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2 1 st Duck Race Fundraising EVENT, Timisoara 2008 This event fundraiser is fun and can get kids involved. All you need to do is get the rubber ducks.

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2 2 1 st Duck Race Fundraising EVENT, Timisoara 2008 This event fundraiser is fun and can get kids involved. All you need to do is get the rubber ducks or any other fun thing that can float. Have them numbered to match tickets you sell to supporters. Make sure the event is publicized so you can have a fun turnout on the day of the race at your local stream or body of water. The first duck to cross the finish line wins a prize that was donated by a local sponsor... etc BEGA DUCK RACE – CURSA RATUSTELOR

3 DUCK RACE – Adopting a duck: 5 RON EACH. Take Home duck: + 5 RON Date 04.10.2008, tickets will be sold by rotaract in the bright yellow Duck Booth in P-ta Victoriei QUACK! (Good Luck!)‏ = 1 st Duck Race Fundraising EVENT, Timisoara 2008

4 Double Your Money Back if Your Duck: * Finishes Before it Starts; * Vanishes into a Previously Unknown Space- Time Anomaly; * Advertantly or Inadvertantly Disproves Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle; * Wins; * or any combination of the above. 1 st Duck Race Fundraising EVENT, Timisoara 2008

5 What's a "Lucky Duck?" Corporate sponsors of specially colored ducks donate RON 50, or RON 100, cash prizes. The next numbered duck to follow a "Lucky Duck" across the finish line wins the prize donated by that "Lucky Duck's" sponsor. What's the "Lame Duck Award?" The RC Timisoara Improvement Committee sponsors one prize in each year's Duck Race, the Lame Duck Award. The Race Entrant which finishes dead last at the finish line (the "Lame Duck") wins RON 50 in cash for its owner, just because. 1 st Duck Race Fundraising EVENT, Timisoara 2008



8 Sponsor duck - intro race

9 1 st Duck Race Fundraising EVENT, Timisoara 2008 „Duckrace – Cupa sponsorilor” este un eveniment gen divertisment si activitati pentru timp liber, cu scop caritativ, care cuprinde ca si public tinta toate categoriile de vârsta. În cadrul acestui concurs ratustele vor fi cumparate de catre institutii, asociatii sau persoane fizice si vor fi lansate pe Canalul Bega la concursul ratustelor – cupa sponsorilor. Firma dumneavoastra poate sa decoreze împreuna cu colectivul institutiei dvs. ratusca sau poate ca alternativa sa implice în decorarea ratustei o grupa de gradinita sau de elevi. Astfel puteti creste numarul spectatorilor si aveti un multiplicator de nadejde la cumpararea biletelor de adoptie pentru cursa principala a ratustelor, care va urma cupei sponsorilor. În plus se pun la dispozitie bilete de participare pentru colectivul firmei dumneavoastra, respectiv pentru grupul de copii implicat. La concursul ratustelor se vor folosi asa numitele BIGDUCKS (vezi poze din anexa). Ce este sponsor duck

10 1 st Duck Race Fundraising EVENT, Timisoara 2008 Acesta BIGDUCK va fi „prelucrata” de dumneavoastra, respectiv grupa de gradinita/ elevi în calitate de sponsor cu logo-ul firmei dumneavoastra; adica pictata, decorata sau imprimata. De asemenea se organizeaza concursul celei mai frumoase BIGDUCK, care va fi premiata cu „Ratusca de Aur”. (vezi poza de jos). În acest sens se vor prezenta înainte de data începerii concursului BIGDUCKSurile personalizate într-o zona centrala (eventual în vitrina Infocentrului). Juriul va fi format din personalati/ copii/ organizatii care vor lua o decizie în ziua concursului.

11 1 st Duck Race Fundraising EVENT, Timisoara 2008


13 Oferta sponsori: 1 x BIGDUCK + 30 x Race Duck = 1.000 RON

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