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Plant parts. Plant cell increase (growth) happens by mitosis in a terminal or lateral meristem Mitosis: one cell splits into two cells With no change.

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Presentation on theme: "Plant parts. Plant cell increase (growth) happens by mitosis in a terminal or lateral meristem Mitosis: one cell splits into two cells With no change."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plant parts


3 Plant cell increase (growth) happens by mitosis in a terminal or lateral meristem Mitosis: one cell splits into two cells With no change in chromosome number

4 replication Meiosis forms the male and female gametes

5 Meristems/Meristematic zones

6 Lateral Meristems Young woody stem, between year one and two.

7 Cell Types/ Parenchyma

8 Cell Types/ Sclerenchyma Fibers Sclerids, stone cells

9 Simple tissue/epidermis

10 Complex tissue/ vascular Phloem

11 Vascular tissue/ Phloem H2O Carbs

12 Vascular bundles/ dicot

13 Vascular system in woody plants


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