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Integrating XIP into a FOSS clinical workstation Final Presentation Max Meltser Advisors: David Channin, Pat Mongkolwatt With much help from Vlad Kleper.

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Presentation on theme: "Integrating XIP into a FOSS clinical workstation Final Presentation Max Meltser Advisors: David Channin, Pat Mongkolwatt With much help from Vlad Kleper."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrating XIP into a FOSS clinical workstation Final Presentation Max Meltser Advisors: David Channin, Pat Mongkolwatt With much help from Vlad Kleper

2 The Project Take two freely available, useful tools, and combine them – XIP – ClearCanvas Workstation Improve the ease of creating new filters, views, etc. and implementing them within a usable workstation Give radiologists more control over how images are viewed

3 Review of XIP Currently being worked on in the Electronic Radiology Lab at Washington University in St. Louis Funded by the NCI’s CaBIG TM program Based upon Siemen’s ivRad and RadBuilder Incorporates both ITK and VTK


5 Advantages of XIP Easily modifiable “Scene Graphs” – Simple, visual, flowchart design – no coding necessary Scene graphs can be saved as a modifiable file that XIPBuilder will be able to read Scene graphs can also be compiled into a file that can be only be viewed Freely available

6 Review of ClearCanvas Workstation Free, open source PACS workstation developed by ClearCanvas Developed for radiologists, clinicians, and also for researchers Easily Extensible through the creation of ClearCanvas specific plug-ins Written in C#


8 What are the goals? Integrate XIP into ClearCanvas Workstation Load dicom files in an XIP viewer within ClearCanvas Allow users to dynamically modify the scene graph within XIPBuilder and to see the changes within ClearCanvas

9 The Goal: ClearCanvas Workstation XIP Viewer

10 So, How do we do this? Initially attempted using a Java DLL – Didn’t work Pat stayed in contact with Lawrence Tarbox of the XIP project Sent us a.Net sample XIP viewer – Initially only showed a cone

11 The Various Approaches XIP C++ DLL (for Java calls) Java Application C# Application C++ DLL (for C# calls) Old XIP Libraries New XIP Libraries

12 What Next?

13 Putting Working XIP into ClearCanvas Created a new Desktop Workspace environment from ClearCanvas “Gutted” the XIP example Transplanted the guts into ClearCanvas Added controls…

14 Controlling XIP Limited API – create(…) – destroy() – loadLibraries(…) – loadGraph(…) – set(String nodeProperty, String value) – get(String nodeProperty)

15 Controlling XIP

16 Parsing – Fields are not uniform – All options are not shown – Input types are not shown Hardcoding – Scene graphs must be created with proper labels


18 Continued Adding Functionality 3D view would work sporadically Button on the toolbar Option in the context menu Automatically load data set from ImageViewer… – 3D panel worked consistently Hardcoding image files into the scene graph was at fault.

19 Review of what works

20 What Still Needs Doing BUGS – XIP Fails to initialize – Oblique causes an AccessExceptionViolation – Cannot load a new scene graph – Dataset loading limitations Things to do – Better integrate controls into ClearCanvas – Add XIP as a tile in the ImageViewer, not a tab – Parser for.iv files?

21 Any Questions?

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