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Single-Phase Half-Wave Rectifier

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Presentation on theme: "Single-Phase Half-Wave Rectifier"— Presentation transcript:

1 Single-Phase Half-Wave Rectifier
ECE 442 Power Electronics

2 Waveforms ECE 442 Power Electronics

3 Single-Phase Half-Wave Rectifier
ECE 442 Power Electronics

4 Performance Parameters
Average value of the output voltage, Vdc Average value of the output current, Idc Output dc power, Pdc Pdc = VdcIdc rms value of the output voltage, Vrms Output ac power, Pac Pac = VrmsIrms ECE 442 Power Electronics

5 Performance Parameters (continued)
Efficiency, η η = Pdc/Pac Effective (rms) value of the ac component of the output voltage, Vac Vac = Vrms2 – Vdc2 Form factor, FF FF = Vrms/Vdc Ripple factor, RF RF = Vac/Vdc ECE 442 Power Electronics

6 Performance Parameters (continued)
Alternate form for ripple factor Transformer utilization factor, TUF TUF = Pdc/VsIs Vs, Is are rms voltage and current of the transformer secondary ECE 442 Power Electronics

7 Input Voltage and Current
ECE 442 Power Electronics

8 Performance Parameters (continued)
Displacement angle, Φ Displacement Factor, DF DF = cos(Φ) Harmonic Factor, HF ECE 442 Power Electronics

9 Performance Parameters (continued)
Power Factor, PF ECE 442 Power Electronics

10 Performance Parameters (continued)
Crest Factor, CF ECE 442 Power Electronics

11 Example 3.1 Determine η, FF, RF, TUF, PIV of the diode, CF of the input current, input PF. ECE 442 Power Electronics

12 Determine the Average Voltage, Vdc
ECE 442 Power Electronics

13 ECE 442 Power Electronics

14 Determine the rms Voltage, Vrms
ECE 442 Power Electronics

15 Determine Pdc, Pac, and η ECE 442 Power Electronics

16 Determine FF and RF ECE 442 Power Electronics

17 Determine the TUF ECE 442 Power Electronics

18 Determine the PIV PIV is the maximum (peak) voltage that appears across the diode when reverse biased. Here, PIV = Vm. - - PIV + + ECE 442 Power Electronics

19 Determine CF ECE 442 Power Electronics

20 Determine PF ECE 442 Power Electronics

21 Summary – Half-Wave Rectifier
RF=121% High Efficiency = 40.5 Low TUF = Low 1/TUF = 3.496 transformer must be times larger than when using a pure ac voltage source ECE 442 Power Electronics

22 Half-Wave Rectifier with R-L Load
ECE 442 Power Electronics

23 Waveforms of Current and Voltage
Conduction period of D1 extends beyond ωt = π ECE 442 Power Electronics

24 Average Output Voltage
Increase average voltage and current by making σ = 0 ECE 442 Power Electronics

25 Waveforms with Dm installed
ECE 442 Power Electronics

26 Application as a Battery Charger
Diode conducts for vs > E, starting when Vmsinα = E ECE 442 Power Electronics

27 Waveforms for the Battery Charger
Diode turns off when vs < E (at β = π – α) Charging current io = (vs – E)/R io = (Vmsinωt – E)/R for α < ωt < β ECE 442 Power Electronics

28 Single-Phase Full-Wave Rectifier
Center-Tapped Transformer ECE 442 Power Electronics

29 Waveforms for the Full-Wave Rectifier
ECE 442 Power Electronics

30 Single-Phase Full-Wave Rectifier
PIV = 2Vm ECE 442 Power Electronics

31 Full-Wave Bridge Rectifier
ECE 442 Power Electronics

32 Waveforms for the Full-Wave Bridge
ECE 442 Power Electronics

33 Full-Wave Bridge with Waveforms
Conduction pattern D1 – D D3 – D4 PIV = Vm ECE 442 Power Electronics

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