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“Alberta - A Province Prepared” Alberta Emergency Management Agency The “Agency”

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Presentation on theme: "“Alberta - A Province Prepared” Alberta Emergency Management Agency The “Agency”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Alberta - A Province Prepared” Alberta Emergency Management Agency The “Agency”

2 “Alberta - A Province Prepared” “Public Safety is a Government of Alberta Priority”

3 “Alberta - A Province Prepared” “Accelerate the implementation of the Emergency Preparedness Initiative.” Minister’s Mandate Ministry Priority

4 “Alberta - A Province Prepared” Life Safety

5 “Alberta - A Province Prepared” The Agency’s Mandate We are accountable and responsible to our government and to Albertans for effectively ensuring the protection of people, their property, their communities, their industry, and their environment from the effects of emergency events.

6 “Alberta - A Province Prepared” Our Mandate Means We will build partnerships We will build capacity We will involve everyone “Joined Up System”

7 “Alberta - A Province Prepared” The Agency Combining the Fire Commissioner’s Office and Emergency Management Alberta is a good start

8 “Alberta - A Province Prepared” Reality Alberta has a strong framework Based largely on the 3 “Cs”….. Communicate, Coordinate and Collaborate

9 “Alberta - A Province Prepared” Whatever it takes!

10 “Alberta - A Province Prepared” 100 Day Plan Mandate Priorities Strategies

11 “Alberta - A Province Prepared” Preparedness

12 “Alberta - A Province Prepared” Priority Initiative Modernize the Emergency Public Warning System

13 “Alberta - A Province Prepared” Expectations

14 “Alberta - A Province Prepared” Challenges Agency will be more “involved” while enhancing the system for EM Starting within government Involving community and industry

15 “Alberta - A Province Prepared” Weather

16 “Alberta - A Province Prepared” Reaction

17 “Alberta - A Province Prepared” Response

18 “Alberta - A Province Prepared” Recovery

19 “Alberta - A Province Prepared” “THE SOUND OF A SIREN IS THE SOUND OF A SYSTEM FAILURE” E. David Hodgins

20 “Alberta - A Province Prepared” QUESTIONS

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