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Ch 6: Work-related Attitudes Part 2: Feb. 26, 2008.

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1 Ch 6: Work-related Attitudes Part 2: Feb. 26, 2008

2 Job Dissat & Turnover (cont.) Unfolding Model of Turnover – –Role of ‘shocks to the system’ –Negative, positive? –Follow 1 of several ‘decision paths’ based on alternatives  decide to quit/stay functional & dysfunctional turnover

3 Job Sat & Performance Mean correlation =.17 (weak, but pos) Why such a weak relationship? 2 main explanations: –1) –2)

4 Org Commitment Attitudes toward an organization (involvement and willingness to stay) –Continuance – –Affective – –Normative – Link to turnover and org citizenship behaviors (prosocial)

5 Prejudice & Discrimination Prejudice – negative attitude about someone based on their group membership Discrimination – how is it distinguished from prejudice? –Group conflict results from prejudice –Adverse effects on career progress & psych well-being

6 Types of Discrimination Ageism – Physical condition – Race/National Origin – All of these categories are ‘protected classes’ –Along with sex, ethnicity, and religion

7 Discrimination (cont..) Sexual Orientation – not protected; concealing this leads to stress. Women & the Glass Ceiling – 3% CEOs women –Influence of sex-role stereotypes? –Eagley’s research – links betw gender roles and stereotypes

8 Ragins et al (1993) study Study of female execs and CEOs at Fortune 1000 orgs. –Women’s career advancement strategies –CEOs perceptions of women’s barriers Women’s strategies: –1) –2) –3) –4)

9 Ragins et al (cont.) CEO’s views: –1) –2) –3) Influence of FAE? Suggested Interventions?

10 Tokenism research Kanter’s (1977) study of ‘tokens’ in large companies 3 perceptual tendencies when small number of minorities: –Tokens receive more attention –Contrast betw token & majority – what is result? –Assimilation of tokens – when?

11 Relational Demography Relationship between individual’s demographics & group’s demographics –Tsui’s research – perceived similarity may affect individual’s work attitudes & behaviors –What did she find regarding increasing diversity in work groups?

12 Diversity Training Awareness-based programs – recognize our underlying assumptions about culture. –Triandis’ cultural assimilator: provide info about values, history, assumptions of cultures to U.S. managers –How effective is this? Skill-based programs – focus on cross- cultural communication, flexibility, conflict resolution (combine w/awareness trng).

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