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”Lakepromo – Tools for water management and restoration processes” 1 st Steering Group Meeting: 1 October 2004 AIMS: to promote multilevel and interregional.

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Presentation on theme: "”Lakepromo – Tools for water management and restoration processes” 1 st Steering Group Meeting: 1 October 2004 AIMS: to promote multilevel and interregional."— Presentation transcript:

1 ”Lakepromo – Tools for water management and restoration processes” 1 st Steering Group Meeting: 1 October 2004 AIMS: to promote multilevel and interregional co-operation in the field of water management to pool and exchange the knowledge and experiences from different regions and targets in a structured way -> also at practical level → to increase eco-efficiency and sustainable development, to enhance the finding of the best practices, to give a wide background for the future decisions to increase public awareness and transparency regarding the activities of EU in water management -> to activate water management field diversely to analyse the further needs and build the platform for continuous co-operation and transfer of know-how to enhance EU-wide and cross-border co-operation according to the Water Framework Directive

2 ”Lakepromo – Tools for water management and restoration processes” 1 st Steering Group Meeting: 1 October 2004 EXPECTED OUTPUTS: information-packages of water management and restoration practices from each partner country -> a joint summary manual (Component 2) pilot projects in each partner country (Component 3): the experiences and data will be summarized the a manual of practical tools for further operations the network for exchance of knowledge: seminars in each partner country (dealing with differnet topics on water management field), local networks The information will be dealt also by leaflets, brochures, Web-sites etc. (both in English and native languages) the analysis of the needs for further activities and development (education, networks, research, legislation etc.)

3 ”Lakepromo – Tools for water management and restoration processes” 1 st Steering Group Meeting: 1 October 2004 APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY: the steering group will have a representative and a debuty member from each partner, the meetings will be hold mainly in connection to the seminars dates the local contact persons will be responsible for the information-package of their own country and also the pilot area of their own; they will organize the local projects and activities in co-operation with the lead partner the lead partner will edit the joint manuals from the partners’ information-packages and reports the main focus of each seminar will be chosen by the steering group; each partner will be responsible for the practical arrangements for the seminar, which will be hold in their country the suggestions for the future will be planned jointly at the end of the operation – based on the gained experiences and information

4 ”Lakepromo – Tools for water management and restoration processes” 1 st Steering Group Meeting: 1 October 2004 TIME PLAN: The operation time: September 2004 – September 2007 (37 months) the subsidy contract (the Lead Partner and Interreg IIIC North) 7 September 2004; the co-operation agreements (the Lead Partner and each partner) 15 October 2004 the first steering group meeting 1 October 2004, the second in Germany in Spring?, the next ones in connection with the seminars; the first seminar in Kuopio, Finland 25- 26 November 2004 – the next ones in 2005: Germany, United Kingdom and Sweden, in 2006: Estonia, Spain, Russia (Tacis), 2007: Denmark, Hungary the meetings with the project group whenever needed (specially during the pilot phase) the information-packages and joint summary manual ready in January 2006; The reports from pilot phase and the joint manual of practical tools in Spring 2007 the model for continuation: January-September 2007

5 ”Lakepromo – Tools for water management and restoration processes” 1 st Steering Group Meeting: 1 October 2004 COMPONENTS: Management and Coordination - Component 1 (27 %) The information-packages, data analysis – Component 2 (17 %) Pilot phase – Component 3 (34 %) Publicity and information processes – Component 4 (14,8 %) Model for continuation – Component 5 (6,0 %) Detailed description in the application form: Annex III 1-5

6 ”Lakepromo – Tools for water management and restoration processes” 1 st Steering Group Meeting: 1 October 2004 BUDGET: Annex IV 0-4 in the application form; revised on 19 August 2004 1 Staff costs (52,3 %) 2 Administration costs (5,1 %) 3 External expertise (9,2 %) 4 Travel and accomodation (18,4 %) 5 Meetings and events (8,6 %) 6 Promotion costs (3,9 %) 8 Investments (1,2 %) 10 Preparation costs (1,3 % - costs before 30 April 2004)

7 Financial Management Staff costs Personnel costs for partner organisations of the operation Salary, tax, employer’s contribution for social security in accordance with national legislation Based on real costs (actual salary rate) Certified on the basis of documents like contracts, time sheets, payslips and other documentation of payments

8 Financial Management In-kind contributions Only voluntary unpaid work! Please note! Staff costs are not considered as in-kind costs, but as cash contribution!

9 Administration Costs All direct general costs (office rent, mail, fax, phone etc.) Indirect general costs (overheads) related to the operation based on real costs calculated on a pro rata basis, according to the duly justified, fair and equitable method Financial Management

10 External expertise Costs paid to external service providers who are sub-contracted To be specified in the Application Form: description of the service, the partner responsible for contracting and amount Examples: studies, project management, auditing

11 Travel and Accommodation Financial Management Daily allowances & accommodation costs have to be in line with the existing internal rules of the LP and partner organisations and national rules of the respective Member State Travel, accommodation, daily allowances General rule: most economical way of transport must be used

12 Financial Management Travel and Accommodation Third country partners: Travel and accommodation from third countries Participation in meetings and seminars taking place in the EU terrritory If these costs are to be financed from the operation‘s budget, they have to be budgeted, paid and accounted by one of the EU-partners

13 Financial Management Promotion costs Costs related to the organisation of meetings: rents, technical equipment, printing, interpretation etc. Also the service that is subcontracted & related to the specific meeting Meetings and events Publication costs not linked to specific events or seminars: brochures, newsletters, leaflets etc.

14 ”Lakepromo – Tools for water management and restoration processes” 1 st Steering Group Meeting: 1 October 2004 BUDGET: - EU Community Iniative Programme INTERREG IIIC Programme Manual -Interreg IIIC North Programme Complement -Community Initiative Programme INTERREG IIIC North´Zone -Interreg IIIC 2000-2006 Audit guidelines (August 2004) ->THESE AND OTHER ESSENTIAL DOCUMENTS:

15 ”Lakepromo – Tools for water management and restoration processes” 1 st Steering Group Meeting: 1 October 2004 FLEXIBILITY: -Up to 20 000 €, or if more, up to 10 %: -from the original amount given in approved application -between budget lines, components or project partners from the same objective area -without prior notification of the JTS -Up to 20 %: -the prior approval of the JTS required -only once during the operation lifetime

16 ”Lakepromo – Tools for water management and restoration processes” 1 st Steering Group Meeting: 1 October 2004 REPORTS: Preparation cost report (Lead Partner 15 October 2004) Activity and Financial report every six months (each partner -> the Lead Partner -> JTS Interreg IIIC) Deadlines: report time Jul-Dec 2004: Lead Partner 01/03/2005 (partners 01/02/2005) report time Jan-Jun 2005: Lead Partner 01/09/2005 (partners 01/08/2005) report time Jul-Dec 2005: Lead Partner 01/03/2006 (partners 01/02/2006) report time Jan-Jun 2006: Lead Partner 01/09/2006 (partners 01/08/2006) report time Jul-Dec 2006: Lead Partner 01/03/2007 (partners 01/02/2007) report time Jan-Jun 2007: Lead Partner 01/09/2008 (partners 01/08/2008) report time Jul-Dec 2007: Lead Partner 01/03/2008 (partners 01/02/2008)

17 ”Lakepromo – Tools for water management and restoration processes” 1 st Steering Group Meeting: 1 October 2004 REPORTS: Preparation cost report and activity and financial report require a confirmation from an independent auditor !!! Costs have to be paid out during the reporting period! Direct, demonstrable connection to the operation Allocated costs per component and correct budget lines Specification of costs: External expertice (public procurement rules!), Investments Have to be documented (e.g. for personnel costs time sheets) Please note the country specific requirements! All reports in EUROS – the currency exchange: the partners should use the market exchange rate of the last day of the reporting period!!!

18 ”Lakepromo – Tools for water management and restoration processes” 1 st Steering Group Meeting: 1 October 2004 Interim cost report : Estimated costs of the operation Timeframe: July – November 2004 No auditing – payments will be done only after the normal progress report has been approved (March 2005) DEADLINE 5 December 2004 Reducing the risk of decommitment – less funds lost

19 ”Lakepromo – Tools for water management and restoration processes” 1 st Steering Group Meeting: 1 October 2004 PAYMENTS : No advance payments will be made After the Progress report is accepted the payment will be made in one sum directly to the Bank account of the Lead Partner in EUROS The transfer of money will last 1-2 weeks: The Lead Partner will distribute the funding among the partners in EUROS If the partner account is not an EURO account, the corresponding exchange will be done by your local bank – any exchange risk is to be borne by partners

20 Networks and Individual Projects – Reporting and Financial Flows INTERREG IIIC NORTH Partner Lead Partner check Paying Authority (PA) effects payments to the Lead Partner Every six months: One Activity and audited financial report on all costs of the network or individual project to the Managing Authority (MA)/Joint Technical Secretariat (JTS) check Activity and audited financial report on expenditure to the Lead Partner Lead Partner effects payments to partners

21 ”Lakepromo – Tools for water management and restoration processes” 1 st Steering Group Meeting: 1 October 2004 PUBLICITY REQUIREMENTS: Communication will be part of your reporting duties! Use of the EU emblem and Interreg IIIC (main) logo! Ensure transparency in the use of public funds Costs for information and publicity will be co-financed ONLY if the guidelines are followed up Achieving and communicating our outputs and results are the key for the success of this our joint operation!!! – Disseminate the results achieved and the good practices implemented to stimulate the multiplier effect for the realisation of similar activities!

22 ”Lakepromo – Tools for water management and restoration processes” 1 st Steering Group Meeting: 1 October 2004 WEB SITE: The main site: Lead Partner – the links to the each partners’ own sites (each partner can update their part). All material in English –the partners’ sites also in native languages. -Project description (Summary) -The partners -News and events -Seminars and meetings -Questions and answers / Discussion -Contact

23 ”Lakepromo – Tools for water management and restoration processes” 1 st Steering Group Meeting: 1 October 2004 BROCHURES: The publicity requirements from Interreg IIIC! The uniform outlook: the main brochure by Lead Partner –each partner can publish also their own leaflets (in English AND in native languages)

24 ”Lakepromo – Tools for water management and restoration processes” 1 st Steering Group Meeting: 1 October 2004 THE FIRST SEMINAR: In Kuopio 25-26 November 2004 25 November 2004 (8:30 –16:30) The international presentations: Each partner will have appr. 40 min time (The evening reception and coctails in Puijo..) 26 November 2004 (8:00 – 15:00) The main themes: 1. Co-operation of stakeholders and authorities in management and restoration of lakes in Finland 2. Case studies

25 ”Lakepromo – Tools for water management and restoration processes” 1 st Steering Group Meeting: 1 October 2004 To notice: Partner nro 14 (Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin) has changed to non-eligible as public body -> their supervisory board has been changed. The discussions with other possible partners (Berliner Wasserbetriebe and German Federal Environmental Agency) are under way. The Lead Partner will informate all the partners on the possibilities to replace the partner 14.

26 ”Lakepromo – Tools for water management and restoration processes” 1 st Steering Group Meeting: 1 October 2004 Thank you for your attention! Let’s keep in touch! Arja Ruokojärvi Savonia Polytehcnic Engineering Kuopio P.O.Box 1188 FI-70211 KUOPIO Finland Mobile +358 44 785 5569 Fax +358 17 255 5561

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