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New Employee Coaching January 17, 2007. Agenda Guest speaker: Dean Lowell Catlett Organizational History Effective Meetings NMSU Policy Handbook Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "New Employee Coaching January 17, 2007. Agenda Guest speaker: Dean Lowell Catlett Organizational History Effective Meetings NMSU Policy Handbook Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Employee Coaching January 17, 2007

2 Agenda Guest speaker: Dean Lowell Catlett Organizational History Effective Meetings NMSU Policy Handbook Technology Bit: eXtension

3 Organizational History What is a Land-Grant Institution? –Designated by Congress to carry out the mission to teach agriculture, military tactics and the mechanical arts as well as classical studies. –In mid 1800’s when Morrill Act established: the rural population was over 80% in U.S. Agriculture primary occupation Rural areas lagged behind towns and cities in education Farming was inefficient, at a subsistence level

4 Did you know? USDA created in 1862 - the year after the Civil war began Created the same year the first man-made plastic was invented Same year the homestead Act passed Before slavery was abolished by the 13 th amendment in 1865 Source: ARS Timeline :

5 Organizational History Website References: University of Florida USDA Links can be found on: Organizational History Handout at PDA website: (, New Employees sidelink, Resources)

6 Effective Meetings People complain about meetings Make yours effective and efficient Show the professional side you want others to see Show what a great organization they are working with- your chance to shine!

7 Effective Meetings Define objectives and outcomes, know what you are trying to achieve Create a carefully scripted agenda Deliver agenda in advance Make every meeting a learning event Use a variety of tools and activities to make the meeting productive and fun…get them charged up!

8 Effective Meetings JOE Articles: Facilitation: The Road to Effective Meetings Promoting and Organizing Agricultural Extension Meetings Creating Productive Meetings PDA website (Meeting Tips 1): More on effective meetings at a later session

9 NMSU Policy Handbook Online at: –

10 eXtension eXtension brings you: –credible expertise –reliable answers based upon sound research –a connection to the best minds in American universities –solutions for today's problems –customized answers to your questions –trustworthy information and... –information that is dynamic, relevant, and timely –All available to you at the click of your mouse! Current public sites: –HorseQuest (Jeff Bader, Jason Turner) –Personal Finance –Wildlife Damage Management

11 eXtension FAQs A resource for you! AND You can help!

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