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Minneapolis Office Developer Interest Group (MODIG) May 27, 2008 Web Part Development Neil Iversen Inetium

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Presentation on theme: "Minneapolis Office Developer Interest Group (MODIG) May 27, 2008 Web Part Development Neil Iversen Inetium"— Presentation transcript:

1 Minneapolis Office Developer Interest Group (MODIG) May 27, 2008 Web Part Development Neil Iversen Inetium

2 The Plan  Introduction  You are here  Feature Presentation  Web Part Development  Next Topic Selection  Random Stuff

3 User Group Goals  Provide a community for SharePoint Developers  Share development knowledge  Exchange tips/tricks/other/free pizza  Add 2,000 attachments to an SPListItem…just for fun

4 User Group Format  Presentations  1-2 per meeting (targeting 1.25 Hours)  Hopefully Demo Heavy (Slides are for MBAs)  Highlights of Nifty Things  See next slide  QA/Discussion/Random Things

5 Call for Cool Stuff  Created something cool?  Send Screenshots or Videos  We’ll try to feature some items here

6  Our current home  Meeting information  Usually has the right time  Previous presentations  Running on SharePoint  As required by SharePoint User Group Law

7 Upcoming  Next Meeting  June 24 (Tuesday 5:30pm)  Topic: TBD – Hopefully later today  Location: UNKNOWN!  MNSPUG  June 11(9:00am – Noon)  Topic : TBD (  Twin Cities SharePoint Camp  June 14 

8 Developing Web Parts  Web Part Intro  Our First Web Part  Deploying Web Parts  Slightly More Interesting Web Parts

9 Developing Web Parts  Used to be first exposure to SharePoint Development  Not as true in V3  Most visual component in SharePoint Development

10 Our First Decision  Derived From:  SharePoint WebPart v2  SharePoint WebPart v3  ASP.NET 2.0 WebPart

11 Our First Decision  SharePoint WebPart v2  Its Old, don’t use it  SharePoint WebPart v3  Use for:  Cross Page Connections  Web Part Caching  Client Side Part to Part Communication (  ASP.NET 2.0 WebPart  MS Recommended Approach  Even if they don’t follow their own recommendation  Some attributes are different between approaches  Personalization and ‘ToolParts/EditorParts’

12 Demo – Our First Web Part

13 The Lifecycle  OnInit  First thing to fire off  OnLoad  Runs after ViewState  CreateChildControls  Main control binding class  Events need to be defined here  PreRender  Last chance to modify before output happens

14 What about that Render(HtmlWriter) Nonsense?  IMO - Skip it  Begin Mini-Rant  Lots of examples use it, they rarely need it  It causes ‘sync’ issues if you use both CreateChildControls and a write  Check your reason for using it, you can probably restructure your code to eliminate it  End

15 Exception Management  try/catch in all code called by SharePoint  OnInit  CreateChildControls  PreRender  Any Events  button_Click  selectedIndexChanged

16 Demo – Wiring Up an Event

17 Making Things Personal  Tag your Public Property with:  WebBrowsable(true)  Does it show up in the ToolPane?  Personalizable(PersonalizationScope.User)  Saved with the User or Shared?  WebDisplayName("Favorite Widget")  The name in the ToolPane  WebDescription("Your Favorite Widget")  Tooltip in ToolPane  Category(“My Category")  Category Header in ToolPane  Ex  [Personalizable(PersonalizationScope.Shared)] public string MySavedProperty …

18 Demo – Saving my Favorites

19 Customizing the ToolPane  Why?  More Configuration Power  ToolParts and EditorParts  SharePoint vs  Derive from EditorPart  ApplyChanges  Pushes the Changes back to the Web Part  SyncChanges  Pulls changes that may have happened on the Web Part back to the EditorPart  Web Part  Creates EditorPartCollection in CreateEditorPart()

20 Demo – Custom EditorPart

21 Playing Well With Others  Part to Part Communication  Providers  Provide the Data  Consumers  Consume the Data

22 Implementing a Provider  Step 1:  //Step #1: Implement the Connection Interface (ICellProvider) public class CellProvider : WebPart, ICellProvider

23 Implementing a Provider  Step 2:  //Step #2: Declare Connection Events public event CellProviderInitEventHandler CellProviderInit; public event CellReadyEventHandler CellReady;

24 Implementing a Provider  Step 3:  //Step #3: EnsureInterfaces //Notification to the Web Part that is should ensure that all //its interfaces are registered using RegisterInterface. public override void EnsureInterfaces() { //Registers an interface for the Web Part RegisterInterface("MyCellProviderInterface_WPQ_", //InterfaceName InterfaceTypes.ICellProvider, //InterfaceType WebPart.UnlimitedConnections, //MaxConnections ConnectionRunAt.ServerAndClient, //RunAtOptions this, //InterfaceObject "CellProviderInterface_WPQ_", //InterfaceClientReference "Provide String from Textbox", //MenuLabel "Provides a Textbox string"); //Description }

25 Implementing a Provider  Step 4:  //Step #4: CanRunAt - called by framework to determine where a part can run. public override ConnectionRunAt CanRunAt() { //This Web Part can run on both the client and the server return ConnectionRunAt.ServerAndClient; }

26 Implementing a Provider  Step 5:  //Step #5: PartCommunicationConnect - Notification to the Web Part that it has been connected. public override void PartCommunicationConnect(string interfaceName, WebPart connectedPart, string connectedInterfaceName, ConnectionRunAt runAt) { //Check to see if this is a client-side part if (runAt == ConnectionRunAt.Client) { //This is a client-side part _runAtClient = true; return; } //Must be a server-side part so need to create the Web Part's controls EnsureChildControls(); //Check if this is my particular cell interface if (interfaceName == "MyCellProviderInterface_WPQ_") { //Keep a count of the connections _cellConnectedCount++; } }

27 Implementing a Provider  Step 6:  //Step #6: PartCommunicationInit - Notification to the Web Part that it has been connected. public override void PartCommunicationInit() { //If the connection wasn't actually formed then don't want to send Init event if(_cellConnectedCount > 0) { //If there is a listener, send Init event if (CellProviderInit != null) { //Need to create the args for the CellProviderInit event CellProviderInitEventArgs cellProviderInitArgs = new CellProviderInitEventArgs(); //Set the FieldName cellProviderInitArgs.FieldName = _cellName; cellProviderInitArgs.FieldDisplayName = _cellDisplayName; //Fire the CellProviderInit event. CellProviderInit(this, cellProviderInitArgs); } } }

28 Implementing a Provider  Step 7:  //Step #7: PartCommunicationMain - Called by the framework to allow part to fire any remaining events public override void PartCommunicationMain() { //If the connection wasn't actually formed then don't want to send Ready event if(_cellConnectedCount > 0) { //If there is a listener, send CellReady event if (CellReady != null) { //Need to create the args for the CellProviderInit event CellReadyEventArgs cellReadyArgs = new CellReadyEventArgs(); //If user clicked button then send the value if (_cellClicked) { //Set the Cell to the value of the TextBox text //This is the value that will be sent to the Consumer cellReadyArgs.Cell = _cellInput.Text; } else { //The user didn't actually click the button //so just send an empty string to the Consumer cellReadyArgs.Cell = ""; } //Fire the CellReady event. //The Consumer will then receive the Cell value CellReady(this, cellReadyArgs); } } }

29 Implementing a Provider  Step 8:  //Step #8: GetInitArgs is not needed in this case. GetInitEventArgs only needs to be //implemented for interfaces that can participate in a transformer which are //the following: ICellConsumer, IRowProvider, IFilterConsumer, IParametersOutProvider, //IParametersInConsumer

30 Implementing a Provider  Step 9:  //Step #9: Implement CellConsumerInit event handler. public void CellConsumerInit(object sender, CellConsumerInitEventArgs cellConsumerInitArgs) { //This is where the Provider part could see what type of "Cell" the Consumer //was expecting/requesting. //For this simple code example, this information is not used anywhere. }

31 Implementing a Provider  Step 10:  //Step #10: RenderWebPart - defines Web Part UI and behavior protected override void RenderWebPart(HtmlTextWriter output) { //Need to ensure that all of the Web Part's controls are created EnsureChildControls(); //Render client connection code if the connection is client-side if (_runAtClient) { //Connected client-side output.Write(ReplaceTokens(" Connected Client- Side \n" + " \n" + " Fire CellReady \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " ")); } else //Connected server-side { //If connected then display all cell child controls if (_cellConnectedCount > 0) { //Just render some informational text output.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.Br); output.RenderEndTag(); output.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.H5); output.Write("Connected Server-Side"); output.RenderEndTag(); output.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.Br); output.RenderEndTag(); //Render the TextBox control _cellInput.RenderControl(output); //Render the Button _cellButton.RenderControl(output); } else { //There wasn't a cell connection formed, //so just output a message output.Write("NO CELL INTERFACE CONNECTION"); } } }

32 Implementing a Provider  Step 11:  //Step #11.1 (Supporting Methods): CreateChildControls protected override void CreateChildControls() { //Create the Button _cellButton = new Button(); _cellButton.ID = "CellButton"; _cellButton.Text = "Fire CellReady"; Controls.Add(_cellButton); //Create the TextBox _cellInput = new TextBox(); _cellInput.ID = "CellInput"; Controls.Add(_cellInput); //Set the Cell information. //This information will be passed to the Consumer by //firing the CellProviderInit event. _cellName = "CellInput"; _cellDisplayName = "CellDisplayInput"; _cellClicked = false; // Initialize to false -- user hasn't clicked yet _cellButton.Click += new EventHandler(CellButtonClicked); // listen for Button's click event }

33 Implementing a Provider  Phew! That’s a lot of code!  Or  [ConnectionProvider(“MyConnectionName“)]  And on the Consumer Side  [ConnectionConsumer(“MyConsumerName“)]  Thanks ASP.NET Team!

34 Demo – Part to Part Communication

35 Silverlight Web Parts  Its Easy  Add the Silverlight Host Control to the Page  And make 500 web.config changes

36 Deployment  Deploy using Solutions  Assembly directive to deploy the DLL  Can add to SafeControls  DWP’s can be deployed as well

37 Summary  Choose who you Derive from  Page Lifecycle  Storing Personalization Settings  Part to Part is much easier  Deployment is nicer than previous CABs

38 Questions?

39 References  Enable Silverlight 2 Beta 1 with a SharePoint Solution  -silverlight-2-beta-1-with-a-sharepoint-solution.aspx

40 Next Meeting Planning  Possible Topics  More Web Part Development  Introduction to SharePoint Workflow  PowerShell and SharePoint for Developers  Using the MS AJAX Framework in SharePoint  Silverlight 2 and SharePoint  …

41 Random Stuff Neil Iversen Inetium Feedback Forms/Giveaway Mingle, Eat, Feedback See you next time!

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