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Elke A. Rundensteiner Database Systems Research Group Office: Fuller 238 Phone: Ext. – 5815 WebPages:

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Presentation on theme: "Elke A. Rundensteiner Database Systems Research Group Office: Fuller 238 Phone: Ext. – 5815 WebPages:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Elke A. Rundensteiner Database Systems Research Group Email: Office: Fuller 238 Phone: Ext. – 5815 WebPages:

2 CAPE : Engine for Querying and Monitoring Streaming Data Example of Stream Data Applications: Market Analysis –Streams of Stock Exchange Data - get rich Critical Care –Streams of Vital Sign Measurements – save lives Physical Plant Monitoring –Streams of Environmental Readings – protect env data Query data streams of data static data Standing queries one-time queries

3 Stream Query Monitoring Projects  CAPE Query Engine Load Spiller Service (JAVA):  Service for run-time spill/unspill services for a complete query plan  Design query policies, operator data structures, algorithms  Implement in CAPE engine, conduct experiments  Event Pattern Monitoring Engine  Support Sequence Queries and Extend to more Complex AND/OR Patterns  Handle out-of-order event input arrivals by either logging and result-correction or by exploiting predicting meta-data messages  Scale to support multiple event queries  RFID Data Service  Install actual RFID equipment in some campus environment  Support simple data collection and tracking queries, of either goods or people  Handling missing values or clean-up errors using domain knowledge  Visual Stream Monitoring Tool  Target a real stream application, such as flow simulation tool  Develop algorithms for multi-resolution data aggregation in time and space  Support visual query refinement of asking about a particular object or region  CAPE Query Engine Load Spiller Service (JAVA):  Service for run-time spill/unspill services for a complete query plan  Design query policies, operator data structures, algorithms  Implement in CAPE engine, conduct experiments  Event Pattern Monitoring Engine  Support Sequence Queries and Extend to more Complex AND/OR Patterns  Handle out-of-order event input arrivals by either logging and result-correction or by exploiting predicting meta-data messages  Scale to support multiple event queries  RFID Data Service  Install actual RFID equipment in some campus environment  Support simple data collection and tracking queries, of either goods or people  Handling missing values or clean-up errors using domain knowledge  Visual Stream Monitoring Tool  Target a real stream application, such as flow simulation tool  Develop algorithms for multi-resolution data aggregation in time and space  Support visual query refinement of asking about a particular object or region

4  Acquisition: Brand New Purchase of 20-Node High-Performance PC Cluster (Rundensteiner/Mani/Heineman – NSF )  Project 1: Implement and evaluate allocation/re- allocation algorithms for assigning stream query nodes to processor  Project 2: Implement and compare two solutions for migrating at run-time query plans into new rewritten plans  Project 3: Develop launch-pad for statistics monitoring for monitoring DCAPE experiments  Acquisition: Brand New Purchase of 20-Node High-Performance PC Cluster (Rundensteiner/Mani/Heineman – NSF )  Project 1: Implement and evaluate allocation/re- allocation algorithms for assigning stream query nodes to processor  Project 2: Implement and compare two solutions for migrating at run-time query plans into new rewritten plans  Project 3: Develop launch-pad for statistics monitoring for monitoring DCAPE experiments PC-Cluster Java Applications

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