Avalanche Photodiode (APD) –Variant of commercial S8550 SiAPD –Custom design to match to fiber aspect ratio –Bare die mounted to PCB via gold bump thermo-compression Leon Mualem — NNN07

13 APD Advantage Wavelength (nm) 85% QE Matches fiber Emission Leon Mualem — NNN07

14 Front End Board Low-Noise ASIC External ADC (AD41240) FPGA, control and DSP ASIC ADC FPGA Leon Mualem — NNN07

15 e CC event e p  e - p  + E =2.5GeV E e =1.9GeV E p =1.1GeV E  =0.2GeV

16 Leon Mualem — NNN07  CC event 2GeV muon CC event

17 Leon Mualem — NNN07  CC event  n  - n  +  o E =2.8 GeV E  =0.5GeV E n =1.0GeV E  + =0.4GeV E  o =1.8GeV

18 Leon Mualem — NNN07 NC event  N   p  o E =10.6 GeV E p =1.04GeV E  o =1.97GeV

19 Current Analysis Results Completely new analysis written in new framework (transition from Fortran to C++) New reconstruction algorithms New event selection algorithms New analysis at least as powerful as previous. Increases e selection efficiency New simulation codes –Upgrades to neutrino interaction code –Upgrades to flux model –increases background (may overestimate) Leon Mualem — NNN07

20 Electron Identification for NOvA ~20 variables in Neural Net Example distributions Overall efficiency ~30% (optimizable) ANN Output signal bkg. NC  CC beam e Leon Mualem — NNN07

21 Detector Performance Optimize Figure of Merit (FOM=sig/√bkd) performance separately for and anti- Use 18E20 POT, sin 2 (2  13 ) =0.1,  m 2 =2.4E-3, no matter effects Upgrades to neutrino event generator Updates to predicted neutrino flux Updated detector mass and configuration –15kT, slightly shorter modules, photodetector readout Leon Mualem — NNN07

22 Performance optimization Leon Mualem — NNN07 Neutrino Figure of merit (sig/√bkd) Maximized at 15.3, and 26% selection efficiency Anti-Neutrino Figure of merit (sig/√bkd) Maximized at 9.5, and 20% selection efficiency Combined Figure of merit 18.0

23 3  Sensitivity to sin 2 (2  13 ) ≠ 0 Sensitivity vs  for non-zero sin 2 (2  13 ) at 700kW, 1.2MW, and 2.3MW Leon Mualem — NNN07

24 Mass Hierarchy Resolution If you assume a measurement of P(ν e )=0.02, what does that imply about θ 13 and the mass hierarchy, and how can you distinguish them. Determine P using anti- neutrinos and/or measure θ 13 in reactor experiment.

25 95% CL Sensitivity to the Mass Ordering Inverted Normal Leon Mualem — NNN07

26 Measurement of sin 2 (2  23 ) If sin 2 (2  23 ) = 1, then it can be measured to 0.004. Otherwise, it can be measured to ~0.02.

27 Summary Progress in many areas –Reviews and administrative milestones and achievements –Technical – production of prototype detectors –Analysis Development of new reconstruction Development of new event selection More improvements possible; this area is under active development Leon Mualem — NNN07

28 Conclusions The NO A experiment exhibits significant sensitivity to the current and future issues of neutrino oscillations –Electron neutrino appearance -- sin 2 (2  13 ) –Muon neutrino disappearance -- sin 2 (2  23 ) –mass hierarchy resolution –CP violation measurement Upgraded beam intensity needed to reach all of these goals Final thanks to NO A Collaborators for their contributions Leon Mualem — NNN07

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