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Fisheries Fish as Food Commercial Fisheries Trends in World Fisheries Solutions?

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Presentation on theme: "Fisheries Fish as Food Commercial Fisheries Trends in World Fisheries Solutions?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fisheries Fish as Food Commercial Fisheries Trends in World Fisheries Solutions?

2 Commercial Fisheries Traps Trawls Purse seines Gillnets Longlines etc…

3 Purse seining

4 Trawling

5 Fish size-selective grid Cod Fishery - Norway

6 Gillnetting

7 Longlining

8 Technological Improvement in Fisheries

9 Tuna catches under floating objects

10 0 1970 1990 1980 2000 10 20 30 40 Gross Registered Tonnage ( 10 6 tons ) 1960 Non corrected Corrected World Fishing Fleet Capacity

11 Production of Marine Fisheries

12 Production ( million tonnes) 50 100 180018401880192019602000 Year EEZs Claims Global Trend in Landings

13 Catches per 100 hooks (Japanese fleet) 1952 1964 1958 1980 Myers & Worm, 2003

14 Phase I - Undeveloped Phase II - Developing Phase III - Mature Phase IV - Senescent 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 1951195319551957195919611963196519671969197119731975197719791981198319851987198919911993 Percentage of resources Development Phases of World Fisheries

15 0%10%20%30%40%50% Fully exploited Moderately exploited Overexploited Depleted Recovering Undeveloped State of Fish Stocks 1999

16 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 19701975198019851990199520002005 Fully Fished Moderately fished: U+M Overfished: O+D+R Trends in States of Fish Stocks

17 1.00 0.94 0.92 0.87 0.86 0.83 0.81 0.73 0.71 0.44 0.43 0.39 0.14 IE PNW PSW PCW IW ANE AEC ASW PNE MBS PEC ACW ANW PSE ASE ANT 1.Antarctic 2.Atlantic, Southeast 3.Pacific, Southeast 4.Atlantic, Northwest 5.Atlantic, Western Central 6.Pacific, Eastern Central 7.Medit. & Black Sea 8.Pacific, Northeast 9.Atlantic Southwest 10.Atlantic Eastern Central 11.Atlantic Northeast 12.Indian Western 13.Pacific Central Western 14.Pacific Southwest 15.Pacific Northwest 16.Indian Eastern Ratio between Present & Historical Landings

18 Population Size (N) Time (t) = Maximum Sustainable Yield Maximum Sustainable Yield = Growth

19 Maximum Sustainable Yield Growth / Yield Fishing effort


21 Simple Abundance Model

22 Single Species Models Assessment models are biased because they do not incorporate the predation by other species. Assessment models are limited because of their emphasis on equilibrium solutions, such as MSY. Assessment models do not usually account for environmental changes, whether interannual or interdecadal. A correct assessment approach requires that a multi-species framework be used. Harvest recommendations from single-species assessment do not consider the needs of other species. Harvest recommendations from single-species assessment involve the deliberate fishing down of a population and therefore adversely change the ecosystem. The single-species approach is invalidated, because overfishing has occurred for at least a majority of the world’s fisheries. Single-species approaches do not account for the indirect effects of fishing (e.g. bottom fishing on habitat quality).


24 PSE AEC MBS ANT ANE ASW PNE PNW ACW PEC IE ANW PCW IW PSW 0%50%100 PEC PSW ANT PCW PNW IE ANW ASW MBS ANE ASE AEC PSE IW ACW 50%100 % “GOOD” “BAD” A: if fishing at MSY is “good” B: if fishing at MSY is “bad” Fishing at MSY level: is it good or bad?

25 Neoclassical Sustainability

26 Modern Sustainability

27 Fishery induced changes in world fish composition

28 Fishing Down the Food Web

29 Shark Populations NE Atlantic Baum et al. 2003

30 Fisheries have significantly contributed to human development and can still do so There are problem areas and avenues for positive change Change will never be at no cost; but….


32 Solutions?

33 Historical Succession of Coastal Ecosystems Jackson et al. 2001 1.Over-exploitation of large predators 2.Collapse “Ecosystem Engineering” species 3.Rise of Microbes

34 Historical fishing consequences Jackson et al. 2001

35 Historical fishing consequences Jackson et al. 2001

36 Historical fishing consequences Jackson et al. 2001


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