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Wireless Communication Networks Tzu-Chieh Tsai Department of Computer Science National Cheng-Chi University.

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Presentation on theme: "Wireless Communication Networks Tzu-Chieh Tsai Department of Computer Science National Cheng-Chi University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wireless Communication Networks Tzu-Chieh Tsai Department of Computer Science National Cheng-Chi University

2 Outline Background Introduction Cellular IEEE 802.11 CDPD Recent work: Mobile Police Information System

3 Introduction Layers: –physical layer –data link layer –MAC(Medium Access Control sublayer) –Network layer: (Routing, etc) –Transport layer: (Flow control, etc) Packet switching(store and forward) vs. circuit switching: dynamic bandwidth

4 Introduction (Physical layer) Transmit power vs. connectivity –multihop vs. single hop –multiuser and near-far problem –spatial reuse vs. transmit power A B C increase power A B C

5 Introduction (Data link layer) Two types of control are generally considered: –acknowledgement mechanisms (ARQ) –forward error correction (FEC) coding Both ARQ and FEC are combined together to achieve an adequate level of link performance, usually.

6 Introduction(MAC layer) ALOHA –random access, simple CSMA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access) –CSMA/CD is not applicable TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access) CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access)

7 Introduction (Routing) A vast amount of literature: Bellman-Ford, Dijkstra, distributed mobile routing(Corson and Ephremides 1995), and bandwidth routing (Gerla, 1986) key issues: –how to choose an appropriate routing method, and how to spread minimum routing information to achieve efficient packet forwarding –how much mobility such a routing scheme can support

8 Introduction (Flow control) dynamics of packet radio and channel sharing provides challenges admission control for a circuit assures that network resources will not be overtaxed; and flow control when available resources are limited congestion control for connectionless traffic: detection of congestion by measuring delay considerable research is still needed in this area

9 Traffic(Application Requirement) Traffic Type: –datagram (eg. email, file transfer): packet switching 100% correctness can suffer longer delay bursty –time-bound traffic (eg. voice): circuit switching delay is very sensitive loss may be acceptance connection-oriented Different applications need different network protocol design

10 行動式警政資訊系統 -- 網路協定部分 Goal: Develop robust, but simple, implementable solutions Protocols include: –Location tracking and routing: used for multihop routing and location management –QoS routing and MAC: used for time-bound traffic –Mobile IP concept

11 Location Tracking and Routing 記錄 : (timestamp) A MG 送 hello: MGIP + Seq # + hop x, y, z number register 記錄 : C B A MGIP Seq # (timestamp) hop = 1 register node=MG 替誰轉送 = x, y, z (timestamp) a b x y z hop = 2 register node = A

12 QoS routing and MAC QoS (delay, bandwidth) information collection --> hard ! scheduling dynamics MAC options: –IEEE 802.11 PCF (polling) –TDMA QoS routing: spread traffic as far as possible (spatial reuse)

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