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CPT: Radiology, Pathology and Laboratory, and Medicine Codes
PART THREE INTRODUCTION TO CPT Chapter 9 CPT: Radiology, Pathology and Laboratory, and Medicine Codes McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2009 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
9-2 LEARNING OUTCOMES After studying this chapter, you should be able to: Discuss the organization, key guidelines, and common modifiers for the Radiology section of CPT. Discuss the importance of the number of views taken in radiology coding. Explain the difference between the professional and technical components of a procedure. Describe the use of contrast material in assigning radiology codes. Distinguish between screening and diagnostic services. Describe the organization, key guidelines, and common modifiers for the Pathology and Laboratory section of CPT. Recognize common laboratory panels and their associated codes. Describe the organization, key guidelines, and common modifiers for the Medicine section of CPT. Describe the correct coding of immunizations. Assign CPT radiology, pathology and laboratory, and medicine codes with appropriate modifiers based on procedural statements.
KEY TERMS Administration Analyte Ancillary services Assay Automated
9-3 KEY TERMS Administration Analyte Ancillary services Assay Automated Biofeedback Cardiac catheterization Charge capture Charge description master (CDM) CLIA-waived test Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendment (CLIA) Complete blood count (CBC) Complete lab test Computerized axial tomography scan (CT or CAT scan) Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) Contrast material (media) Diagnostic procedure Echocardiography Electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG) Encounter form Fluoroscopy
KEY TERMS Hemodialysis Immunotherapy Magnetic resonance imaging (MIR)
9-4 KEY TERMS Hemodialysis Immunotherapy Magnetic resonance imaging (MIR) Mammography Manual Modality Nuclear medicine Panel Peritoneal dialysis Positron emission tomography (PET) Professional component (PC) Radiation oncology Radiologic examination Radiology Radiology report Red blood cell count (RBC) Screening procedure Single proton emission computerized tomography (SPECT) Spirometry Technical component (TC) Ultrasound White blood cell (WBC) count
9-5 ANCILLARY SERVICES Support the diagnosis and treatment of a disease or injury. Include work such as: laboratory tests, radiological studies, pathology studies, physical therapy and speech therapy. These services are provided to the patient at the request of a physician. Some are performed in the hospital and others are done in physician offices, clinics or another facility.
9-6 RADIOLOGY CPT codes in this section concentrate on medical imaging to prevent, diagnose, and treat diseases or injuries. Radiologists diagnose disease by obtaining and interpreting medical images. Radiologist also treat a number of diseases by radiation. Codes in this section can be used by any physician of any medical specialty to report radiological services performed by the physician or under the physician’s supervision.
RADIOLOGY SECTION Has 7 subsections
9-7 RADIOLOGY SECTION Has 7 subsections Diagnostic Radiology – 76499 Diagnostic Ultrasound – 76999 Radiologic Guidance – 77032 Breast, Mammography – 77059 Bone/Joint Studies – 77084 Radiation Oncology – 77999 Nuclear Medicine – 79999 Organized by the method or type of radiology and the purpose of the service Subdivided by anatomical site & type of service
9-8 RADIOLOGY GUIDELINES The physician ordering the radiology service needs to submit an order giving the reason for the examination. If contrast materials are used, be sure to check for a bundled code or need for two codes. A complete radiological service includes the use of equipment/supplies and the physician’s work. Modifiers are typically used to show which component was done, unless the physician did both. Technical component (TC) – the staff, technologists work, equipment, supplies or preinjection/postinjection services; typically the facility charge Professional component (PC) – reading and interpreting the radiological test and providing a written report with findings; typically reported by the physician
RADIOLOGY MODIFIERS -22 – unusual (increased) procedural service
9-9 RADIOLOGY MODIFIERS -22 – unusual (increased) procedural service -26 – professional component -32 – mandated services -51 – multiple procedures -52 – reduced services -58 – staged or related procedure or service by the same physician during the postop period -59 – distinct procedural service -62 – two surgeons-63 – procedure performed on infants less than 4 kg -66 – surgical team -76 – repeat procedure by same physician -77 – repeat procedure by another physician -78 – return to the operating room for a related procedure during the postoperative period -79 – unrelated procedure or service by the same physician during the postoperative period -80 – assistant surgeon -99 – multiple modifiers -LT, -RT, -TA to -T9, -FA to –F9, -LC, -LD, -RC – Anatomical modifiers
DIAGNOSTIC RADIOLOGY Arranged by anatomical site and then modality
9-10 DIAGNOSTIC RADIOLOGY Arranged by anatomical site and then modality Common procedures: Radiologic Examination Computerized Axial Tomography (CT or CAT scan) Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Fluoroscopy Diagnostic Ultrasound Radiologic Guidance Mammography Bone/Joint Studies Radiation Oncology Nuclear Medicine
9-11 STEPS IN ASSIGNING RADIOLOGY CODES Review the complete medical documentation and identify the type of service performed. Locate the body site being viewed. Locate the terms in the CPT index. Read the code descriptors to select codes based on radiology terminology. Consider assignment of modifiers.
9-12 PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORY Contains a broad range of codes from routine tests performed in a physician office to highly sophisticated labs Laboratory services are done to assess patient specimens Pathology services are done to identify diseases by studying cells and tissues under a microscope Most codes are for the technical component only
9-13 PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORY GUIDELINES Guidelines and notes are located before the codes. Assign as many codes as necessary to capture all services performed. Unlisted codes are available and should be assigned only after checking Category III or HCPCS level II codes. Every laboratory test must be ordered by a physician, physician’s assistant or registered nurse practitioner.
9-14 PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORY SUBSECTIONS Organ or disease panels Drug testing Therapeutic drug assays Evocative/suppression testing Consultations (clinical Pathology) Urinalysis Chemistry Hematology and coagulation Immunology Transfusion Medicine Microbiology Anatomic Pathology Cytopathology Cytogenetic Studies Surgical Pathology Transcutaneous Procedures Other Procedures Reproductive Medicine Procedures
9-15 COMPLETE LABORATORY CODES Includes ordering the procedure or test, obtaining the sample or specimen, handling the specimen, performing the actual procedure or test, and analyzing and interpreting the results Blood can be collected via a vein, capillary stick or other device. All lab work is regulated by Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) rules.
9-16 PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORY MODIFIERS -22 – unusual (increased) procedural services -26 – professional component -32 – mandated services -52 – reduced services -53 – discounted procedure -59 – distinct procedural service -90 – reference (outside) laboratory -91 – Repeat clinical diagnostic lab test
9-17 ORGAN AND DISEASE-ORIENTED PANELS A panel is a group of lab tests commonly performed together to diagnose organ dysfunction or to monitor a disease Common Panels: Basic metabolic General Health Electrolyte Comprehensive metabolic 80053 Obstetric Lipid Renal function Acute Hepatitis Hepatic function
LABORATORY CODES Common procedures: Drug testing
9-18 LABORATORY CODES Common procedures: Drug testing Therapeutic drug assays Evocative/suppression testing Urinalysis Chemistry Hematology and coagulation Immunology Transfusion medicine Microbiology Cytopathology Pathology consultations Surgical pathology
9-19 STEPS IN ASSIGNING LABORATORY CODES Based on the documentation locate the services in the CPT index. Read all code descriptions from the code ranges provided. Select code based on whether the procedure was quantitative or qualitative. Consider modifier assignment.
9-20 MEDICINE SECTION Includes codes for procedures that are primarily evaluative, diagnostic and/or therapeutic. Codes for non-invasive or minimally invasive procedures Most procedures are typically performed in the physician office. Many codes are driven by time, quantity, age and professional component service. Located directly before the Category II and Category III codes Subsections are arranged by specialty areas or type of service
9-21 MEDICINE GUIDELINES When coding multiple procedures, watch for unbundling, add-on codes, and separate procedures. Many times more than one code is required. E/M codes can only be assigned in addition if this was a significant, separate E/M service.
MEDICINE SUBSECTIONS Immune Globulins 90281-90399
9-22 MEDICINE SUBSECTIONS Immune Globulins Immunization Administration for Vaccines/ Toxoids Vaccines, Toxoids Hydration, Therapeutic, Prophylactic, & Diagnostic Injections & Infusions Psychiatry Biofeedback Dialysis Gastroenterology Ophthalmology Special Otorhinolarngologic services Cardiovascular Noninvasive Vascular Diagnostic Studies Pulmonary Allergy and Clinical Immunology Endocrinology Neurology and Neuromuscular Procedures
9-23 MEDICINE SUBSECTIONS Medical Genetics and Genetic Counseling Services 96040 Central Nervous System Tests Health and Behavior Assessment Chemotherapy Administration Photodynamic Therapy Special Dermatological Procedures Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Medical Nutrition Therapy Acupuncture Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment Chiropractic Manipulative Treatment Education and Training for Patient Self Management Special Services, Procedures and reports Qualifying Circumstances for Anesthesia Moderate (Conscious) Sedation Home Health Procedures/Services
MEDICINE MODIFIERS -22 – unusual (increased) procedural service
9-24 MEDICINE MODIFIERS -22 – unusual (increased) procedural service -26 – professional component -51 – multiple procedures -52 – reduced services -53 – discontinued procedure -55 – postoperative management -56 – preoperative management -57 – decision for surgery -58 – staged or related procedure or service by the same physician during the postop period -59 – distinct procedural service -76 – repeat procedure by same physician -77 – repeat procedure by another physician -78 – return to the operating room for a related procedure during the postoperative period -79 – unrelated procedure or service by the same physician during the postoperative period -LC, -LD, -RC – Coronary artery modifiers -LT, -RT, -TA to -T9, -FA to –F9, - Anatomical modifiers
9-25 ASSIGNING MEDICINE CODES Review the documentation and determine the type of service provided. Locate main terms in the CPT index. Determine if drugs were given. Check subterms and read descriptors thoroughly. Verify that the code description matches the services documented. Assign codes for all significant services and consider modifiers, if appropriate.
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