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Systemic Analysis of Software Findings Scott Lucero Office of the Deputy Undersecretary of Defense (Acquisition and Technology) Software Engineering and.

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Presentation on theme: "Systemic Analysis of Software Findings Scott Lucero Office of the Deputy Undersecretary of Defense (Acquisition and Technology) Software Engineering and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Systemic Analysis of Software Findings Scott Lucero Office of the Deputy Undersecretary of Defense (Acquisition and Technology) Software Engineering and System Assurance

2 Approach Used keywords to pull findings from the systemic analysis database and binned against top issues –Questions about binning methodology Looked at totality of findings and allocated to new affinity groups, based on SWEBOK Conducted two one-day workshops with the authors of the findings to provide overall context –First-hand experience with over 90 percent of findings Developed summary statement of the issues associated with each affinity group –Started looking at associated affinity groups Question: Are the findings from Program Support Reviews consistent with the NDIA top software issues?

3 Top Software Issues* 1.The impact of requirements upon software is not consistently quantified and managed in development or sustainment. “Requirements” 2.Fundamental system engineering decisions are made without full participation of software engineering. “SE/SW Integration” 3.Software life-cycle planning and management by acquirers and suppliers is ineffective. “SW Sustainment” 4.The quantity and quality of software engineering expertise is insufficient to meet the demands of government and the defense industry. “Human Capital” 5.Traditional software verification techniques are costly and ineffective for dealing with the scale and complexity of modern systems. “SW Testing” 6.There is a failure to assure correct, predictable, safe, secure execution of complex software in distributed environments. “SW Assurance” 7.Inadequate attention is given to total lifecycle issues for COTS/NDI impacts on lifecycle cost and risk. “SW COTS/NDI/Reuse” *NDIA Top Software Issues Workshop - August 2006

4 Program Support Review (PSR) Repeatable, tailorable, exportable process Trained workforce with in-depth understanding of PMs’ program issues PSR Evaluation Areas 1. Mission Capabilities/ Requirements 2. Resources 3. Management 4. Technical Process 5. Technical Product 6. Environment SME Insight Program Support Review Methodology Pgm Reference Mat’l PSR Plan Q’s PSR Reference Matl’s Templates Sample Questions Documented Processes Training Materials Execution Guidance PMs Report Process is Insightful, Valuable, and Results Oriented; better than 95% acceptance of recommendations “…PSR team serves as ‘disinterested 3rd party’ that allows [the PM] to approach leadership armed with powerful program truths, reinforce issues.” (PM)

5 Page 5 Source of the Findings 68 reviews of 38 different acquisition programs –Conducted from early 2004 to present –Primarily ACAT 1D programs –Findings of these reviews placed into Systemic Analysis Database (SADB) – a formal repository for all review findings Data extracted from SADB using the following keywords: –Software –Systems-of-Systems (SoS) –Assurance –Architecture –Security 600+ findings resulted from the keyword search

6 Page 6 Data Validation Data validation conducted to: –Remove findings unrelated to software –Ensure that positive, neutral, and negative findings were identified properly Resulted in 284 findings directly related to software –Keyword search probably missed some software-related findings 164 47 73 We examined these software findings without a predefined taxonomy in order to allow issue areas and recurring trends to emerge

7 Page 7 Affinity Groups for Negative Findings Definitions of affinity groups use sources such as Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK) to bring consistency to the methodology

8 Page 8 Analysis of Findings Conducted workshops to provide context for findings: –Examined findings to identify related issues based on experience of the review participants –Characterized the strength of the relationship between the finding and the affinity group –Added issues beyond the originally identified affinity groups Results transferred to a graphing editor tool (yEd) for further analysis

9 Description of Issues Management Oversight Insufficient tracking of program against plans throughout lifecycle Underestimation of system complexity Failure to manage “the big picture” –e.g., focusing on short-term vs. long term goals, management of SoS and GFE Process Planning Lack of mature software processes impacting management oversight

10 Description of Issues (2) Human Capital Staff lacks software skills and experience, hindering delivery Insufficient availability of software leads and other key software personnel Knowledge Sharing Poor communication on software issues within program office and between organizations, resulting in poorly synchronized plans and oversight

11 Initial Analysis of Relationships between Affinity Groups Page 11 Knowledge Sharing Human Capital Management Oversight Process Planning

12 Path Forward Develop issue statements for remaining affinity groups Continue to examine findings for relationships between affinity groups Periodically query systemic database for software findings from additional reviews –Conduct analysis about once a year Systemic analysis of software findings is consistent with the NDIA top software issues and overall systemic analysis findings.

13 Page 13 Back-up Slides

14 Negative Software Trends [2] Page 14

15 Relationships between Issues Page 15

16 Common Threads Page 16 Managemen t Oversight Process Planning SW Architecture 1 st Thread 2 nd Thread Process Planning Managemen t Oversight SW Architecture Thread Definition: In arguments about specific events, a reason for seeing X as the cause of Y. X must be the only factor common to more than one example of Y; and the examples of Y should not be linked by chance.

17 Page 17 Affinity Group Definitions [1] Affinity GroupDefinition Software Engineering Management Application of management activities – planning, coordinating, measuring, monitoring, controlling, and reporting – to ensure that the development and maintenance of software is systematic, disciplined, and quantified Requirements A property which must be exhibited in order to solve some problem in the real world Data/Metrics Measure of some property for a piece of software or its specifications Software Assurance Relates to the level of confidence that software functions as intended and is free of vulnerabilities, either intentionally or unintentionally designed or inserted as part of the software *See SADB Affinity Group Definitions Word Document for complete set of definitions

18 Page 18 Affinity Group Definitions [2] Affinity GroupDefinition SW/SE Integration Bringing together of the component subsystems into one system and ensuring that the subsystems function together as a system. Process of linking together different computing systems and software applications physically or functionally Human Capital Stock of productive skills and technical knowledge embodied in the workforce Knowledge Sharing Ensuring Communication of information and sources both within and between programs and organizations Software Development Encompasses Software Engineering processes combined with research and goals to develop computer software products *See SADB Affinity Group Definitions Word Document for complete set of definitions

19 Page 19 Challenge Define a consistent and flexible SSA Software Systemic Analysis Process that will be used to Identify the top positive, neutral, and negative software recurring trends within Acquisition Category (ACAT) 1D programs

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