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CSCE 515: Computer Network Programming Chin-Tser Huang University of South Carolina.

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Presentation on theme: "CSCE 515: Computer Network Programming Chin-Tser Huang University of South Carolina."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSCE 515: Computer Network Programming Chin-Tser Huang University of South Carolina

2 2/5/20042 Internet Protocol (IP) Workhorse of TCP/IP protocol suite Upper layer data (TCP, UDP, ICMP, IGMP, etc.) are transmitted as IP datagrams Provide unreliable and connectionless datagram delivery service

3 2/5/20043 IP Header

4 2/5/20044 IP Demultiplexing IP ICMPIGMP UDPTCP

5 2/5/20045 IP Options A variable-length list of optional information for the datagram Options defined in IPv4 include Security and handling restrictions Record route Timestamp Loose source routing Strict source routing

6 2/5/20046 IP Routing Done on a hop-by-hop basis If destination is directly connected or on a shared network, send IP datagram directly to destination Otherwise send datagram to a default router

7 2/5/20047 Routing Table Each entry contains following information Destination IP address IP address of next-hop router Flags Specification of network interface

8 2/5/20048 Subnet Addressing To make better use of class A and class B addresses, divide host ID into subnet ID and host ID hostid10netid Class B 1416 10netid 148 subnetidhostid 8

9 2/5/20049 Subnet Mask 32-bit value containing “1” bits for network ID and subnet ID, and “0” bits for host ID 10netid 148 subnetidhostid 8 11111111111111111111111100000000 =0xffffff00 =

10 2/5/200410 ifconfig Command Configure or query a network interface used by TCP/IP Support address families other than IP address -a option to display report of all interfaces

11 2/5/200411 netstat Command Display network status -a option to display state of all sockets, all routing table entries, or all interfaces -i option to display interface information -n option to print IP addresses instead of host names -r option to display routing table -M option to display multicast routing table

12 2/5/200412 Problems with Current IP 32-bit IP addresses are inadequate for Internet growth Limited support for extensions and options Lack of security features

13 2/5/200413 Future of IP: IPv6 Designed to be successor of IPv4 Specified in RFC 1883 Five major changes from IPv4 Expanded Addressing Capabilities Header Format Simplification Improved Support for Extensions and Options Flow Labeling Capability Authentication and Privacy Capabilities

14 2/5/200414 IPv6 Header 031

15 2/5/200415 IPv6 Extension Headers

16 2/5/200416 Next Class ICMP Ping and traceroute Routing principles Read TI Ch. 6, 7, 8, 9

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