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A Plan to Construct a Rare Isotope Accelerator Facility KoRIA S. W. Hong Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) On behalf of Conceptual Design Project Team S. W. Hong Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) On behalf of Conceptual Design Project Team
Accelerators in Korea 1. Pohang Light Source 2.5 GeV electron LINAC: Material and bio sciences 2. KIRAMS (Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences) 18 Cyclotrons (50 MeV, 30 MeV 0.6mA, 13 MeV): RI production 3. KIGAM( Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources) 0.5 ~ 2 MeV Van de Graaf: Material sciences 4. Seoul National University 3MV Tandetron: AMS 5. PEFP KAERI (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) 100 MeV 20mA proton LINAC 6. National Cancer Center 235 MeV Proton Cyclotron: Proton therapy
Heavy Ion Accelerator KoRIA in the context of International Science & Business Belt (ISBB)
International Science & Business Belt (ISBB) International Science Business Belt Cutting Edge Science Globalization of Science Science to Business & Knowledge Industry Belt Formation & Synergy Basic Science Institute Heavy Ion Accelerator (for RIB) International Environment Science Business Network Center Creative City of Science & Culture Regional Science Belt - Science project of the present administration -
Ministry of Education, Science & Technology Ministry of Education, Science & Technology Basic Science Institute Recruitment of Human Resources & International Laboratories Science Business Impact on Local Economy Impact on Local Economy Heavy Ion Accelerator KISTEPKISTEPKIETKIETKRIHSKRIHSSKKUSKKUSTEPISTEPIKBSIKBSI Space Program Large Facilities Structure of Planning of ISBB KISTEPKISTEP Department of International Science & Business Belt Department of International Science & Business Belt
Status Feb. 2008: Int’l Science & Business Belt (ISBB) Team was formed in the Ministry of Education, Science & Technology Jan. 2009: ‘General plan’ for ISBB was announced by National Council of Science and Technology (Chair: President) with a total budget: ~ 3 B USD May 2010: ‘Basic plan’ is submitted to the Ministry. A special law for the project is submitted to the National Assembly.
Basic Science Institute International Advisory Committee Belt Network Promotion Center Intellectual Property Right Strategy Center Heavy Ion Accelerator Lab Basic Science Research Center Branches of Centers Science Business Center Budget : ~3 B$
A plan was … to put all these in SeJong City SeJong City KOREA CHINA JAPAN Seoul
High-tech & Green industry ZONE Heavy-Ion Accelerator Research & Venture ZONE Commercial & Culture ZONE University & Research ZONE Global ZONE Design of Sejong City
Disapproved! By National Assembly June 29, 2010
After the negative decision of the National Assembly… The MEST is planning to pursue the accelerator project separately as an independent science project.
KoRIA Name of the facility - In Korea we just call it "Heavy Ion Accelerator". - A tentative name that scientists use: "KoRIA“. (Korea Rare Isotope Accelerator). - The official name needs further discussions. Proposed Construction Budget : ~ 0.45 B USD Design and R&D: 2009 ~ 2012 Construction: 2012 ~ 2016 Conceptual design project started in April, 2010.
Some Ideas of KoRIA Multipurpose Two dirvers (Cyclotron & LINAC) Both ISOL & In Flight Fragmentation (In Flight Fragmentation after ISOL: more exotic beams) Start from scratch
Multipurpose Facility Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Astrophysics Material Science using stable HI & RIB Bio and Medical Sciences with HI & RIB Atomic Physics & Fundamental Symmetry Nuclear Data Production for Energy Nuclear Fusion (Plasma) Isotope production?
Loop 1 Driver: Cyclotron H: 70 MeV, ~1mA, D: 35 MeV, ~100μA ISOL (Isotope Separation On Line) to produce RIB Energy range of RIB: ~ 15 MeV/u Main application fields: Nuclear/Atomic/Materials/Bio/Medical Science
Material/Bio/Medical Science High Intensity H- or D- cyclotron K~100, ~1mA L2RFQ ~300 keV/u L1 Dual Beam CB-ECR ED ( Electric Dipole) ISOL/Target – Ion Source Post Accelerator for RIB (50 %) & Stable Heavy Ion Accelerator (50 %) + H, D, He irradiation - Maximum energy ~10MeV/n, Bio- 15MeV/n ~10 MeV/u ~15 MeV/u (1~3) MeV/n A B ⓑ Block 1 1 Nuclear astrophysics
Loop 2 Add an ECR Ion Source Acceleration of stable heavy ions up to energies of ~ 15 MeV/u Main application fields: Nuclear/Atomic/Materials/Bio/Medical Science Weighted time-sharing beam operation
Material/Bio/Medical Science High Intensity H- or D- cyclotron K~100, ~1mA L2RFQ ~300 keV/u L1 ECRIS (stable HI beam ) Dual Beam CB-ECR ED ( Electric Dipole) ISOL/Target – Ion Source Post Accelerator for RIB (50 %) & Stable Heavy Ion Accelerator (50 %) + H, D, He irradiation - Maximum energy ~10MeV/n, Bio- 15MeV/n ~10 MeV/u ~15 MeV/u (1~3) MeV/n A B ② ⓑ Block 1 2 Nuclear astrophysics
Loop 3 Add SC LINAC for accelerating heavy ions up to 200 MeV/u (U) and fragment separators on top of the previous configuration Driver: Cyclotron H: 70 MeV, ~1mA, D: 35 MeV, ~100μA ISOL (Isotope Separation On Line) Energy range of RIB: 0.0 ~ a couple of hundred MeV/u Main application fields: Nuclear asymmetry energy Possibility of producing very exotic nuclei?
3 Nuclear astrophysics
Loop 4 Using the same configuration, but by acceleration stable heavy ions from ECR ion source up to ~ 200 MeV/u (U) In-flight fragmentation method Main application fields: Nuclear Physics
4 Nuclear astrophysics
Loop 5 Add another ECR Ion Source and SC LINAC Acceleration of stable heavy ions up to energies of ~ 200 MeV/u (U) In-flight fragmentation method Main application fields: Nuclear Physics
5 Nuclear astrophysics
Loop 6 Simultaneous runs of “Block 1” and “Block 2 & 3” Simultaneous runs of ISOL and In-flight fragmentation Full run
6 Nuclear astrophysics
Loop 7 Another ISOL method to produce RIB by accelerating p or d through the SC LINAC Main application fields: Nuclear/Atomic/Materials/Bio/Medical Science
7 Nuclear astrophysics
Letters of Intent Call for letters of intent only within Korea in 2009. 83 LoI’s are received.
5% 12% 22% 5% 15% 15% 8% 6% 8% 4% Nuclear Fusion/Plasma Nuclear Energy/Nuclear Data Nuclear Physics Nuclear-Astrophysics Material Science Bio Science Medical Science Technoloby Development (Laser/Detector) Atomic Physics Safety Areas of interests
59% National labs 35% 6% Universities Overseas Who submitted LoI?
Conceptual Design Project 116 Ph.D. 36 MS/BS 8 Industry 65 Labs 79 Universities 1.Budget : ~ 1.5M $ 2.Period : April ~ November, 2010 3.Manpower : ~ 150 persons
International Advisory Committee Technical Review Committee KoRIA CD Project (SKKU)KoRIA (SKKU) Accelerator System (~ 40) Accelerator System (~ 40) Instrumentation and users group (~70) Instrumentation and users group (~70) Project Management (~ 30) Project Management (~ 30) Administration International Cooperation Beam Physics Cyclotron Beam Diagnostics SC Linac RFQ Ion Source Cryogenics Radiation Safety Beamlines : ISOL/ IFF Precision mass measurement Nuclear data measurement Multipurpose spectrometer Public Relations Bio/Medical Sciences Fundamental symmetries (Trap) …. Materials sciences RF system Global control Conventional system Industry Safety issues Domestic Advisory Committee National Research Foundation
Preliminary Layout Block I [Unstable RI beam] Block II Block III [Stable heavy ion beam] ISOL Fragment Separator ~15 MeV/u 200 MeV/u, 2pμA Cyclotron + ISOL + RFQ + SCL SCL + Fragmentation SC ECR IS + RFQ + SCL Stripper Cyclotron
Ion Source 28GHz SC ECR IS ECR IS Charge Breeder Ion Source ISOL RFQ SCL RFQ Cyclotron 14 GHz ECR Ion Source Beam Extraction System Microwave/ Gas Injection Port Magnet / Plasma Chamber
Cyclotron 8 MeV Injector Cyclotron K100 SSC Booster RFQECR IS ISOL Target Cyclotron Charge Breeder 4 Sector Magnet Deep Valley 4 th Harmonics Expected Beam Intensity 1 mA Injection Energy8 MeV Extraction Energy70-100 MeV Beam intensity1 mA RF- Frequency60 MHz External diameter6 m
RFQ Linac Frequency70 MHz Particle 238 U 33+ Current 2 p A (Target) Input energy10 keV/u Output energy300 keV/u Duty100 % TypeFour vane with window Vane voltage70 kV RF power (Cu)70.5 kW Length4.41 m 3-D Modeling cavity RF Power Amplifier RFQ ECR IS Cyclotron ISOL
SC Linac 15 MeV/u SC LINAC 70 MHz QWR 15 MeV/u SC LINAC 70 MHz QWR 200 MeV/u SC LINAC 280 MHz HWR
SC Linac β G = 0.041, f res = 70 MHz β G = 0.085, f res = 70 MHz β G = 0.285, f res = 280 MHz β G = 0.53, f res = 280 MHz QWR for low-energy linac HWR for high-energy linac Beam axis 1 m ParametersLow-energy LinacMedium-energy Linac Cavity typeQWR HWR βGβG 0.0410.0850.2850.53 Frequency (MHz)70 280 Numbers2411290176 Va (MV)0.61.5 3.2 Epk (MV/m)*31.725.927.632.7 Bpk (mT)35.457.352.482.1
What we need Technology Human resources To make this facility unique and complementary to other facilities existing or under construction - Welcome your suggestion Synergies through international collaboration - MoU: CERN, ISOLDE Collaboration, HIE-ISOLDE, PSI, - Individual: ANL, ORNL, MSU, FNAL, TRIUMF, RIKEN, GANIL, and others - KoRIA was an agenda for Korea-US Joint Committee Meeting on Science and Technology Cooperation (June 14~15) Budget International support
Summary We want this facility to be designed as an international users’ facility from the initial stage. International collaboration is essential. We are open for international collaboration and discussions to improve the very preliminary conceptual schematic diagram. R&D studies on the “instrumentation” is part of the conceptual design project. A Workshop will be held in Korea in Oct 1~2, 2010 as the 2 nd ANPhA (Asian Nuclear Physics Association) Symposium.
Things may look cloudy and uncertain now….
Thank you
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