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Programming Languages: Design, Specification, and Implementation G22.2210-001 Rob Strom November 16, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Programming Languages: Design, Specification, and Implementation G22.2210-001 Rob Strom November 16, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Programming Languages: Design, Specification, and Implementation G22.2210-001 Rob Strom November 16, 2006

2 Readings (week 1) Theoretical and Historical Papers on Concurrency The “Readers/Writers” Problem Shared Registers (Part II) Wait-free synchronization Partially-ordered time. Concurrency models in object-oriented languages Ada Reference Manual Section 9 Java Reference Manual Chapter 17 Thinking in C++, chapter 11

3 Readings (week 2) Problems with the Memory Model Java Memory model is Broken Thread-Safe Programming Compiler-Enforced Thread-Safety (Guava): Safe Reader-Writer Parallelism (Optimistic Readers):

4 Programming Project on Concurrency – due Nov. 30 Extend the room world of the previous assignment so that multiple people can enter rooms and do things Each thing someone does is an atomic unit of work, e.g. Get things from factories and put them in the room Pick up a bunch of objects and put them in a container Pick up 2 containers and a funnel and transfer liquid from one container to the other Don’t deadlock Anticipate contention – e.g. you’ve picked up object A and try to pick up object B, but discover it’s gone because someone else picked up object B. You may need to give up your scripted action. The implementation should have the same realism properties as the non- concurrent implementation did: e.g. things shouldn’t spontaneously disappear or appear in multiple places. You may use any one of C++, Java, or Ada (probably the same language you used for previous assignment, but this is not required)

5 Programming Languages Core Exam  Syntactic issues: regular expressions, context-free grammars (CFG), BNF.  Imperative languages: program organization, control structures, exceptions  Types in imperative languages: strong typing, type equivalence, unions and discriminated types in C and Ada.  Block structure, visibility and scoping issues, parameter passing.  Systems programming and weak typing: exposing machine characteristics, type coercion, pointers & arrays in C.  Run-time organization of block-structured languages: static scoping, activation records, dynamic and static chains, displays.  Programming in the large: abstract data types, modules, packages and namespaces in Ada, Java, and C++.  Functional programming: list structures, higher order functions, lambda expressions, garbage collection, metainterpreters in Lisp and Scheme. Type inference and ML.  Object-Oriented programming: classes, inheritance, polymorphism, dynamic dispatching. Constructors, destructors and multiple inheritance in C++, interfaces in Java.  Generic programming: parametrized units and classes in C++, Ada and Java.  Concurrent programming: threads and tasks, communication, race conditions and deadlocks, protected methods and types in Ada and Java.

6 Why Concurrency Improving the performance of an algorithm that could have been written without concurrency The problem is intrinsically distributed, with actors initiating different things in different locations. It’s easier to decompose some problems into separate tasks even though they might be scheduled sequentially – e.g. a pipelined process.

7 What’s hard Interference between reads and writes Invariants break, e.g. program 1 y gets 2y - x + 1 x gets x + 1 program 2 x gets x + 1 y gets y + 1 If x=y=0, preserves invariant x=y if executed serially, but not when executed concurrently

8 Shared Variables Some shared registers, from weakest to strongest (assumes global time): Safe: reads overlapping writes may see any value; reads not overlapping writes must see the correct value. Regular: reads overlapping writes will see either an old value or a new value Atomic: reads and writes behave as if totally ordered

9 Traces Safe: could return (5, 99, 86) Regular: could return (5, 6, 5) Atomic: only (5, 5, 5), (5, 5, 6), or (5, 6, 6) It’s been proven that you can implement an n-bit atomic register out of safe registers. But you need LOTS more than n-bits, the algorithm is complicated and the proof is HARD 

10 Surprise: Multiple atomic registers don’t imply causal consistency!!!! Process 1 reads R2, then R1, and sees 6, 5 Process 2 reads R1, sees 6. Now it reads R2. Must it see 6? NO! R1 could see P1’s 2 nd read, then P2’s 1 st read. And R2 could see P2’s 2 nd read, then P1’s 1 st read. They only promised to put the reads in some total order, not necessarily a causally consistent one! R1R2

11 Lamport’s “happens before” Critical in discussing distributed and concurrent systems A partial order relation on events A memory system is causally consistent if there is a “happens before” relationship such that if a write happens before a read, the reader must see the new value, and if a read happens before a write, the reader must see the old value.

12 Critical Sections Lots of people are preparing and eating pancakes, but there’s only one bowl/pan: Think Pour milk into bowl Add eggs into bowl Add flour into bowl Pour mix from bowl to pan; cook; empty pan Eat pancakes Make it easy to do critical sections Critical section: Invariant: Bowl and pan free on entry and exit; may not be free in the middle

13 Locks, Semaphores, P/V The following won’t work: if (criticalSectionFree) { criticalSectionFree = false; /* do critical section */ criticalSectionFree = true; } The following might work (but not guaranteed fair): while (testAndSet(lockbit) == 1) {…} /* do critical section */ lockbit = 0; Herlihy proved that testAndSet cannot be implemented from atomic registers. The abstraction of the combination of locking and waiting is called a semaphore. The simplest was defined by Dijkstra. P: if semaphore > 0, decrement it, else wait until > 0 (P = proberen = test) V: increment semaphore (V = verhogen = increment) These are higher-level than assembler, but still dangerous. You need to guarantee that: You only access shared resources in a critical section between P and V If for any reason you leave the critical section abnormally (including a crash!) you must issue V. Brinch-Hansen ( suggested putting the safe capabilities into a programming language. Let’s look at two ways: Ada, Java. testAndSet(lock): Set the value of the lock bit to 1. Return the value the lock bit previously had. No other processor can change the lock bit between the test and the set.

14 Ada Tasks, Rendezvous task type Simple_Task is entry Start(Num : in Integer); entry Deposit(Amt : in Integer, Bal: out Integer); entry Withdraw(amt: in Integer, Bal: out Integer, R: out Integer); end Simple_Task; task body Simple_Task is Balance : Integer; -- current balance in account begin accept Start(Num : in Integer) do Balance := Num; end Start; loop select accept Deposit(Amt: in Integer, Bal: out Integer) do Balance := Balance + Amt; Bal := Balance; end Deposit; or accept Withdraw(Amt : in Integer, Bal: out Integer, R: out Integer) do if (Balance >= Amt) then Balance := Balance – Amt; R := Amt; else R :=0; end if; Bal := Balance; -- entries can’t raise exceptions  end Withdraw; end select; end loop; end Simple_Task; Foo: Simple_Task; -- instantiates Foo Foo.Start(300); Task type User; Task body User is begin Bal: Integer; -- Balance R: Integer; -- Received amount Foo.Withdraw(200, Bal, R); PUT(Bal); PUT(R); delay 1.0; Foo.Deposit(80, Bal); PUT(Bal); end User; -- instantiates two concurrent tasks a: User; b: User; …

15 Guards If a select statement is reached, the guards are evaluated once. If all alternative entries have guards of false, the else is executed. Otherwise, wait for a call on one of the entries with true guard.

16 Ada: Producer and Consumer

17 Protected Objects in Ada protected type Signal_Object is entry Wait; procedure Signal; function Is_Open return Boolean; private Open : Boolean := False; end Signal_Object; protected body Signal_Object is entry Wait when Open is begin Open := False; end Wait; procedure Signal is begin Open := True; end Signal; function Is_Open return Boolean is begin return Open; end Is_Open; end Signal_Object; Behaves like a task that repeatedly loops and accepts entries. But can be implemented without multiple threads. But multiple reads (functions) may execute concurrently Only one write (procedure or entry call) may be active at once. But entry calls may queue up if their guard is false Queued entry calls will run when their guard becomes true. They take priority over any calls that enter later.

18 Monitors – Synchronized Methods Threads are active Objects are always passive A synchronized method has these properties: Critical section: locked before, unlocked after Lock guaranteed to be released on termination Causality respected: every action in method follows the locking; every action after completion of method follows the unlocking.

19 Wait and Notify A caller invokes a synchronized method: but discovers some essential condition is false. It issues wait() on the object (You must hold the lock to do this) This releases the lock and lets other callers call other methods When the condition is made true, notifyAll() is called on the object (or notify() if you want Java to pick a waiter) That terminates the wait(), and lets all waiters (or the selected waiter) try to compete for the lock again. Other callers may have made the condition false again, so it is important to check the condition once again! Not guaranteed to be fair (same waiter can lose the battle to get the lock each time)

20 Producer/consumer in Java public class ProducerConsumer { int[] Q; // queue of integers int in = 0; // next free index in queue int out = 0; // first used index if count > 0 int count = 0; // number of items on queue. Invariant: in-out (mod Q.length) = count ProducerConsumer(int size) { Q = new int[size]; } synchronized public void enqueueElement (int qe) throws InterruptedException{ while (count >= Q.length) {wait();} Q[in] = qe; in = (in+1)%Q.length; if (count++ == 1) notifyAll(); } synchronized public int getNext() throws InterruptedException { while (count == 0) {wait();} int r = Q[out]; out = (out+1)%Q.length; if (count-- == Q.length-1) notifyAll(); return r; }

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