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2003 Roads Report Warm Springs Agency. Project Completion Model Graphic display to show the various phases of project development for the roads program.

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Presentation on theme: "2003 Roads Report Warm Springs Agency. Project Completion Model Graphic display to show the various phases of project development for the roads program."— Presentation transcript:

1 2003 Roads Report Warm Springs Agency

2 Project Completion Model Graphic display to show the various phases of project development for the roads program Data includes; –Project Name –Reservation and Route Number –PCAS Accounting Code

3 Contract Administration Final Close Out Construction Monitoring Contract Award

4 Road Construction Department Contract Administration Final Close Out many old contracts Completed Construction Monitoring Projects –WSIR 13(4) Wolfe Point (Webster Flat) Road (almost) –WSIR 75(4) Bear Drive –WSIR 803 Aggregate Replacement –BPIR 1(4) Pa’si’go Loop Completed Contract Award –WSIR 29(3) Upper Dry Creek Road –WSIR 943 Chip Seal Contract –WSIR 804 Aggregate Replacement –WSIR 4001(2) Administration to Health Center

5 Construction Monitored 2003

6 Wolfe Point Drive Webster Flat P09001 WSIR 13(4)

7 Wolfe Point Drive (Webster Flat) P09001 WSIR 13(4)

8 P09001 WSIR 13(4) Asphalt Paving


10 P09001 WSIR 13(4) Asphalt Pick-up Operation

11 Wolfe Point CMP Outlet P09001 WSIR 13(4)

12 P09001 WSIR 13(4) Culvert Bedding

13 P09001 WSIR 13(4) Compaction of Culvert Bedding

14 P09001 WSIR 13(4) Compaction Testing

15 P09001 WSIR 13(4) Hydroseed Operation

16 Wolfe Point P09001 WSIR 13(4) Broken Cattleguard Wings

17 Patching P09001 WSIR 13(4) Twin Pipes Fill Settling

18 Bear Drive Entrance P09352 WSIR 75(4)

19 Bear Drive (Driveways) P09352 WSIR 75(4)

20 P09107 WSIR 803

21 P09107 WSIR 803 Aggregate Spreading

22 P09010 BPIR 1(4) Parking Lot with Old Sidewalk

23 P09010 BPIR 1(4) Sidewalk Forms

24 P09010 BPIR 1(4) Paving Along Valley Gutter

25 P09010 BPIR 1(4) Pa’si’go Loop Parking and Flag Pole

26 P09010 BPIR 1(4) Pa’si’go Loop

27 Contracts Awarded 2003

28 Upper Dry Creek P09007 WSIR 29(3) 3-Layer BST Beginning of Project End of Project

29 P09301 WSIR 943 Chip Seal

30 P09203 WSIR 804 Aggregate Replacement

31 Administration to Health P09103 WSIR 4001(2) Proposed New Construction Beginning of Project Replace Fruit Tree Add Sidewalks End of Project Relocate Driveway

32 Administration to Health P09103 WSIR 4001(2) Tenino Road Tenino Road (South View) Existing Pedestrian Path Tenino Road (North View) Proposed Pedestrian Path

33 NEPA/Environmental Categorical Exclusion Environmental Assessments 404 Permits

34 Road Construction Department NEPA/Environmental Analysis Understanding the NEPA Process Finished NEPA using the BIA Categorical Exclusion –WSIR 804 Aggregate Replacement –WSIR 943 Chip Seal (Route 3) Wrote Draft Environmental Assessments –WSIR 3002(2) Fish Hatchery Junction –WSIR 33(1) County Line Road Bus Route –WSIR 4(8) East Tenino Drainage –WSIR 8(7) Kahneeta Junction –WSIR 49(1) Mill Access Road –WSIR 7B(5) Mill Creek Bank Protection –UIR 900 County Road –BPIR 5(1) Cemetery Road Applied for a 404 Permit with the US Army Corps of Engineers –WSIR 4001(2) Administration to Health Center



37 Engineering Design Update previous plans Complete New Plans –50% Review by NWRO –90% Review by NWRO –Print and stamp final plans

38 Road Construction Department Engineering Design Updated Previous Plans –Klamath plans (Phase 2) –WSIR 3002(1) Fish Hatchery Junction –WSIR 8(7) Kahneeta Junction –UIR 900 County Line Road –WSIR 804 Aggregate Replacement –WSIR 943 Chip Seal (Route 3) Completed New Plans –WSIR 33(1) County Line Road –WSIR 4(8) East Tenino Drainage –WSIR 7B(5) Mill Creek Bank Protection


40 Survey and Right-of-way Topo Survey Property Line Location Prepare Right-of-way plat

41 Road Construction Department Survey and Right-of-ways Accomplished control survey for Neah Bay Established Control Network for Warm Springs Surveyed 11 New Projects (Topo and Property Lines) –WSIR 33(1) County Line Road –WSIR 51(2) Simnasho Subdivision –WSIR 24(6) Seekseequa Subdivision –WSIR 13(5) Culpus Turn Lane –WSIR 15(1) Sidwalter Flat –WSIR 7B(5) Mill Creek Bank Protection –WSIR 4(6) East Tenino Drainage –Wolfe Point to Kahneeta –WSIR 241(2) Dry Creek Extension –WSIR 75(6) Greeley Heights Second Access –WSIR 53(8) Hollywood/Tenino Round-a-bout

42 Warm Springs Survey Network Current Status 48 Permanent Monuments (Three Mile Radius Approx) –23 Previous (USGS/FHWA/ODOT/BIA) –25 New (BIA GPS control points) –Yields 5 calibrated sites for RTK survey on reservation 46 Elevation Control Points (Historical data BAD!!!) 240 Section and Quarter Corners (PLSS) 814 Property Pins (Subdivision Lot Corners) Next year we will try to get historical data from old Unix based Mountain Top Software to TGO (Trimble Geometrics Office) and Autocad format for campus area of reservation.

43 Warm Springs RTK Base Network

44 Warm Springs Reservation Survey Base Stations

45 NGS Survey Monument COYOTE

46 Grouted in rock4 Inch Pipe in soil USGS Monument 50+ years old

47 BIA Permanent Monument Note fencepost to aid in finding station license number, and date stamp.

48 Used for GPS photo control by GIS department Poor GPS survey control Pipe wiggles when pushed by animals Unknown Origin (Not linked to original GLO notes) PLSS Brass Cap (Section Corner) (Public Land Survey System)

49 Position not stable over time. Too easy to move monument. Bad GPS Control Point Subdivision Lot Corner

50 Trimble RTK Base Station 4700 Base Receiver set up over monument with broadcast antenna and car battery power supply

51 Base Station with nearby tree Trees will interfere with GPS signal. Keep base monuments as far away as possible from sources of interference.

52 GPS Survey of Neah Bay Red Vectors possible errors (tree interference)

53 GPS Error Sources Electrical interference from transmission tower, Setting up on Reference Monument instead of benchmark (BIG error). Setting up near Chain Link Fences and FLAT water Surfaces….IE Puddles on calm days.

54 4800 Rover Trimble 4800 Rover with 1.8 meter pole gathering point data (fenceline, cmp, utility locations….)

55 4700 Rover with Pole 4700 Backpack with 2.0 meter pole gathering point data.

56 4700 Rover (Continuous Mode) 4700 rover mounted to backpack for topo shots. Points gathered in continuous mode (every 5? Seconds). Note height of antenna varies with operator.

57 Tahoe Mounted 4700 Rover GPS antenna is mounted to detachable rack on top of Chevy Tahoe to survey above passenger wheel. Height of antenna varies with vehicle. Data gathered every 1 second at 30 mph = 44 feet between points. Light area right of fog line is asphalt extruded curb.

58 Mounting Bracket for Tahoe Mounting bracket for 4700 receiver on Tahoe. Note : RTK receiving antenna out back window. Driver can control vehicle and start and stop data recording.

59 GPS Survey Project Examples East Tenino School Site P09405 Upper Dry Creek Extension P09606

60 Cross-Section Type Survey with Breaklines

61 Continuous Survey (Tahoe) with Breaklines

62 Total Topo Points Collected

63 Contour Map of Project Topo Survey Finished

64 Dry Creek Extension Subdivision

65 Transportation Planning Update Tip 638 Contracts to the tribe –Engineering Design –Right-of-way –NEPA/Environmental

66 Road Construction Department Tribal Engineering Various Water and Sewer Projects Contracts for Landfill and Transfer Sites Transportation Planner for Tribe Located many property corners and lots Administered Design Contract Culpus Bridge Modified old designs to correct deficiencies –P09007 WSIR 29(3) Upper Dry Creek Awarded $250,000 in new design and NEPA/Environmental contracts for various roads projects –P09801 WSIR 3003(6) Sunnyside –P09434 WSIR 24(5) Jackson Trail Road –P09401 WSIR 51(2) Simnasho Subdivision –P09501 WSIR 24(6) Seekseequa Subdivision

67 Seekseequa Fire Hall New Water System & Buildings

68 Dry Creek Solid Waste Transfer Site

69 Proposed Simnasho Solid Waste Transfer Site

70 Warm Springs Wastewater Treatment Plant

71 Road Construction Department Program Administration Trained two employees in Eagle Point 2002 Trained one employee in PMS –(Pavement Management System) Trained two employees in TGO –(Trimble Geometrics Office) Trained all employees in field survey for total station and Trimble GPS survey grade equipment Began process to install 4 permanent traffic counters on various routes



74 End of Presentation Thank You

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