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An interactive environment for creating and validating syntactic rules Panagiotis Bouros*, Aggeliki Fotopoulou, Nicholas Glaros Institute for Language.

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Presentation on theme: "An interactive environment for creating and validating syntactic rules Panagiotis Bouros*, Aggeliki Fotopoulou, Nicholas Glaros Institute for Language."— Presentation transcript:

1 An interactive environment for creating and validating syntactic rules Panagiotis Bouros*, Aggeliki Fotopoulou, Nicholas Glaros Institute for Language and Speech Processing (ILSP) {pbour, afotop, nglaros} * Current affiliation is National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Department. of Informatics and Telecommunications

2 2 Outline Introduction Motivation Architecture Working Environment Functionality Real-World scenario Conclusion

3 3 Introduction (1) Checking human free text challenge  Word-by-word approach Efficient for automatic check of spelling errors Prominent in languages with poor morphology  Phrase-by-phrase approach No misspelled words but still incorrect syntax, e.g. “I listens to the music.” Rule based syntactic analysis Highly inflectional languages, e.g. Greek  Need for advanced spelling checkers

4 4 Introduction (2) Building advanced spelling checkers  Statistical approaches N-grams Smoothing techniques  Syntactic analysis framework Morphological lexicon Set of syntactic rules

5 5 Motivation Focus on syntactic analysis Support of ILSP’s advanced spelling checker (Symfonia) Interactive environment:  User-friendly for language specialists – no need for computer programming knowledge  Enables user to easily create, edit, view and test syntactic rules Graphical tree representation XML storing mechanism – targeted speller independent Ready-to-execute targeted speller code  Supports monitoring and validation of syntactic rules application and interaction Text corpora Check all or a subset of syntactic rules Identification and handling of possible conflicts Generation of detailed reports with rich monitoring information

6 6 Architecture (1) Graphical Rule Creator Rule Handler Rules Kernel Lexicon Rules Kernel Monitor

7 7 Architecture (2)

8 8 Working Environment Rules integrated into Rules Kernel Rule status Create rule Edit ruleRemove ruleDisable rule Enable ruleExport ruleExport Rules Kernel Monitor procedure

9 9 Create rule Focus on LexiX Specify properties Specify rule context using tree representation  LexiX valid grammatical characterizations Specify lexi i.e. grammatical characteristics of a word  Rule result  Restriction in specific words  Inheritance of grammatical characteristics from adjacent words  Alternative rule environments Set of lexis

10 10 Edit rule Similar to rule’s creation XML rule file parsing -> filled tree representation User modifications on:  Rule properties  Rule context

11 11 More functionalities Remove rule Disable/Enable rule Export rule  To high level programming language  E-mail to targeted syntactic speller programmers Export Rules Kernel

12 12 Monitor procedure (1) Generation and selection of rules  Optimized performance of spelling check engine  Consistent set of rules Need to check one or more rules against the others  Identify and minimize possible conflicts and insufficiencies

13 13 Monitor procedure (2) Two kinds of checking  Interactive when a spelling error occurs, the user picks one of the automatically generated spelling suggestions  Automatic the system picks the first in the list of spelling suggestions by default But first of all  Specify input text  Set of rules syntactic rules  Report  Document with erroneous sentences

14 14 Report structure

15 15 Real-World scenario Solve ambiguity “ πιο ” (more) – “ποιο” (which)  Same phonetic transcription /pjo/  Different grammatical category, adverb – pronoun Two syntactic rules need  Decision “πιο”  Decision “ποιο”

16 16 Real-World scenario Rule environment:  Lexi1 LexiX Lexi2  LexiX characterized by ambiguity “πιο” – “ποιο”  Lexi1 article  Lexi2 either an adjective or a noun or an adverb Then Lexi1 adverb – “πιο”

17 17 Real-World scenario Rule environment:  LexiX Lexi1 Lexi2 Lexi3 Lexi4 Lexi5 Some or all of Lexi1, Lexi2, Lexi3, Lexi4 maybe missing  LexiX characterized by ambiguity “πιο” – “ποιο”  Lexi1 article  Lexi2 adjective  Lexi3 noun  Lexi4 particle  Lexi5 verb Then LexiX pronoun – “ποιο”

18 18 Conclusion Focus on syntactic analysis Support of ILSP’s advanced spelling checker (Symfonia) Interactive user-friendly environment for  Fast generation of syntactic rules Create, edit, view  Real time monitoring and validation of their application in existing text corpora

19 19 Questions (?)

20 20 Backup slides

21 21 Specify rule properties

22 22 Rule Graphical Tree Representation

23 23 Specify lexi’s grammatical characteristics

24 24 Specify LexiX correspondence

25 25 Monitor settings

26 26 Interactive checking procedure

27 27 Rule Graphical Tree Representation (Real-World scenario)

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