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Developing a Framework to Evaluate Ecotourism Megan Epler Wood EplerWood International Paper from Stanford University 2002 In Press.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing a Framework to Evaluate Ecotourism Megan Epler Wood EplerWood International Paper from Stanford University 2002 In Press."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing a Framework to Evaluate Ecotourism Megan Epler Wood EplerWood International Paper from Stanford University 2002 In Press

2 Process of Setting Standards Best practice study and literature review Multistakeholder involvement from regions most involved and affected International review and critique Publication of standards

3 Process Can Be Slowed for a Variety of Reasons Different cultural contexts Difficulty of reaching those who live in remote areas Inability to find agreement on what constitutes a participatory process Diverse concerns about the entire development process without consistent framework for consideration of facts

4 What Evaluation Frameworks are Needed? Standards for Certification of Products Standards for Evaluation of Development Projects

5 Evaluation framework: What is the bottom line? Conservation –Protection of biodiversity –Support of Protected Areas –Management of Impacts –Interpretation Social Sustainability –Poverty Alleviation –Empowerment –Employment Creation –Human rights Observance –Opportunity for Marginalized People

6 Can the global marketplace account for social sustainabilty? Economic efficiency towards social equity Individual rights to collective obligations Selfishness to community Separation to interdependence Exclusion to equality of opportunity Genuine human development that benefits the majority not the few SustainAbility 1998

7 Towards a Conservation & Social Sustainability Framework Ecotourism Donor and NGO Projects

8 Conservation Framework Visitor Fees to Parks –Total revenue provided to PA system –Percentage revenue provided to PA system –Percentage of revenue to parks –Percentage of revenue to conservation projects

9 Conservation Framework Visitor Impacts –Biophysical monitoring? Categories of Impact –Wildlife –Water quality –Air quality Direct Management Strategies Indirect Management Strategies

10 Conservation Framework Managing Tourism Growth –Zoning –Carrying Capacity –Tourism Plans –Design Plans –Regulations at Municipal Level

11 Conservation Framework Impacts on Biodiversity –Difficult to Obtain Baseline Data –No Current Measurement Procedures –Threat Reduction Assessment Approach an Option Community-based projects Private sector/NGO partnerships Private sector/NGO/community partnerships

12 Conservation Framework Government Policies –Legal frameworks –Institutionalized participatory planning –Ecotourism National Plan –Budgetary mechanisms to support plan –Training programs to support communities –Finance programs for small business

13 Conservation Framework Contribution to Understanding of Environmental & Social Setting –Balanced information –Cooperation between private sector and park interpretive program –Interpretative plan –Training for interpretative staff

14 Towards a Social Sustainability Framework Net benefits to poor is a goal in itself, not a subset of environmental conservation goals Goals for economic development –Validation of social capital –Contribution to preservation of cultural identity –Business and employment opportunity

15 Social Sustainability Framework Expansion of business opportunity –Credit for micro and small business –Training for business at community level –Contribution to total benefits and wages available in area –Comparison of ecotourism business with other forms of enterprise in terms of wage and benefits

16 Social Sustainability Framework Opportunity reaching new segments of society? –What are pre-existing opportunities? –What opportunities for marginalized people

17 Social Sustainability Framework Collective benefits enhancement –Skills, education, health –Roads, water, infrastructure –Collective income –Social capital, e.g. community organizational strength –Information on options for livelihood –Reduction of exposure to risk

18 Social Sustainability Framework Social and Cultural Impacts –Respect for values,cultural expressions –Preservation of language, customs, traditions –Representation at regional and national levels –Use of traditional skills –Interest in land stewardship –In-fighting, crime, illegal commerce

19 Social Sustainability Framework Access to information, technical knowledge –Number of strategic alliances –Communication mechanisms for technical information –Participation level in meetings

20 Importance of Creating a Framework Principles needed at outset of projects Donors need principles that include both conservation & social sustainability

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